A Battle Cry for Mother Earth
You have reached a time of action. Consumerism and greed has made us forget our teachings. You suffer with an infestation upon your back. Be strong now and rally your strength to shuffle off this pestilence.
You have given us everything and yet we relentlessly want more. How can one be so generous in the face of death? Our self-centered ways have made us blind to your pain until now, and yet we continue. Stand, shake off your robes, and pick up your spear. Do not think of us Mother, as we die beneath your feet. For we deserve nothing more.
Deron Ahsén:nase Douglas (Mohawk-First Nation) www.ahsennase.com
Dear Mother Earth,
My grief is deep
As wide and deep as the mining pits we dig for more
As disfiguring as the fracking scars that pierce our rocks
As wrenching as the jagged tracts of clear cut forests
As suffocating as the tons of plastic that strangle our sea creatures
As despairing as we gasp to find unpolluted air
As agonizing as we watch children die from hunger and disease
As humbling as we know that more voices than mine need to come together as a creative choir
Yet….our dearest Mother Earth…
If we can create a chorus of harmonies
If we can fashion a tapestry of visual resonance
If we can imagine the heritage of beauty you meant for us
If we can look into the branches of our tallest, oldest trees
If we can nurture the tiniest, most fragile living things
And become your soul partners, we may earn your forgiveness and regain HOPE….
Diana Bennett (Canada) www.dianabennett.ca