Tuesday, September 21, 2021
New: Community Retreat Day is TOMORROW
The schedule and information for the day can be found HERE. Highlights include; break out sessions on faith, community building games, and speaker Anthony Digmann! Tony will have items for purchase available. If interested, you can learn more HERE. It’s a Community Spirit Day so students should wear their Community shirt with comfy bottoms and come ready for a day of fun! Parents are welcome to attend our speaker in the theater anytime of the day.
Reminder: Progress Reports
We value the academic success of all of our students here at Xavier as well as the success of all of our activities. As a means of maintaining consistency and keeping up with academics, we are implementing progress report grading the first Monday of each month. A reminder that those kids who receive an "F" on the progress report will be academically ineligible for 7 calendar days starting on the first Wednesday of the month through the following Tuesday. Make sure to work with your kids and have your kids work with their teacher to get assistance in their academics. Kids should also communicate with their coaches and moderators if they miss practice in order to receive academic assistance.  
Reminder: Xavier Impact Fund Parish Appeal - Starts This Weekend at Most Parishes
The Xavier Impact Fund parish outreach begins this weekend at most of our partner parishes (outreach at Immaculate Conception, St. Jude, and St. Wenceslaus will take place October 2-3 and October 9-10 Masses.) In addition to the three key areas XIF will support (family financial assistance, teacher endowment, and faith & academic advancement), we remain committed to our partner parishes so we are happy to announce that every dollar raised above a parish’s goal will go directly back to the parish to be used for the parish’s greatest need! There are many changes to the campaign due to COVID-19 to keep our volunteers and donors safe, so please watch your mailbox for a commitment card that can be either dropped off after mass with a volunteer outside the main doors, or mailed in at your convenience. 

How can you help? Volunteer at your parish during the parish outreach weekends. Be sure to wear your Xavier spirit gear on these weekends and help spread the word about the impact Catholic education has had on your family. 

To learn more, visit XavierSaints.org/Impact. Want to volunteer, get involved, or have a question, call 319-378-4571 or email development@xavierfoundation.org. Thank you for your prayers and support – Let’s Go Saints!
Reminder: Key Club Sign Up Deadline - Oct. 1st
Key Club is an international organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership by serving children and our communities. Senior members who achieve their 10 hours of service as a part of the organization will have a Service cord honor at their graduation. A parent or guardian may sign up each student for Key Club by paying the $15 dues here: https://xavierhs.8to18.com/accounts/login. The deadline to sign up for Key Club is October 1st. Please use your student's Xavier e-mail address in the student e-mail section. Any questions about Key Club may be directed to the Key Club Moderator, Mrs. Gina Kutilek at gina.kutilek@xaviersaints.org.
Reminder: Illness
If a student student becomes ill during the school day, s/he must visit the nurse at school. A parent will be contacted if the student does not feel well enough to stay in school. Parents are discouraged from texting students in class as student phone use is not permitted.
Additional Reminders:

  • If your child is absent due to illness for the day, call school before 9:00am. Please include symptoms or confirmed diagnoses. 
  • If a student leaves school due to illness, they are not permitted to return for extra-curricular activities that evening.
Thank you for partnering with us to best serve your student. Contact Nurse Kris Naeve with any questions: 294-6635
Website: XavierSaints.org | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Fax: 319-294-6712