Monday, January 10, 2022
New: Help in Concessions Needed in January
Thank you to everyone who volunteered in the concession stand during the first semester. The activities scheduled to work in the concessions in January are speech, band, football, boys tennis, cheerleading, boys soccer, girls soccer and volleyball.
If your student participates in these activities please review the sign-up for volunteer spots. All parents and volunteers are welcome regardless of activity to volunteer.
Many hands make light work.

Extra Help Needed in Concessions for January 11th

Specific help is needed in the concessions on January 11th for the boys basketball game. Boys Bowling was scheduled to work that game, but they will be in Dubuque competing. Please consider volunteering!

New: Tuition Payments
Just a reminder that the third quarter and second semester tuition payment is due today (1/10).

The fourth quarter tuition payment will be due March 10th.

If you have chosen monthly EFT payments, they will be processed each month on the 10th and will continue through May 10th.
Reminder: Add/Drop Deadline is Tomorrow
The deadline to change Semester 2 classes is tomorrow, Tuesday, January 11th. Students who would like to request a class change will need to stop into Student Services before then to receive a schedule change form. No changes will be made until the form is returned with all required signatures. Please contact your school counselor with any questions.
Reminder: Scheduling for 22-23 School Year
Students will be presented information on scheduling for the 22-23 school year during Xcel and then register for classes using the following schedule:

  • Freshmen: Presentation 1/11, Registration 1/13
  • Sophomores: Presentation 1/13, Registration 1/18
  • Juniors: Presentation 1/18, Registration 1/20

A link will be shared next week which will include the Program of Studies and other scheduling information once those documents are available.
Reminder: Community Apparel Store Open Until January 14
With the cold weather are you in need of a community long sleeve or sweatshirt? Well, here is your chance! The Community Store is now open and will be available until Friday, January 14. Click on the link below to place your order:

Reminder: Updated COVID Guidance
There has been widespread media coverage recently of the change in guidance regarding COVID-19 isolation. Xavier Catholic Schools will follow the guidance of Iowa Department of Public Health as we have throughout this school year which now states as follows:
Isolation (For those testing positive for COVID)
  • A person who tests positive for COVID may return to school after five days of isolation if they are asymptomatic AND they wear a mask for the next five days (days 6-10) while at school and at any school-sanctioned function/activity.
  • If unable to wear a mask, the isolation requirement remains 10 days.
  • Anyone with a fever (100.4+) and without fever reducing medication (ibuprofen/acetaminophen) must still stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours. 
  • If families choose, a person may isolate for 10 days after testing positive for COVID. 

Quarantine (For those exposed to a COVID-positive individual)
  • In Iowa, quarantining continues to be left to a family to determine. It is best to advise families of the new guidelines and/or suggest they consult their family doctor.
Website: | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Fax: 319-294-6712