Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
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Prayer for Ordinary Time
Attend to the pleas of your people with heavenly care,
O Lord, we pray,
that they may see what must be done
and gain strength to do what they have seen.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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Casual Day For A Cause - Thursday, 1/12
We will be having a paid casual day tomorrow, January 12th. If you would like to dress in casual clothes, please bring in $1.00 or more to support our KIDS to KIDS campaign. Check the XMS Dress Code for acceptable wear. There is an exception and pajama pants are allowed for this day!
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KIDS to KIDS Collection- extended!
We are accepting waterproof gloves in all sizes - kids and adults, as well as gently used outdoor winter gear and boots until January 19th. In addition, please take a look at our list to see what needs could still be met. Thanks to those who already signed up and returned the items. Donations can be dropped off in the XMS office. Thank you!
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Lost and Found
Please click here to take a look at the Lost and Found items we have collected to see if any belong to your family. Your child can pick their things up from the office lobby. All lost and found items will be donated after January 27th!
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XMS Winter Variety & Talent Show - Thursday, February 2nd
Be creative! Sing, dance, play an instrument, read a poem, act out a skit, create a slideshow, make a movie, tell some jokes, and show off some athletic moves, feel free to think “outside the box” with your participation. Kids may participate as a solo or within a group.
XMS will showcase the many talents of our student body during Catholic Schools Week Thursday, February 2nd at 9:30 am. The information flyer is linked here.
Students and groups who wish to participate must sign up for an audition time. The 10 minute audition appointments will take place after school in the choir room on January 17th, January 18th, and January 19th. Please only sign up for one audition appointment. Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.
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Spelling Club
Did you win your classroom bee? Would you like to practice and get tips for competition in the school bee? Spelling Club will happen during the month of January on Mondays after school until 4pm! Meet this coming Monday after school in Ms. Bouchard's room.
Inside Out Cafe
Inside Out Cafe will meet next week Thursday, January 19th after school in Ms. Bouchard's room until 4:15.
After Words Writing Group
After Words Writing Group would like to remind you of the upcoming deadlines: The Catholic Daughters Education Contest entries are due by Friday, January 27th and the Literary and Illustrator Contest is due Friday, February 17th.
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Scholarships for the Arts
Parents, would your student like to win a scholarship to participate in classes for dance, music, drama and visual arts? The Les and Dar Stumpf Youth Arts Scholarships are now available for the 2023 year. Click here for more information. Contact Jackie Bouchard if you have any questions, jbouchard@xaviercatholicschools.org.
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Saints Wrestling Youth Night
Please join us for Saints Wrestling Youth Night at 7:30 on Thursday, January 12th at Xavier High School. We will be showcasing the newest Fox Valley Saints K-8th grade wrestlers under the spotlight in Torchy Auditorium as the JV and varsity teams face off in the first annual Xavier vs FVL dual meet!
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Celebrate is Less than One Month Away! Raffle Tickets are Coming Your Way!
The Early Bird reservation deadline is this Thursday, January 12, 2023! After the 12th, admission prices increase, so get your reservations in now! Click here to register online or send in/drop off your admission card to any campus.
Raffle information – PLEASE READ! -- Tickets on sale NOW! —anyone can purchase raffle tickets—you don’t need to attend Celebrate to buy chances to win great raffle prizes!
- Raffle tickets are being sent home with all students this week—please retrieve the bright raffle envelope from your student’s backpack if they didn’t give it to you.
- When purchasing STUDENT raffle tickets, please make sure to put only one student’s name (not the adult’s name so as to avoid confusion) on the ticket.
- Additional raffle tickets are also available for purchase at the Xavier Scrip Office.
Adult Event Volunteers Needed! The Celebrate SignUpGenius is now available on the Celebrate event website. We need almost 100 event volunteers to make Celebrate a success. Please consider volunteering before, during, or after Celebrate. We receive a wonderful response from high school students, but also need adult volunteers. Note: XHS students have their own SignUpGenius emailed to them; the above link is only for adult volunteers.
If you have any questions about Celebrate, call Lisa, Stephanie, or Bob at 735-9380 or email Lisa at lpfaff@xaviercatholicschools.org or Stephanie at szinser@xaviercatholicschools.org
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Auditions for ALL RISE! The Northeast Wisconsin Passion Play, an original, musical drama based on the life of Christ, will be held by appointment on Saturday morning, January 21 st, at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre.
Adults of all ages and students, grades three through twelve, are invited to audition. Applicants will be asked to do a vocal audition and a simple movement/ dance assessment.
Fill out a cast application and schedule an audition time at www.newpassionplay.org. Click on the “Join Our Cast” button near the top of the home page.
Performances for the 2023 season are March 30-April 2.
Ticket sales open on January 16th.
Auditions, rehearsals and performances are at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre.
A program of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System.
2023 Baseball Registration is now open!
Grand Chute Baseball provides a competitive level of baseball while maintaining our commitment to teach baseball fundamentals, sportsmanship and teamwork in a friendly environment.
When: January 1 – March 31
Who: Co-ed; ages 5-12yrs old
What: T-Ball (ages 5-6), Rookie-Machine Pitch (ages 7-8), Kid-pitch-Minors 46/60 (ages 9-10), and Majors 50/65 (ages 11-12)
Where: Online registration at www.grandchutebaseball.com Click the register tab and follow the directions. NO RESIDENCY RESTRICTIONS
Season dates: May 31st – July 27th @ Plamann Park and Patriot Park
Weekend Tournament Teams: 7U through 12U players have the opportunity to try out for GC weekend tournament / travel teams. If you have questions, please email: admin@grandchutebaseball.com
We look forward to seeing you this summer!
From the Scrip Office
Upcoming Kwik Trip Local Promotions
Fast Fund February - 2/1/23 - 2/28/23
- 10% discounted rate on Gift Cards and Fuel Only Gift Cards (Reg. 5%)
- 20% discounted rate on Grocery Card (Reg. 15%)
When ordering on RaiseRight, make sure to click on “Kwik Trip Local” to get this discount.
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Reserve a spot for you and your child HERE | |
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Upcoming Events
Wednesday, January 11
- 3:35 - 4:30 - Cheer Practice (Auditorium)
Thursday, January 12
- $1.00 Casual Day
- 3:35 - 4:30 - Cheer Practice (Auditorium)
Friday, January 13
- No School - End of 2nd Quarter
Monday, January 16
- 8th Grade Pilgrimage
- 3:30 - 4:00 - Newspaper Club (Room 1121)
- 3:30 - 4:00 - Spelling Club (Room 1411)
Tuesday, January 17
Wednesday, January 18
- 3:35 - 4:30 - Cheer Practice (Auditorium)
Thursday, January 19
- 3:30 - 4:15 - Gamers Club (Cafeteria)
- 3:30 - 4:15 - Inside Out Cafe (Room 1411)
- 3:35 - 4:30 - Cheer Practice (Auditorium)
Friday, January 20
- 3:30 - 4:15 - Math Club (Room 1301)
Monday, January 23
- 3:30 - 4:00 - Newspaper Club (Room 1121)
- 3:30 - 4:00 - Spelling Club (Room 1411)
Tuesday, January 24
Wednesday, January 25
- 3:30 - 4:00 - Student Council Meeting
- 3:35 - 4:30 - Cheer Practice (Auditorium)
- 6:30 - 8:00 - XMS Preview Night
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