

Important Notice!

The next YAG General Meeting will be via ZOOM.

Wed., Feb. 3, 2021, 10 am

We will not meet at the

Cultural Center of Cape Cod.

Join our exciting meeting by

using the Link provided below.

Our Special Demo Artist is

Paul Schulenburg

Paul Schulenburg is an internationally collected artist whose work has shown in the Hopper House Museum, twice in solo shows at the Cape Cod Museum of Art, and in many group exhibitions at CCMA, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, and Cahoon Museum of American Art. He has appeared over a dozen times in respected national art publications including the cover of American Art Collector.

~ Learn much more at Demo

All Members Join via Zoom Meeting

Use Link below - copy, paste & place in address bar

Meeting ID: 841 6388 6102

Passcode: 121212

Note: Meetings are recorded.


The following Links below may also be of interest . . .

this is directly from Paul Schulenburg;

The fi"The video is what I made after a recent painting session where we had a local musician come. The second link is a list to a bunch of videos people could watch. The third link is to other videos that are interesting but I couldn't group them with the other videos because the website host only allows YouTube videos on the video page. I had to put Vimeo presentations on a separate link. One of the videos on the events page is a TV interview where he talks about us getting together on zoom. "

Our YAG Showcase Member is Pam DeYoung

A special display of a unique form of art. . .

Theorem Painting.



NEW . . . A unique invitation

Calling all Students to join. . .

Why Should Students Join Us?

Share and learn all about art.

  1. Enjoy our Art/Sales Mentoring Program -" A How To".
  • Share your talents - join our board meetings 
  • (in person or board minutes are available).

  • REDUCED membership rate for students.
  • FREE membership - join our Task Force to increase our media presence (a form of internship) reviewing platforms and targeted marketing efforts,
  • as well as strategies.
  • Sell your artwork and earn funds to be used toward educational expenses. 
  • Join us for our ZOOM meetings or obtain recordings.

  • Share your unique art, stories and have fun!



Check our website and observe the new section:


STUDENTS may join YAG Art Gallery

sale at reduced rate.

YAG General Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2021

The first meeting of the year called to order by Board Member Gerry Murray.  Our President Joan Johnson sends warm greetings from North Carolina.

By motion, minutes from November 4 meeting approved. We wish to thank the  Cultural Center of Cape Cod for providing us with a welcoming and safe environment. 

FINANCE - Gerry informed members there is 6,500 balance in checking account, 30,000 CD. Please send all dues owed, ASAP.

On-Line Sales are going very well! (New Beginnings) Check the website regularly, and you may update the 15th of every month. Contact Joan Swaluk, Web Administrator.

There is a new program to welcome and encourage students to participate and join YAG! They will receive a student discount on annual dues!

Thank you to Eileen Poremba (“Cis”) for being the Showcase Artist today. Cis enjoys working with various mediums, and enjoys painting landscapes, seascapes and structures. She has worked with many well known  artists here, and shared four lovely paintings AND beautiful Christmas cards painted for her family! The painting were “The Old Homestead”, “Crosby Landing”, ”Linger Longer”, and “Captain Cass’s”. 

Many thanks to Jerome Greene, our Demo artist. Jerome worked on an oil painting titled “Captain Jack’s Wharf” located in Provincetown, a favorite subject for him. Jerome especially enjoys plein air painting,  He comes from a family of artists, and has worked with award artists in the community.  His image, “The Pat-Sea”, was selected for the 2019 Provincetown Portuguese Festival . Jerome’s work is featured in many magazines and collections. Visit Provincetown, where Jerome lives and works, and showcases his work at the Arthur Egeli Gallery!

Please join our next meeting in person or via ZOOM, on  Febuary 3rd. Paul Schulenburg will be the demo artist.

Hoping you stay well and safe,

Barbara Milton

Recording Secretary 

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