Healthy tips for healthy aging!

The spirit, mind, body connection
Well-being encompasses physical health as well as spiritual and mental strength.  Since 1844, the YMCA has provided programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.  Through programs and simple daily steps, you can improve balance in your life and improve your well-being.  

Attitude of gratitude -  Studies show that gratitude can improve emotional well-being.  A positive attitude decreases stress in you and in those with whom your interact.  Increase your positivity by keeping a gratitude journal and taking moments throughout the day to reflect upon the good things in your life.

Massage -  Massage is the manual manipulation of the muscles, connective tissue and tendons to normalize body systems.  There are many types of massage such as a gentle Swedish technique, deep tissue, Thai and hot rock. The benefits are numerous and include improved circulation, sleep quality, range of motion, immunity and mental focus as well as a decrease of pain, stress and anxiety.

Meditation - 
Meditation is a "time-out" from thinking.  Imagine your mind as a room and push the noisy thoughts out the door, shutting it firmly for several minutes a day.  Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression while improving creativity and memory.  It also can decrease blood pressure and increase immunity. 

Yoga -  The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning to yoke, join or unite. Through the practice of yoga, the mind, body and soul are integrated to achieve a happy balance. The physical  yoga practice integrates postures and movements with breath. Yoga increases balance,  coordination, flexibility, range of motion and strength while decreasing stress and anxiety. 

Laugh! It will boost your immune system!

Sweet Potatoes

There are hundreds of sweet potato varieties ranging in flesh color from white to orange to deep red to purple. Sweet potatoes vary in taste and texture from mild and dry to very sweet and moist. Regardless of the type, sweet potatoes are good for you!  They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, manganese, copper and fiber.  

Sweet potatoes are very easy to prepare. Try the following to ways to add a low calorie complex carbohydrate to your meals.
Baked - Wash and pierce the potato 5 or 6 times, place on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 45-60 minutes until soft
Grilled - Cut washed potatoes into slices, wedges or cubes, toss with olive oil and seasoning, and place in a grill basket over medium heat for 20-30 minutes.
Mashed - Wash, peel and chunk potatoes and boil in hot water for 10 minutes, or until soft. Drain the potatoes, mash and add milk or coconut milk to achieve desired consistency. Try adding various seasonings such as salt, cinnamon, garlic or black pepper. For a sweet and spicy taste, add diced jalapeno peppers and cilantro.
Pureed - Wash, pierce and bake at 400 degrees or microwave for 5-6 minutes until potato is soft. Cool and remove the skin. Place the potato in a blender or food processor to puree and use for soup or breakfast breads.
Roasted - Dice a variety of sweet potatoes (with the skin on), toss with olive oil and seasoning of choice (such as salt, cinnamon or Old Bay) and bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes or until desired texture.

Try our Spicy Sweet Potato and Apple Soup recipe to keep you warm and healthy this winter!

Learn more from WellSpan Health's Market Basket of the Month program.

Eastern Branch YMCA
101 Shoe House Road York, PA 17406

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