Episcopal Youth Community


EYC This Week!

Come join us Wednesday nights from 5-7! All youth age 6-12 grade are welcome. Those who participate in scouts are welcome to join us before scouts! We will gather in the parish hall to eat, and then head over to the youth wing around 6. This week, the youth director from St. Philip's, Jackson, will join us to give us an overview of the Happening program. Some of our youth will not be old enough to go through that experience yet, but that's ok--they will know what it is and get excited about going in the future!

We also plan to renew our Community Covenant with one another this week, if time allows. And of course, we will end with Compline!

Register for this year!

If you haven't already (and you probably have not!) please take a moment to register yourself/your youth for EYC offerings this school year! It is very important for us to know who is interested in what, and how we can contact everyone. I would like to send this newsletter out ot our youth so that they know what is going on! This will also help us determine our needs for adult volunteers.

Please register here.

Order your t-shirt here!

Please support our St. James' EYC programming by buying a t-shirt! This will be our general t-shirt design for our 2023-2024 programming year, created by the kids over the summer! Didn't they do a great job! Special thanks to Ginger Cook, Eloise Cook, Lydia Murphy, and William King for working so hard on it! Order one for your youth, and for everyone in the family! Proceeds from our t-shirt sales will directly benefit our youth programming. You can get a paper form this Sunday in your bulletin, in the youth wing, or you can order here: T-Shirt Order Form

I have extended our deadline through September 10 at midnight. Please pay by cash or check. You may drop it off with me or in the office at any time. Timely payment is much appreciated by our fundraising budget!

Get your calendar!

Please take a look at your calendar..there have been a few dates added!

Click here for the Google Calendar

EY2nds Tailgate Trivia @ St. James'

Our next EY2nds event will be hosted by us at St. James' on September 10th. The fabulous Josh and Laura Clark will be leading us in a night of trivia. We will need Parish participation in order to make this happen! If you, your grandma, or your next-door neighbor would like to come to watch the fun, or bring a dish, please sign up here!

EYC Team recruitment!

Adults! We need your help! We are looking to develop teams to lead our Sunday morning formation classes, EYC on Wednesday nights, mentors for Confirmation, and Events coordinators! Please see this link for information about each team. If you are interested, or know anyone that you think may be interested, please contact me!

Mark your calendars:

September 10-EY2nds @ St. James'-Trivia Night!

September 15-17 Senior High DOY-Register Here

October 13-15 Junior High DOY-Register Here

October 27-29 Confirmation Retreat (info to come!)

October 29 EY2nds Halloween Party @ St. Philip's

November 12--EY2nds @ St. Andrew's Cathedral, popcorn and a movie!

November 17-19 Happening #95 @ St. Philip's

December 27-Jan 1, Winter Solstice at CBG

Important Dates for the Spring

Feb 2-4 Youth Presence at Diocesan Council

February 16-18 Spring Jr High DOY

March 8-10 Happening #96 @ St. Peter's, Oxford

April 5-7 Senior High DOY

Director's discourse

Well, our first EY2nds event is in the books! Thank you to to all of you who came and made it such a successful event. We had about 46 total Central Convocation kids and 10 of those were from St. James'! I am hoping that we can continue to grow our participation with the larger EYC community through these events. As our 10 will tell you, they had A LOT of fun. We had EYC Olympics all night, an epic game of Gargoyles all around the Chapel campus (at about midnight, no less!) and then finally ended our evening with a beautiful Compline service around 2 AM. These old bones were TOAST by that time, folks!

Let's all come together to make our EY2nds event just as successful! As mentioned above, we will be hosting a "Tailgate Trivia" night on September 10th. We will need adequate adult supervision in order to meet our Safe Church guidelines and ensure that our youth are safe and feel the love and support of their community. Let's show our area churches what St. James' is all about!

On another note--our Fall Sunday school classes have kicked off with a bang! We have a fantastic group of kids and adults. I am so thankful for these adults who have offered their time, energy, and love to shepherd our youth. Parents, if you can, please do drop by the youth wing one morning to thank them personally and say hi! Each Sunday, we will gather as a large group for songs, fun, and announcements, and then we will break into our individual groups for class. The breakdown is as follows:

6th Grade: Weaving God's Promises

7th-8th Grade: Rite13

Senior High: J2A

I look forward to these groups growing in number and strength over the course of the year. Please make it a priority for your youth to attend! These programs are specifically designed to meet the needs of our youth at each stage. And keep in mind, only those active participants in the J2A program will be eligible for the Pilgrimage in year 2 of the program!

With all that being said, we could still use two more amazing volunteers to help out with our groups. Rite13 needs one more teacher, as does J2A! I promise I will do whatever I can to help you along the way, and you will have lots of support from your adult team as well. Please let me know if you are interested. I am happy to talk with you one-on-one about it!

My phone is always on, and my door is always open!


A small sample of your EY2nds Leadership Team!

Get in Touch!

Laura's Cell: 601.720.1210

Direct Line to Youth: 601.982.4880 ext. 233

Email: [email protected]

Find us on Instagram @youthofstjames

Join Our GroupMe!