Your Vote is Needed to Update

XACC's Code of Regulations

Good Morning Chamber Members!

We need your vote..... The Xenia Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors have been reviewing and updating our Code of Regulations (COR). Many of the changes have already been approved but there is a complete section of the COR that can only be approved by a majority vote of the general membership of the chamber.

In the attached file you will find the complete COR for your review but your vote is needed on Article III (Sections 1 - 9) regarding the Board of Directors.

Most of the proposed changes provide a streamlining and updating of the selection of new board members, making it more inline with current practices.

The proposed changes are highlighted with things to be removed marked by strikethrough and additions are indicated by (text in parenthesis)

We thank you for your continued support and partnership - Donna

View Code of Regulations Here
Please complete your response to the proposed changes below.
Yes to approve proposed changes
No to decline proposed changes

Thank You Chamber Sponsors!