Preschool & Youth Rec Programs
Home School Gym -
Age 4+ - Mondays 1:30-2:30pm
Provide positive physical education for home schooled children ages 4 and up. Educational, safe and structured games will be played to help build confidence and teamwork!
Sporties for Shorties -
Ages 5-6 - Thursdays 5:00-5:30pm
Hands-on exploration of a variety of sports that will engage your child in games and athletics.
Skills and Drills Basketball -
Ages 4-5 - Thursdays 5:35-6:05pm
Ages 6-8 - Thursdays 6:05-6:35pm
Ages 9-12 - Thursdays 6:35-7:05pm
Play age-appropriate games and drills to build confidence in shooting, dribbling and running with a basketball.
Volleyball -
Ages 5-7 - Mondays 5:00-5:30pm
Ages 8-10 - Mondays 5:30-6:15pm
Ages 11-14 - Mondays 6:15-7:00pm
Play age-appropriate games and drills to build confidence in bumping, setting, and spiking.
Fall Session 2 starts Oct. 31! Register Here.