St. Joseph Fun Days will be June 3, 4 and 5. Please join us in celebrating our Faith, Family and Community. There are many activities for all age groups; Country Store, Silent Auction, BINGO, Carnival Rides, Kids Games, Food, Hog Roast, Paddle Wheel and fantastic musical talent all weekend long in the Beverage Tent. Raffle tickets are available for $10 each with a chance to win $20,000! There are also many volunteer opportunities available if you are willing to help out a fellow parish! Please visit for more information.
Reminder: Tuition is Due for Seniors/Returning Students
The last EFT payment was taken out May 10th. All tuition should be paid at this time.
Please remember that all tuition needs to be paid by Graduation practice day for Seniors to be allowed to participate in Graduation. All other tuition needs to be paid by the last day of school to be considered for next year's enrollment process. Instructions on how to sign into your online account are found below along with a link.
Please use the retrieve User ID or Reset password on My BackPack website. As a reminder, the user id should be some form of first letter first name and last name. Ex: TDRISH or may have a number on the end of a more common name ex: TDRISH1.
Reminder: End of the Year Lunch Account Information
With the school year drawing to a close, lunch accounts for all students need to be monitored closely so that they do not have negative balances.
For seniors:
- If they have a credit balance and have a sibling here at Xavier, the money will be transferred to the sibling’s account, otherwise, a refund will be given to the seniors before the senior breakfast on May 20, 2022.
If you have automatic payments set up through into your senior student’s account, you will need to go in and stop the automatic payments. Please do this before the week of May 17, as that is the week accounts will be refunded.
Reminder: Parish Opportunities
For Parishioners of St Elizabeth Ann Seton, they are offering a few different training dates to become a lector, usher, greeter, altar server or Eucharistic Minister:
- Wednesday, May 18th at 6pm
- Sunday, May 22, 9:30am (between Masses)
Other parishes, check your bulletins for information about how you can serve.
The Iowa High School Music Association, Iowa High School Speech Association, Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union, have implemented a "Family Week" on the Unified Activities Calendar. “Family Week” is a week in the unified activity calendar that prohibits any coach or teacher/student contact and any unified activity federation event from occurring. That period will be Sunday through Sunday of week 4 and Week 5 of the calendar and will begin July 24, 2022 through July 31, 2022. All high school students, including incoming 9th graders, are covered under the rule and are not to have contact (on or off school premises) with coaches, directors, or moderators nor use school facilities during this week. The Xavier Activities Office will be closed this week as well.
Reminder: XPX Uniform Collection
XPX will once again be collecting “graduated” and out-grown GENTLY WORN uniforms. These items will be available in August for purchase at the annual Back-to-School Sale! All proceeds from this sale will directly benefit the XPX programs, which support the students, staff and teachers at Xavier. Please clean out those closets and bring ANY UNIFORM APPROVED items (polos, sweaters, quarter-zips, pants) to the main office. Gentle used spirit wear will be accepted too. All items must be without stains or tears. Thank you for your support!
Reminder: Yearbook Order Deadline Extended
The deadline for ordering a yearbook has been extended to May 25th. Yearbooks can be ordered on by searching "Xavier High School" or directly at:
Reminder: Second Round of STO/FACTS Applications
We would like to remind families of a second round of assistance through STO. FACTS applications that STO uses are due by July 1st. If you have started the application process already please respond to any FACTS inquiries and complete the application process.
Reminder: Attendance as the Year Winds Down
As we get close to the end of the year, and particularly as we get close to finals for seniors, we ask for your help in doing all that you can to ensure that your students make every effort to attend classes throughout the remainder of the semester. While it may be difficult to decline a request from your student, particularly a senior student, to "call in" for them, we ask that you help us maintain a sense of academic purpose.
Despite what your student may tell you, there is no school approved "skip day" at any time during the year. We count on your partnership with us and on your integrity when faced with those requests from your students.
Thanks for all you do to help us ensure that your students stay focused on their studies!
Website: | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Fax: 319-294-6712