Quebec banned the aerial spraying of glyphosate to kill off hard woods on public land in 2001 (thus supporting a thriving furniture industry that uses these local resources).
Saskatchewan & Cape Breton have recently also stopped.
Weyerhaeuser, Alberta claims to not have any spraying planned for 2022.
StopSprayingNB submitted a petition with 35,543 signatures, the most in NB's history, asking their legislative assembly to support a ban.
Governments that need to act and the timber corporations are well aware that Canadians do not sanction this ecocide. Support is also starting via MLAs. Signage is going up to raise further public awareness of this abominable practice.
The white spirit moose gained protection from MNRF in 2006 due to its cultural and spiritual importance to First Nations communities and to enhance wildlife viewing & tourism in northern Ontario. Yet their chances to flourish & survive will suffer if their food, habitat & ecosystem are poisoned. It's time that all provinces end the spraying of chemical herbicides in forestry to protect human and environmental health.