Apr. 4,

No. 127

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
This week we focus on Xi's evolving Taiwan policy, two chengyu delivered by Xi during the Third Plenum, and a job opportunity with USCBC.
Weekly Readings

Since the 19th Party Congress, Xi Jinping has raised the rhetorical heat on Taiwan policy and attempted to reshape cross-strait commercial ties with the 31 measures issued in February. The 2016 presidential election in Taiwan showed Beijing that the Kuomintang was a spent force on the island. Xi also has been attempting to achieve the kind of power of Deng Xiaoping or Mao Zedong, but this requires accomplishment. And that he may not have. Although Taiw an may not be his first choice as a policy area, Xi cannot be the leader who lost Taiwan. How Xi handles Taiwan policy and applies pressure to Taipei will be one of those issues to watch.


俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches


gé gù dǐng xīn

Meaning: discard the old and introduce the new

zì qiáng bù xī

Meaning: constantly strive to improve oneself

Xi's May 20th speech at the first meeting of the Third Plenum continues to be fertile ground for chengyu mining, so we bring you this double feature. Xi uses these two chengyus together to emphasize how much China has improved due to the efforts of the Chinese people, and how struggle is the source of happiness.

Original:  中国人民是具有伟大奋斗精神的人民。在几千年历史长河中,中国人民始终革故鼎新、自强不息,开发和建设了祖国辽阔秀丽的大好河山,开拓了波涛万顷的辽阔海疆,开垦了物产丰富的广袤粮田,治理了桀骜不驯的千百条大江大河,战胜了数不清的自然灾害,建设了星罗棋布的城镇乡村,发展了门类齐全的产业,形成了多姿多彩的生活。中国人民自古就明白,世界上没有坐享其成的好事,要幸福就要奋斗。

Job Opportunity 

The U.S-China Business Council is hiring a new business advisory services manager in their DC offices.  USCBC is seeking someone who can speak and read Chinese. 

Interested readers can view the job announcement here

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