Do you want to receive RESET Challenge emails from the Lancaster Family YMCA? Reply to this email and let us know!
This week's theme is REFRESH

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

- J. Pierpont Morgan

Today's Advice
"Maybe your kitchen has turned into the food-court at the county fairgrounds? Deep fried treat in one booth, sugary drink in the next, and top it off with a processed piece of something at the last stop?

Maybe your car has become the 5-star dining experience from another dimension? Where dim lights and cloth napkins are replaced with ordering meals by illuminated numbers and delicately squeezing sauce packets on one knee while ripping off a straw wrapper with your pearly whites?

The fuel we put in our bodies is a choice, and, unlike at a real fuel pump, the options are many.

This week, we will REFRESH our lives; learning tools to manage the balance between stress, convenience, and healthy choices." - Kayla Hansmann, Celebrity Chef

Learn more from Kayla below.
Hear from our team!
Cori Strathmeyer enjoys altering recipes into vegetarian options.

Try her newest favorite recipe:

It is a nutrient rich, sweet and spicy, comfort food for a cold winter night.

One serving of stew on quinoa is only 288 calories!
Workout of the Day Abbreviations:
AMRAP = As many rounds as possible
EMOM = Every minute on the minute
DB = dumbbell
BW = bodyweight
M = minute (M1 = minute 1, M2 = minute 2, etc)
R = round (R1 = round 1, R2 = round 2)

Workout of the Day - Level 1
by Erika Helwig, Bob Hoffman Dover & York Branch YMCAs

Workout of the Day - Level 2
by Shannon Ratcliffe, Bob Hoffman Dover Branch YMCA

Demonstrated by Erika Helwig, York Branch YMCA
Modified Pushup
Start in tabletop: hands under shoulders and knees under hips.

Walk the hands outside the shoulders and forward while shifting the body into a long back; knees on the floor.

Brace the core, bend the elbows and lower chest toward the ground. Knees remain on the floor, or lift 1 leg with each pushup.
Chest/Dumbbell Fly
Start facing up on a bench or step, holding a pair of dumbbells.

Dumbbells should be stacked above the shoulders.

Keep a soft bend in the elbows and extend the arms out to the side, no lower than shoulder height.

Contract the chest and lift dumbbells back up to the starting position.
Demonstrated by Shannon Ratcliffe, Bob Hoffman Dover Branch YMCA
Good Morning
Hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand and rack them on the shoulders.

Maintain a soft bend in the knees, engage the glutes, and hinge at the hips.

Keep a flat back the entire time, lowering the chest so that it is parallel to the floor.

Return to starting position.
Renegade Row
Get into a high plank position with each hand holding a dumbbell against the floor.

Hands remain directly under the shoulders.
Core is braced.

Keeping the back as level as possible, remove one hand from the floor, driving the elbow toward the ceiling, squeezing back muscles.

Repeat on other side.
YouTube Premieres

Join us nightly at 5:30 pm on our YouTube Channel. Throughout the RESET challenge, we will premiere a different class each evening.

To find the Premieres, go to our homepage:
Then click "videos". Premieres are marked with a black notice in the lower right corner of the video thumbnail. Click "set reminder" to add the video to your list to watch.

Following the Premiere, each video will be added to our YouTube library and available to you to access at any time.

Are you interested in a specific type of workout? Let us know by responding to this email.

Next on the schedule:

Monday, 2/8 - HIIT with Paige
(click the photo at the right to go straight to YouTube)

Tuesday, 2/9 - Enerchi with Ann

Wednesday, 2/10 - Slow Yoga Flow with Cori
Music to Motivate!

Try Jamie Coy's upbeat playlist for cardio and strength motivation! Jamie served as the York Branch Wellness Coordinator for many years before moving out of the area. Jamie is currently one of our Virtual Group Exercise Instrutors.


Restore, Refresh, Reset
by Craig Wolf, Director of Community Development,
YMCA of York and York County

Matthew 11:28 NAB

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

This past year has stretched us in many ways. Our world views have been radically challenged by national and international events. We have been confronted with division and discord. We may have lost a job and don’t know where our next meal and rent payment is coming from. We may find ourselves with children at home who are attempting to school virtually, but have no one to be with them while we work. We may question how we can effectively communicate with family, friends, neighbors, and community members who have profoundly different belief systems than our own.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to Stewart Companies for being a sponsor and making our community as healthy as possible!