December 9, 2024 | Quarter 2, Week 8

Weekly news & updates

Upcoming Events

THIS TUESDAY - Christmas Program, 6:30 PM

Friday, December 20th - Christmas Chapel, 10:00 AM (noon dismissal for all grades)

December 23rd - January 3rd - Christmas Break

Monday, January 6th - Classes resume (hurricane make-up day and noon dismissal for all grades)

Friday, January 10th - Alumni Chapel, 10:00 AM

Monday, January 13th - Deadline to opt out of continuous enrollment for 2025-2026

Monday, January 20th - MLK Day (No School)

Thursday, January 30th - Kindergarten Connection (for parents of rising Kindergarten students)

Special thank you to everyone who worked on our float and participated in the Christmas Parade on Saturday. Master's Academy was awarded "Best in Class Winner: School" Well done!

Join us THIS TUESDAY as we celebrate the Reason for the Season. Our Christmas Program begins at 6:30 PM in the Pathway worship center.

Important News & Information


Lunch Orders - Orders for next week must be placed through your FACTS family portal by midnight on Thursday. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the menu and click ORDER ITEMS. Also, make sure there are funds in your lunch account BEFORE ordering. Lunch ordering instructions may be found HERE.



Christmas Cards - Purchase Christmas cards featuring Middle School student artwork at the Christmas Program on Tuesday evening (visit the Lower School lobby). Proceeds benefit the Art Program.

Hurricane Make-Up Days - Monday, January 6th will be a school day (noon dismissal) as will Monday, March 17th.


Big Shots Event - Athletic program fundraiser on Sunday, February 16th, 6-9 PM. Rent a bay at the event to entertain your employees or clients. Contact Jerry Cutshall for details.

Golf Ball Drop Tickets - Purchase tickets for a chance to WIN! Numbered golf balls will be dropped from a helicopter over Big Shots on February 16th. If your golf ball ends up in, or closest to, the hole, you WIN (you do not have to be present to win). Purchase tickets HERE.


Praying Parents - Meet in the Lower School lobby on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday mornings at 8 AM to pray for 15 minutes over our school. Email Monica Washington for more information.

Teacher Christmas Bonus - If you would like to contribute to this fund to bless our teachers, click the button below and select Annual Fund from the drop down. THANK YOU!

Donate to Teacher Christmas Bonus

Athletic News


Track Program assistants needed. Contact Steve Boyer for details.

All HOME game tickets are purchased ONLINE only:




Varsity Boys Soccer @ Berean Christian, 4:00 PM

Varsity Girls Soccer @ HOME v. Cornerstone Christian, 4:00 PM

Middle School Coed Soccer @ Merritt Island Christian, 4:00 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ St. Edwards, 4:00 PM

Middle School Girls Basketball @ Wade Christian, 4:00 PM

Middle School Boys 6th/7th Basketball @ Wade Christian, 5:00 PM

Middle School Boys 7th/8th Basketball @ Imagine, 6:45 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ Tradition Prep, 6:00 PM


Varsity Boys Soccer @ HOME v. Boca International Prep, 3:30 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ Somerset, 5:30 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ Calvary Chapel, 5:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ Brevard Heat, 7:00 PM


Varsity Boys Soccer @ Pineapple Cove, 3:30 PM

Varsity Girls Soccer @ HOME v. Westwood, 3:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ Burns Tech, 7:00 PM


Varsity Girls Soccer @ HOME v. St. Edwards, 3:30 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ Pineapple Cove, 5:30 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ Pineapple Cove, 7:00 PM



6/7 Boys Basketball: Master’s def. Morningside 32-8

7/8 Boys Basketball: Master’s def. Morningside 47-17

JV Boys Basketball: Morningside def. Master’s 41-38

V Boys Basketball: Morningside def. Master’s 58-38

JV Boys Soccer: Pineapple Cove def. Master’s 4-1

JV Girls Soccer: Bayside def. Master’s 1-0


MS Girls Basketball: Calvary Christian def. Master’s 38-2

V Girls Basketball: Master’s def. Bethany 27-17

V Boys Basketball: Bethany def. Master’s 75-44

V Girls Soccer: Master’s def. PSL 9-2

V Boys Soccer: SCPA def. Master’s 2-0


V Boys Soccer: Master’s def. MIC 4-0

MS Girls Basketball: Master’s def. Wade Christian 32-8

7/8 Boys Basketball: Master’s def. Wade Christian 55-16

JV Boys Basketball: Florida Prep def. Master’s 60-39

V Boys Basketball: Florida Prep def. Master’s 70-29

V Girls Soccer: MCC def. Master’s 2-1


6/7 Boys Basketball: Master’s def. St. Edward’s 27-17

MS Girls Basketball: Master’s def. St. Edward’s 9-7

V Boys Soccer: Master’s def. Calvary Chapel 2-1

JV Girls Soccer: Holy Trinity def. Master’s 5-0

JV Boys Basketball: Boca Christian def. Master’s 63-50

V Girls Basketball: Boca Christian def. Master’s 40-16

V Boys Basketball: Boca Christian def. Master’s 52-40 


Upper School News


Important dates:

  • THIS TUESDAY - Christmas Program. See email from Mrs. McClure about arrival time and dress code.
  • THIS WEDNESDAY - SGA Meeting in Room U7 at 3:15 PM. All officers and class representatives should attend.
  • THIS FRIDAY - High School Retreat Permission Slip and Waiver DUE
  • December 17th - 19th - Midterm Exams
  • Friday, December 20th - Christmas Chapel and noon dismissal
  • December 31st - Deadline for Senior Yearbook Tributes and Portraits

Preschool and Lower School News


Important dates:

  • THIS TUESDAY - Christmas Program. See communication from homeroom teacher about arrival time and dress code.
  • Friday, December 20th - Christmas Chapel and noon dismissal
  • Friday, January 17th - Dutch Day (3rd Grade)
  • Friday, January 17th - Italy Day (1st Grade)

Volunteer Opportunities

Each family (K-12th) is asked to give a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service to waive their Advancement Fee. All hours are logged into your FACTS family portal and must be completed by May 1st. Click the button below for instructions on how to log your hours.


Lunchroom - Helpers needed. Email Kaitlyn Vendryes

Athletic Home Games - Gate and Concessions helpers needed. Email Steve Boyer

Yearbook Photographers - Email Jessica Samons

EAL - Helpers needed (can be high school students) - Email Jason VanArsdall

Hospitality - Food items needed for Alumni Chapel on January 10th. Sign up HERE.

Big Shots Event - Help is needed at the event on Sunday, February 16th (registration table, auction monitoring, raffle ticket sales, and other aspects of the event). Email Nancy Cook for details.

Auction Item Procurement - Do you own a business? We are procuring auction items for the Big Shots Fundraiser Event and would like to promote your business. Donate a product or a gift certificate for a service! Email Jennifer McClure if you can help or if you would like to assist with procuring items from local businesses.

More volunteer opportunities may be found in the Announcements section of your FACTS family portal or reach out to your Room Parent.

Thank You to our Sponsors:
