Hey Friends

There's nothing quite like the joy of a reunion. Meeting a friend you haven't seen in a long time brings such a warm feeling. Attending a family gathering and reconnecting with relatives you rarely see is also wonderful. When you catch up with people, it feels like time stands still, and you truly enjoy the moment spent together. Reunions are filled with rehashing of old memories and a space to make new ones. I would like to invite EVERYONE to Back to the Block this Sunday. Reunite with your friends here at All Saints'. Reunite with the welcoming environment that All Saints' community is so good at cultivating. YOU are welcomed back! I can't wait to have a reunion with all of you.


Stay up to date with All Saints' Youth Ministry events and news through our new Remind groups! We have three groups: middle school, high school, and a general group. Each group has its own code:

Middle School: asms99

High School: ashs4

General (for everyone, regardless of grade): asyth

To join one of these groups, text 81010 and enter the code for the group you want to join. Note that Remind messages are limited to 144 characters, so updates will be brief. For detailed information, please refer to the newsletter.

Parent involvement

If you are a parent and are looking to be apart in youth ministry this year well I have exciting information to tell you. There are multiple ways for you to be apart of youth ministry here at All Saints'. Parents can be involved by providing dinner for SNL and Y'all Saints, being a chaperone for Outings, mission trips and pilgrimages, they can also be drivers for events and being a helper at SNL. If you are interested please sign up with this link and click on "2024-2025 Youth Registration


Youth Vestry

The Youth Vestry is a leadership council of ten youth that casts a vision for the youth program and for the youth’s engagement with the broader parish. The vestry includes one representative from each component of the youth program (morning formation, SNL, acolytes, and other worship leaders, a member of the social media guild) and from each grade level (9th-12th plus an “at large” member). The vestry meets once a semester (fall, spring, and summer) for a pre-scheduled Zoom meeting to discuss the state of the youth program and envision what’s next. They may be called upon at times throughout the program year to meet for a brief Zoom call to discuss a particular matter.

Youth Vestry

Hey High Schoolers help me choose a chair for the new high school room. Contact me with the number above the chair that you think is the coolest. Let me know by Sunday

Summer Pictures!


Parents Needed for SNL Dinner!

It's that time again, SNL begins September 8th which means our parent meal sign-up is back! There is so much that goes into Sunday's in The Attic and one of the best ways that parents can help is by providing our meal during SNL. This can be anything from a homemade meal, take-out, or catering...whatever is easiest for you! This is usually for about 20-25 people.

Please take a look at the available dates and sign-up for a time that works best for you! Thank you so much for your dedication to our youth program, we couldn't do it without awesome parents like you!

SNL Fall Dinner Sign-Up

SNL Parent Volunteer

If you are a parent and are looking to be apart in youth ministry this year well I have exciting information to tell you. There are multiple ways for you to be apart of youth ministry here at All Saints'. Parents can be involved by providing dinner for SNL and Y'all Saints, being a chaperone for Outings, mission trips and pilgrimages, they can also be drivers for events and being a helper at SNL. If you are interested please sign up with this link and click on "2024-2025 Youth Registration

Parent Volunteer Sign-Up


SNL is BACK September 8th in the Attic from 6-7:30 PM. Dinner will be provided. See you there!


Y'all Saints' starts September 8th in the Attic from 6-7:30 PM. Dinner will be provided. See you there!



(grades 7-12)


Absolutely beautiful singing and what a gift to the congregation and to me.

Thank you for singing with the youth alumni: 40 Alumni + 22 current Youth Choir.


August 18 10:00 AM worship and BACK TO THE BLOCK Picnic.

August 25 4:30 - 6:00 PM Youth Choir KICK-OFF rehearsal

6:00 PM Youth + families dinner and worship in Ellis Hall

September 8 4:15 Youth Handbell

5:00 Youth Choir

And be on the lookout for next year’s choir calendar. Ms. Emily has GREAT PLANS for 2024-2025.

Have a wonderful summer! Looking forward to meeting y'all this summer.





Emily Halbert, Director of Children & Youth Music:



August 18th

Audrey Dobranski

Edward Askew-Norton

William Askew-Norton

Eva Schroeder

James Paisley

Summer Acolyte Sign up

Luke Nolfa

Director of Youth Ministries


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