Issue No. 195 | May 20, 2020
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Reading
This week we recommend reading through the full text of Xi's May 18th address to the opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly : 习近平在第73届世界卫生大会视频会议开幕式上的致辞(全文) . You can also read the English text for comparison.

In his speech, Xi declared that China "对全球公共卫生事业尽责." He also proposed measures for a unified COVID-19 response, ultimately trying to position China as a hero in the battle against coronavirus.

As a bonus reading, you can also check out the NYT 中文版 assessmen t of Xi's remarks set to the backdrop of US-China relations:
"世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)周一召开的会议本应为全球抗击新冠病毒大流行指明道路,却变成了中美两国在这个病毒问题上不断升级的紧张关系的展示。"
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
Jǔ yī fǎn sān

Meaning : learn by analogy; infer other things from one fact; draw inferences about other cases from one instance

Original : 各地要认真汲取近期发生聚集性疫情地区的教训,举一反三,对本地防控漏洞再排查、对防控重点再加固、对防控要求再落实,确保疫情不出现反弹。

Wuhan Diary
This past February, we featured Chinese novelist Fang Fang's Chinese-language account of living in Wuhan on lockdown, 作家方方的博客 . The English translation of Fang Fang's diary hit U.S. shelves as an e-book on May 15: Wuhan Diary: Dispatches from a Quarantined City.

Emily Feng writes for NPR : "Memory is central to Fang Fang's diary. So is making sense of the complete absence of things: of life as we knew it; of any and all economic activity. Like tens of millions of other readers, I read Fang Fang in the monotony of self-isolation, looking for a common understanding of how the pandemic had changed the country we were living in — China."
To Live 《活着 》
If you haven't watched this classic Chinese film yet, consider streaming To Live directed by Zhang Yimou, based on the novel by Yu Hua.

You can watch To Live on Amazon Video , or on YouTube with Chinese subtitles or English subtitles .

If you're interested in reading Yu Hua's novel, you can read it online here . There are also many hard copy and e-book versions available online to purchase.

You can also listen to the full text of 《活着》as an audiobook on Ximalaya with a VIP membership.
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