We deeply appreciate the dedication and hard work demonstrated by each one of you. Our organization's growth and expansion are a testament to your invaluable time, talent, and commitment. You are truly valued and appreciated.


Did you know?

  • This year, the Fullerton, Mission Viejo and Newport-Mesa facilities partnered with the Dana Point Harbor Partners (DPHR) to provide 300 children access to the Safety Around Water Program and free sessions of swim lessons. Majority of the children who participated had never had a swim lesson or been exposed to large bodies of water. For most, this was the first summer they could attend or participate in pool or beach gatherings.

  • We are currently serving nearly 9,000 students in our Child & Youth Development Programs. This is up from from 4,179 children we served in 2022. We have doubled in size! This is a testament to the quality of our brand, program offerings, relationships in the community and our staff.

  • Our YMCA Community Services (YCS) department has launched a new Social and Recreational Support Program. This program is designed for people with special needs ages 3-21 in Orange County who needs support in activities such as swimming, ballet, basketball, art, or another similar recreational activity. We provide the aide so every participant can experience joy, feel empowered, build valuable life skills, and make new friendships!


Register for our Retirement Seminar!

Ed Toole, CFP®, Senior Director of Education & Y Relations for the YMCA Retirement Fund, will provide a one-hour in-person presentation to our team.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Saving for retirement
  • The difference between the 401(a) Retirement Plan the 403 (b) Savings Plan
  • Annuity options (briefly)
  • As well as answer all questions regarding your ability to elect to save in the new Roth Account as of January 2024.

Space is limited. Register today.

Register HERE for one of the       1-hour sessions!
Register HERE for the 20 minute consultation!

New 403(b) Option for 2024!

YMCA retirement will be offering a new option to save for your retirement. Currently, all staff are able to contribute to their 403(b) Savings Plan – Tax Deferred in which you pay federal taxes on contributions and interest in retirement. They are introducing a new 403(b) Savings Plan – Roth in which you pay federal taxes on contributions now and interest is tax-free in retirement. Starting January 01, 2024, you will be able to contribute both to a 403(b) Savings Plan-Tax Deferred and 403(b) Savings Plan–Roth.

Upon Retirement your 403(b) accounts become a lifetime income. Don’t forget you can also take a loan or hardship withdrawal from your 403(b) Savings Plans since you are borrowing from your own accounts, all interest that you pay will be credited back to your accounts.

Featured Benefit: CYD Tuition Assistance

Did you know if you work in the CYD program, you could potentially qualify for Tuition Assistance? Yes! The YMCA Educational Assistance Program is a benefit to support employees in their education and career development. If you are interested in learning more or to see if you qualify, please speak with your supervisor.

Spread the Word and Refer a Friend!

Did you know when you refer someone and they are hired - you earn money too?

If you know anyone looking to work in Child & Youth Development at the Y - send them to the next Open Hiring Events!

Payroll Reminder!

Clocking in and out is critically important! If you miss a punch or an error is made it is the your responsibility to submit a punch change request or a time off request. Employees should submit their punch change request and their Supervisor should review and approve or deny their request.

Hourly employees can submit their punch change request through their Paycom Self-Service (see image).

If any hourly employee is having trouble clocking in and out please reach out to HR so we can help.



Save the Date! 2024 Annual Campaign is set for February 1-29, 2024! More details to come. 


Volunteer or Participate at Upcoming Y Events

Many of our Fitness Centers will be hosting their own community events in October – including Trunk or Treat, and are looking for volunteers and participants.

Click here to view all upcoming community events!

Stockings for the Troops

Join us in bringing holiday cheer to our military personnel serving stateside and overseas. With your help and support, we will send hundreds of stuffed stockings filled to our military service people to enjoy during the holidays.

Drive Dates: October 16th-November 15th, 2023. Learn more here!

Make Sure You Sign Up!


Reminder, for all questions, issues, and requests, please submit a ticket with the Helpdesk system either via the Helpdesk Portal, or via email (helpdeskinformationtechnology@ymcaoc.org). This will ensure that the request is created and progress is tracked by not only our department, but by the requester as well.


If you have not done so already, please enroll in our self-service portal, where you can reset and unlock your account.

This can be done by either going to:

1.  https://pw.ymcaoc.ws:9251  

2. Clicking on the "Forgot Password" button on Y-Apps


Once you get to the self-service page, you will log in with your windows username and password and enroll in the program.

  • If you are locked out, you can click on the "Reset Password / Unlock Account" on the Windows Login screen to unlock your account.

Upcoming Holidays / Closure Dates

Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 23rd

Christmas: Monday, December 25th

All branches, CYD sites and AO will be closed.