Issue No. 235 | Feb. 1, 2022
Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
rú hǔ tiān yì

Meaning: like a tiger that has grown wings; redoubled effort

Original: 习近平最后表示,北京冬奥会、冬残奥会即将开幕,中国人民已经做好准备,将为世界奉献一场简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会,祝愿中外冰雪运动健儿如虎添翼、创造佳绩。

Source: In his Chinese New Year remarks from the 人民大会堂, Xi is reported to have used this apt chengyu to give his best wishes to the athletes of the Winter Olympics.
Weekly "Reading"
Knowing that you are stuffed full of dumplings and too tired to read anything overly complicated, for this week's "reading" we bring you an 8-minute video. It has subtitles, so you can use it as both a reading and listening exercise. In this video, Tsinghua University's Yan Xuetong gives an interesting set of remarks on how millennial Chinese students view the world, including lots on students' views on Taiwan, the United States, and "the West."
New Learning Tool from the National Foreign Language Center
Our friends over at the University of Maryland's National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) have developed a great new app full of free language lessons, with a focus on language relevant to practical daily life. You can download directly from the Apple app store, or go here for more information:
Today is a great day to commit to improving your Chinese!
Grow your own tiger wings and start 虎年 off right by enrolling in our self-paced, online Chinese course at

It's a get to improve your language skills and support AMS!

Please visit the course website or contact for more information. Ask your employer about educational reimbursement!
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