July 2017
Youth Policy  NEWS
Highlights innovative youth-focused policy work at the local, state and federal levels.

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp, D-North Dakota, and U.S. Representative Danny Davis, D-Chicago have introduced federal legislation called the Trauma Informed Care for Children and Families Act. This bill creates a federal task force, expands Medicaid coverage for child trauma services, increases mental health care in schools, authorizes a $20 million funding increase for National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative, and creates training programs for educators to work with students who experience trauma. The legislation has been modeled after the Performance Partnership Pilots (P3) to allow state and local agencies to work with the federal government with an increased level of flexibility.

At the state and local level, nearly 40 bills have been introduced in 18 different states in 2017 to combat adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and provide trauma-informed care. States such as Virginia, California, Texas and Massachusetts have introduced laws and resolutions in order to create a more unified approach to holistic care that considers the impact of trauma and ACEs. State agencies have also created initiatives that align the trauma-informed sphere with those of juvenile justice, mental health, and education. Scans of work done in each state illuminate the tremendous potential for impact that can be harnessed by states and localities that incorporate principles of P3 flexibility into creation of trauma-informed care policy.
Communities looking to draw down federal funding for place-based, cross-systems collaborative work to improve cradle-to-career supports for children and youth may find  Connecting the Dots: A guide to Leveraging Federal Funding Streams  useful. This organizational tool, created by the Forum for Youth Investment, Collaborative Communications and Jobs for the Future, is designed to provide communities with the data and information necessary to get a clear picture of the federal funding resources they are already accessing, those available to fill gaps in their communities, and how to choose among and access 120 programs across 7 federal agencies. This tool not only contains information on the purpose and characteristics of these federal funding opportunities but provides a user guide that may help communities use the tool most effectively.  Read the 'New Tool' announcement about Connecting the Dots here.
Seeking Participants for Survey of Child and Youth Policy Coordinating BodiesSurvey
As host to the Children's Cabinet Network, The Forum for Youth Investment conducts a biennial survey of child and youth policy coordinating bodies (such as P-20 Councils, Children's Cabinets and Early Childhood Advisory Councils) across the county. The goal of this survey is to track the success of these bodies over time and to collect information on promising practices for coordinating child and youth policies across departments and agencies. If you know of a child and youth policy coordinating body in your city, county or state we would greatly appreciate if you would take the time to follow this link to a short contact form so that we can ensure that we capture that coordinating body in our survey. Additionally, please feel free to view reports from previous iterations of this survey here
U.S. Department of Education issues invitation for applications for the 2017 FY Promise Neighborhoods Program grant competitionUSDOE
The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Innovation and Improvement released a notice inviting applications for new Promise Neighborhoods program grantees for Fiscal Year 17, and are planning to make between 4 and 6 new awards based on these applications. In short, Promise Neighborhoods are targeted geographic areas in distressed communities where organizations (such as offices of chief elected officials of local governments or nonprofits) work to increase the availability and quality of cradle-to-career services that support children and youth education and development.

Pre-Application Webinars:
Thursday, August 3, 2017, 1:00PM EST
Thursday, August 10, 2017, 1:00PM EST
Deadline for Notice of Intent to Apply: August 21, 2017
Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: September 5, 2017, 4:30 PM (Washington, D.C. time)
The Forum for Youth Investment's Elizabeth Gaines attended the   National League of Cities'   National Black Caucus of Locally Elected Officials (NBC LEO)  summer conference to provide a seminar on how local public leaders can align key stakeholders in their cities to work towards youth readiness. Members of the NBC LEO heard from Elizabeth about how to lay the foundation for a cross-systems coordinating body, like a children's cabinet, how to use data to support cities' collective youth development goals, and how to find, align, generate and evaluate their city's resources toward outcomes for youth.  Read more about the convening here.