YREA autumn 2023 news & views

Letters to the Earth: Between despair & hope

A Battle Cry for Mother Earth  

You have reached a time of action. Consumerism and greed has  made us forget our teachings. You suffer with an infestation upon your back. Be strong now and rally your strength to shuffle off this pestilence.  

You have given us everything and yet we relentlessly want more. How can one be so generous in the face of death?  Our self-centered ways have made us blind to your pain until now, and yet we continue.  Stand, shake off your robes, and pick up your spear.  Do not think of us Mother, as we die beneath your feet.  For we deserve nothing more. 

Deron Ahsén:nase Douglas (Mohawk-First Nation) www.ahsennase.com


Dear Mother Earth,  

My grief is deep 

As wide and deep as the mining pits we dig for more 

As disfiguring as the fracking scars that pierce our rocks 

As wrenching as the jagged tracts of clear cut forests 

As suffocating as the tons of plastic that strangle our sea creatures 

As despairing as we gasp to find unpolluted air 

As agonizing as we watch children die from hunger and  disease 

As humbling as we know that more voices than mine need to come together as a creative choir 

Yet….our dearest Mother Earth… 

If we can create a chorus of harmonies 

If we can fashion a tapestry of visual resonance 

If we can imagine the heritage of beauty you meant for us 

If we can look into the branches of our tallest, oldest trees 

If we can nurture the tiniest, most fragile living things 

And become your soul partners, we may earn your  forgiveness and regain HOPE…. 

Diana Bennett (Canada) www.dianabennett.ca

Greenwashing just doesn't wash

We have all been hoodwinked at one time or other. Vague language, misleading statistics, irrelevant claims, omitting product’s pollution levels to appear more eco-friendly. Boycott the worst offenders.

  • Keurig  & Nespresso coffee pods, misleading recycling claims.
  • Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche false, cheating emissions tests before they were caught
  • ‘Biodegradable’ food packaging & plastic bags that must be landfilled.
  • Fast fashion with their unsustainable practices & inhumane working conditions.
  • Household products that hide the truth. 
  • Single use batteries said to last 10 yrs.

How to spot the culprits. Check out this list.

Competition Bureau of Canada has this to say

YREA's submissions to government

It was a busy summer of letter writing advocacy. Many concerns with badly thought out, deplorable legislation.

YREA’s objection to Ontario mining amendments

YREA’s objection to federal pesticide level increases

Federal submission on fresh water study.

Federal submission on plastic pollution prevention

YREA’s comments on costly phosphorus removal for Lake Simcoe which will NOT solve its problems.

The dangers of stone & concrete dust

Many of us repeatedly endure airborne dust from builders, infrastructure repairs & paving installers. This dust is highly toxic to humans yet municipal bylaws exempt many activities that create this contamination. Regulations need to be strengthened to safegaurd the enivornment & workers who are immersed in this, often without protective gear. Those who work with stone & concrete can develop serious diseases and ill-health as a result of breathing in dust. Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) is found in stone dust and causes silicosis, cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It is so easy to suppress dust by splitting stone, using a wet saw or water mist spray to keep workers safe, dust out of the air and out of human lungs. An environmental & worker safety issue where stronger legislation is needed.

Reminder to leave the leaves this fall

This autumn, leave the leaves, flower heads & plant stems for overwintering birds and insects. This will provide winter food and bird nest building material come spring. Why? We need to do this because of loss of larval hosts; overwintering forage and nesting habitat loss; as well as the continued use of pesticides by some homeowners, landscapers and farmers. It is time we changed our harmful practices by decolonializing our gardens and all our green spaces. Nature doesn't like neat and tidy cookie cutter lawns and is depending on us.

YREA will be at the Richmond Hill garden event on Sept. 9th, 1pm-4pm. Stop by our table for a chat & pick up some useful information.

Forest bathing or hiking - it's your choice

Whether we connect with a forest on an inner journey to reacquaint ourselves with our own natures through forest bathing or we are out for physical exertion, species identification or photography or chatting with companions as we hike in a group, each of these will benefit our wellbeing. Try what works best for you. Or try both. 
