January 21, 2025 | Quarter 3, Week 3

Weekly news & updates

Upcoming Events

THIS FRIDAY - Staff v. Student Basketball Game, 2:00 PM

Thursday, January 30th - Kindergarten Connection, 6:00 PM (for parents of rising Kindergarten students) RSVP requested

Monday, February 3rd - Parent Meeting (at King's Baptist, 6:00 PM)

Monday, February 3rd - C3 Seminar featuring David Edwards at King's Baptist Church, 6:30 PM

Thursday, February 13th - Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast at Riverside Park

Sunday, February 16th - Big Shots Family Fun Night, 6-9 PM

Monday, February 17th - Presidents Day (No School)

February 18th - 21st - Foreign Language Week

Friday, February 21st - Spring Sports Pep Rally

Thursday, February 27th - Spring Portraits

Friday, February 28th - Grandparents' Day and Noon Dismissal

Friday, March 7th - 8th Grade Melodrama

Parent Meeting &

C3 Seminar

Monday, February 3rd

David Edwards is a speaker and author. For more than three decades he has been sharing his unique brand of ministry to a postmodern generation. This is a FREE event, open to the public, and will be at King's Baptist Church. Parents will earn volunteer service hours and High School students will earn community service hours for attending. Note: There will be a 30 minute parent meeting beginning at 6 PM prior to the event.


If you would like postcards to share with your church, neighbors, or small group, stop by the Upper School office!

Important News & Information


Lunch Orders - Orders for next week must be placed through your FACTS family portal by midnight on Thursday. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the menu and click ORDER ITEMS. Also, make sure there are funds in your lunch account BEFORE ordering. Lunch ordering instructions may be found HERE.


Yearbooks - Save $5 off the regular price if you pre-order by April 1st. Order HERE to save!


Golf Ball Drop Tickets - Purchase tickets for a chance to WIN a cash prize! Numbered golf balls will be dropped from a helicopter over Big Shots on February 16th. If your golf ball ends up in, or closest to, the hole, you WIN (you do not have to be present to win). Purchase tickets HERE. Proceeds benefit the Patriot Athletic program.

Valentine Cookie-grams - Purchase a Chick-fil-A cookie for your student, teacher, or friend. Cookies will be delivered to the classrooms on Friday, February 14th. Cost is $3/cookie and proceeds benefit the 8th grade class trip to Boston. Orders will be taken in the Lower School lobby and Upper School breezeway each morning. Also, a table will be set up in the foyer of King's Baptist at the Parent Meeting on February 3rd.

Praying Parents - Meet in the Lower School lobby on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday mornings at 8 AM to pray for 15 minutes over our school. Email Monica Washington for more information.

Kindergarten Connection - There will be an informational meeting for parents of rising Kindergarten students (ready for K in August) on Thursday, January 30th at 6:00 PM. RSVP requested (parents only, please).

Preschool Enrollment - If you have a child who is ready for Pre-K3 next school year, please complete THIS FORM.

Step Up For Students - 2025-2026 application season opens on February 1st. This is for both renewal and new students. You must apply by April 30th or you will be processed as a new applicant.

Child Care Payment Receipts - Annual payment information to aid you in documentation for income tax preparation is available on FACTS. CLICK HERE for instructions to obtain your payment summary.

Athletic News


Track Program assistants needed. Contact Steve Boyer for details. Practices start this Wednesday at 3:30 PM.


Middle and High School Softball - Email Steve Boyer if you are interested in playing softball. Practices started this week.

Middle School Flag Football (co-ed) - Email Steve Boyer if you are interested in playing. There will be a meeting with Coach Rooney on Wednesday, February 5th at 3:15 PM in the cafeteria.

All HOME game tickets are purchased ONLINE only:




Middle School Girls Basketball @ Gifford Middle, 4:30 PM

Middle School Boys 7th/8th Basketball @ Gifford Middle, 5:30 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ HOME v. Calvary Christian Melbourne, 6:00 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ HOME v. Brevard Heat, 7:30 PM


Middle School Girls Basketball @ Sebastian Charter Middle, 4:30 PM

Varsity Boys Soccer District Quarterfinal @ Pineapple Cove, 3:30 PM


Varsity Girls Soccer District Semifinal @ HOME v. Jupiter Christian, 3:30 PM

Middle School Boys 6th/7th Basketball @ Brevard Heat, 4:00 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ Brevard Heat, 5:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ Tradition Prep, 7:00 PM


Middle School Boys 6th/7th Basketball @ HOME v. Brevard Heat, 3:30 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ HOME v. Brevard Heat, 4:30 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ HOME v. Liberty, 6:00 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ HOME v. Lincoln Park, 7:30 PM


Upper School News


Important dates:

  • THIS WEDNESDAY - SGA Meeting at 3:15 PM in room U7. All officers and class representatives are expected to attend.
  • THIS FRIDAY - Staff v. Student Basketball Game, 2:00 PM
  • February 6th-8th - High School Retreat
  • Thursday, February 13th - Vero Beach Prayer Breakfast (Juniors and Seniors will be serving)
  • Monday, February 17th - Presidents Day (No School)
  • February 18th-21st - Foreign Language Week
  • Thursday, February 27th - Spring Portraits
  • Friday, February 28th - Grandparents Day and Noon Dismissal

Preschool & Lower School News


Important dates:

  • THIS WEDNESDAY - Winnie-the-Pooh Day (Kindergarten)
  • Thursday, January 30th - Kindergarten Connection (for parents of Pre-K 4 students who are interested in learning about Kindergarten at Master's Academy).
  • Monday, February 3rd - 100th Day of School
  • Monday, February 17th - Presidents Day (No School)
  • February 18th-21st - Foreign Language Week
  • Thursday, February 20th - Heidi Day (2nd Grade)
  • Thursday, February 27th - Spring Portraits
  • Friday, February 28th - Grandparents Day and Noon Dismissal
  • Wednesday, March 5th - Pioneer Day (Kindergarten)
  • Friday, March 7th - Treasure Island Day (4th Grade)

Volunteer Opportunities

Each family (K-12th) is asked to give a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service to waive their Advancement Fee. All hours are logged into your FACTS family portal and must be completed by May 1st. Click the button below for instructions on how to log your hours.


URGENT NEED - Can you help drop off donation request letters to businesses and/or pick up donated items? Email Jennifer McClure if you can help.

Lunchroom - Helpers needed. Email Kaitlyn Vendryes

Athletic Home Games - Gate and Concessions helpers needed. Email Steve Boyer

EAL - Helpers needed (can be high school students) - Email Jason VanArsdall

Hospitality - Provide items for Kindergarten Connection. Sign up at THIS LINK.

More volunteer opportunities may be found in the Announcements section of your FACTS family portal or reach out to your Room Parent.

Family Fun Day at Big Shots

Sunday, February 16th

Join in the fun at Big Shots on Sunday, February 16th, 6-9 PM. There will be a Kid's Zone with a bounce house, entertainment, raffles, golf ball drop, silent auction, and food will be available for purchase from a limited menu.

If you wish to rent a bay (8 golfers/bay), register SOON before they sell out!


Thank You to our Sponsors:
