November 18, 2024 | Quarter 2, Week 6

Weekly news & updates

Upcoming Events

THIS TUESDAY - Cereal Box Dominos, 1:00 PM in the Lower School

THIS FRIDAY - Deadline for OCC Shoeboxes and First Fruits donations

THIS FRIDAY - Plimoth Plantation Day (Noon dismissal for all grades)

November 25th - 29th - Thanksgiving Break

Friday, December 6th - Winter Sports Pep Rally, 2 PM

Saturday, December 7th - Vero Beach Oceanside Christmas Parade, 6:00 PM

Tuesday, December 10th - Christmas Program, 6:30 PM

Friday, December 20th - Christmas Chapel (Noon dismissal for all grades)

December 23rd - January 3rd - Christmas Break

Monday, January 6th - Classes resume (hurricane make-up day and noon dismissal for all grades)

Friday, January 10th - Alumni Chapel, 10:00 AM

Ways to bless...

  1. Donate non-perishable food items for the Pathway Church food pantry (First Fruits offering)
  2. Fill a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child
  3. Give to the Master's Academy Annual Fund to support the Teacher Christmas Bonus this year


Plimoth Plantation Day

This Friday, 9:00 AM

This is a special day in the life of Master's Academy. ALL students are expected to be in period costume as we celebrate America's providential history and the first Thanksgiving.


Not sure what to wear or how to put your costume together? READ THIS! (Note: The weather is expected to be cool on Friday, so students may wear layers underneath their costumes.)


The program will begin at 9:00 AM in the worship center, then classes will rotate through the outdoor Plimoth Encounter presented by our 8th grade students. Parents, grandparents, family, and friends are welcome to attend!

Important News & Information


Lunch Orders - Orders for next week must be placed through your FACTS family portal by midnight on Thursday. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the menu and click ORDER ITEMS. Also, make sure there are funds in your lunch account BEFORE ordering. Lunch ordering instructions may be found HERE.



RaiseRight - If you wish to purchase plastic gift cards for Christmas, the deadline to order through the office is Monday, December 2nd. This soft fundraiser allows you to earn cash back toward tuition! Email Nancy Cook for details.


Hurricane Make-Up Days - Monday, January 6th will be a school day (noon dismissal) as will Monday, March 17th (noon dismissal)

Tutoring - Tutors are available to help your student. Please reach out to Robin Harwick for information and cost.


Praying Parents - Meet in the Lower School lobby on Monday, Wednesday, and/or Friday mornings at 8 AM to pray for 15 minutes over our school. Email Monica Washington for more information.


Operation Christmas Child - Support this NHS service project by filling a shoebox for a child. Share the Gospel across the world. Get a shoebox from Mrs. Brown in the Lower School lobby or Upper School homerooms and return it by THIS FRIDAY. Don't forget to include shipping when you return your filled box! Details HERE.

Cereal Box Dominos - Thank you to everyone who donated boxes of cereal for the "box party". The cereal will be donated to the Pathway Church food pantry as well as hurricane victims. IF YOU CAN HELP SET UP THE DOMINO EFFECT tomorrow, please email Frances Mister. You are welcome to come and watch the boxes fall on TUESDAY at 1:00 PM in the Lower School.

Athletic News


All HOME game tickets are purchased ONLINE only:




Middle School Boys (6th/7th) Basketball @ St. Edwards, 3:30 PM

JV Boys Basketball @ Somerset, 5:30 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ Pineapple Cove Melbourne, 5:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ Somerset, 7:00 PM

JV Girls Soccer @ Sebastian River High, 5:00 PM

Varsity Girls Soccer @ Sebastian River High, 7:00 PM


Middle School Girls Basketball @ St. Edwards, 3:30 PM

Middle School Boys (7th/8th) Basketball @ St. Edwards, 4:30 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ St. Edwards, 5:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ St. Edwards, 7:00 PM

Varsity Girls Soccer @ John Carroll, 6:00 PM


Varsity Boys Soccer @ HOME v. Pineapple Cove, 3:30 PM

JV Girls Soccer @ The Benjamin School, 4:00 PM

Varsity Girls Basketball @ Calvary Chapel, 5:30 PM

Varsity Boys Basketball @ Calvary Chapel, 7:00 PM


Varsity Boys Soccer @ HOME v. Sarasota Christian, 2:00 PM

Varsity Girls Soccer @ HOME v. Sarasota Christian, 4:00 PM

Last Week's Scores:


JV Girls Soccer lost to The Benjamin School, 0-3


JV Girls Soccer lost to Holy Trinity, 0-5

Varsity Boys Soccer lost to John Carroll, 2-3


JV Boys Soccer lost to Westwood, 0-4

Varsity Girls Soccer defeated Lincoln Park, 8-0


Upper School News


Important dates:

THIS FRIDAY - Plimoth Plantation Day (dress in period costume; noon dismissal)

December 17th-19th - Midterm Exams

December 20th - Christmas Chapel (noon dismissal)

SENIORS: Deadline to submit senior portrait for the yearbook and deadline to purchase a senior ad in the yearbook are approaching! Please submit these by December 31st. Reach out to Mrs. Samons with any questions.

Preschool and Lower School News


Important dates:

THIS TUESDAY - Cereal Box Domino Demonstration at 1:00 PM

THIS FRIDAY - Plimoth Plantation Day (dress in period costume; noon dismissal)

Tuesday, December 10th - Christmas Program, 6:30 PM

Friday, December 20th - Christmas Chapel (noon dismissal)

EAL (Elementary Athletic League) - Registration is open. Return your paperwork and payment before the season start date. Interested in volunteering? Email Mr. VanArsdall


Volunteer Opportunities

Each family (K-12th) is asked to give a minimum of 20 hours of volunteer service to waive their Advancement Fee. All hours are logged into your FACTS family portal and must be completed by May 1st. Click the button below for instructions on how to log your hours.


Lunchroom - Helpers needed. Email Kaitlyn Vendryes

Athletic Home Games - Gate and Concessions helpers needed. Email Steve Boyer

Christmas Parade Float - Helpers needed. Email Jerry Cutshall

Yearbook Photographers - Email Jessica Samons

EAL - Helpers needed (can be high school students) - Email Jason VanArsdall

Self-Paced Program - Help is needed grading PACES. May be done from home. Email Linda Carlson.

More volunteer opportunities may be found in the Announcements section of your FACTS family portal or reach out to your Room Parent.

Thank You to our Sponsors:
