Young Adult & Campus Ministries Broadcast Newsletter
2020 YACM Leadership Conference Update

The Young Adult and Campus Ministry (YACM) Annual Leadership Conference will still be held June 23-26, 2020. However, given the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently living in and after consulting with both the conference planning team and the YACM Advisory Council , we are moving the conference to an online format with a $0 registration fee .

You do still need to register so that you get the sign-in information, updates, and schedule as we develop them. Register by clicking here .

If you have already registered and paid for the conference, a refund will be coming your way. Look for a communication about this from Valerie Harris. Please cancel any lodging accommodations you have made as well as travel reservations.

This annual conference is an opportunity for Episcopal leaders in ministry with young adults (ages 18-30) on and off college campuses to meet and connect with one another and to be nourished and nurtured in their ministry. 

Please stay tuned for updates as we adapt the schedule and offerings for our conference. While I am disappointed we cannot be together in the same place, I am hopeful that this might give more people the opportunity to join us.

If you have questions, please contact me via email at
Photo credit Deaconess Anne House
Episcopal Service Corps
in Times like These
Photo Credit: Deaconess Anne House

As with most of our faith communities, COVID-19 has had a dramatic impact on Episcopal Service Corps programs. While for some programs “social distancing” has meant that Corps members are dispersed to temporarily serve from home, other programs have Corps members sheltering in place with rigorous household criteria for disinfection and interaction with the wider community. Even in the midst of this crisis, though, ESC programs are holding fast to shared values of service, discernment, Rule of Life, and intentional community, innovating new ways of serving remotely while engaging spiritual formation practices virtually.
On the other side of the #COVID-19 outbreak, however, local communities are going to need ESC members more than ever to fill the gaps in service and support neighbors as they recover financially, physically, and spiritually.
Do you know someone who might be #CalledToServe through Episcopal Service Corps? Encourage them to apply for a 2020 #ServiceYear:
Young Adult and Campus Ministries Survey

Please take the time to let us know more about your ministry!

We know that many young adult ministries and campus ministries are not included and cannot be fully represented on the parochial report that congregations and diocese submit. Therefore, we have worked with the General Convention Office to help us devise a way to collect both quantitative and qualitative data on ministries with young adults (age 18-30ish).

This survey seeks to gain information about the scope of ministries with Young Adults (ages 18-30) in The Episcopal Church. Think of it as a (sort of) parochial report or a survey of ministry for anyone who works with young adults such as: college chaplaincies, intentional communities, parish based ministries, stand alone young adult ministries and diocesan based young adult programs. This seeks to gain more demographic and statistical data around what ministry is happening with young adults across the Church. 

If you could take some time to fill in this survey, we will be sharing the results and talking more about what we discovered at the conference in June as well as sharing the information online. This is the first survey like this that we have done for a while and we want to get everyone to chime in who has any kind of ministry with young adults. Please spread the word and share the link. We hope to do this kind of survey much more frequently to help all of us get a better picture of the amazing ministry and work that is being done with young adults.

Helping Young Adults Connect

In an effort to help young adults connect with ministries, communities, and churches when they move, we have a Referral Form online. Either the young adult can fill it out or someone can fill it out on their behalf. When we get a referral, the YACM Office and Council works to connect them with folks in their area.

If you are a young adult (or know a young adult) who is looking for community and relationship as you explore your faith and way in life, we want to help you find a connection to a ministry, chaplaincy, local clergy person, leader, or organizer. We know that finding a community can be a daunting and overwhelming task. By filling in this form, we will do our best to connect you to a congregation, young adult ministry, campus ministry, or other kinds of ministry near you.

The Rev. Shannon Kelly
Director for the Department of Faith Formation and
Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries
646-285-8445 (cell)