Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
O most Holy Virgin, immaculate in body
and spirit, look kindly on me as I implore
your powerful intercession.
O most Holy Mother, receive my prayers
as I present them to God.
(state your intentions here)
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother,
you intercede for us with your Son.
O Mary conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen
Weekly Mass
Friday, December 14th at 9:30am.
Join us via livestream here Campus Ministry - XMS
Advent Collection - KIDS to KIDS 2021
We are collecting cold weather gear for local kids. Please bring in new and gently used hats and mittens/gloves of all sizes. Collection bins will be located in the front office and the chapel. Additionally, consider signing up to provide for a specific new item KIDS to KIDS 2021. Donations will be collected through December 20th. Thank you for your generosity.
Outside FLEX Time
As long as it's not raining, students will continue to have FLEX time outside. Please be sure your student wears appropriate outdoor clothing to stay warm during their outside flex time. It is recommended that an extra hat and/or gloves be kept in your child(ren)’s locker. This will help make it easier for students to have warm gear when going outside for flex.
XMS School Day Start Time
Please remember that the Xavier Middle School school day begins at 8:00 am. This means that all students should be in their homerooms and seated at 8:00, not being dropped off at that time. It allows all students to start the day together with prayer, pledge, and announcements. Thank you!
Lost and Found
Please click here to take a look at the Lost and Found items we have collected to see if any belong to your family. Your child can pick their things up from the office lobby.
Campus Ministry Volunteering Opportunity - all are welcome!
Please email Mrs Benthein, mbenthein@xaviercatholicschools.org to sign up. You will need a ride to and from bell ringing.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Have you been hearing and seeing things about Celebrate, but are not exactly sure what it is? Click here for a quick read explaining the basics of the System’s largest, single event fundraiser in February. Speaking of February, did you notice the date this year? It is one week later than our traditional end of January date due to the change in the NFL schedule (we are optimists that the Packers will be in playoff games). 
Visit https://www.xaviercatholicschools.org/giving/events for additional general Celebrate information and also information about sponsoring, attending, and donating to Celebrate.
Bring your family and welcome the season with us.
We will delight you with seasonal music and eye-popping production numbers, including a spectacular New York style parade right on stage
 and a stunning “Living Nativity” finale to bring home the
 true “reason for the season.”
You won’t believe your eyes!
 7:00 pm December 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11
1:00 pm December 4*, 5, 11, 12
*An American Sign Language Interpreter be provided at the 1:00 pm performance.
Christmas Stars has played to over 85,000 with proceeds benefitting St Francis Xavier Catholic Schools fine arts student experiences.
Get tickets at www.christmasstars.org or
the box office (920) 733-8840.
November 22-24: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.
November 29-December 10: Monday-Friday
And one hour before each performance for walk-up sales
View photos or video highlights at www.christmasstars.org
From the Scrip Office:
Important Scrip Dates
Last day to order non stocked Scrip cards to be in before Christmas is
December 16th
Scrip office will be closed December 23rd – December 31st
Please plan your orders accordingly
Click HERE to reserve your spot.
Attendance Guidelines
Students will be sent home and must remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms (even if unrelated to COVID):
  • Fever (temperature 100 or above)
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and/or vomiting

OR within the last 24 hours:
  • They have experienced any ONE of the following symptoms:
  • New repetitive cough
  • New loss of smell or taste
  • Shortness of breath/trouble breathing
  • OR TWO of the following symptoms:
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Muscle or body aches

Students MUST remain home until they are symptom free for 24 hours without the help of any medication.

Please Note: If a family/household member has symptoms and is being tested for COVID, please keep all students at home until you receive the COVID test results.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, December 8
  • 9:30 am - Mass - Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Tuesday, December 14
  • 9:30 am - Mass
  • 6:30 pm - Concert (6th - 8th grade Choir; 6th & 7th grade Band)
Wednesday, December 15
  • 7:00 pm - Band Concert @ XHS (8th - 12th grade)
Friday, December 17
  • $1.00 Casual Day
Tuesday, December 21
  • 6:30 pm - Concert (ALL 5th grade; 5th grade Band; 5th & 6th grade Orchestra)
December 23 - January 2
  • NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break
Tuesday, January 4
  • 9:30 am - Mass
Wednesday, January 5
  • 3:30 - 4:00 pm - Campus Ministry Meeting (Room 1120)