YREA summer 2022 news & views

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Supporting a natural path to health


Nature’s Path organic cereals continues their commitment to the sector through a partnership with Canadian Organic Growers (COG) with funding support to promote climate-friendly, regenerative organic farming. COG provides education, advocacy and leadership to help build an agricultural system that empowers farmers and consumers, enhances human health, builds community and mitigates climate change while increasing Canadian food sovereignty. One focus will be on COG's Regenerative Oat program. A worthwhile collaboration given that so many cereals tested by Environmental Working Group had high levels of pesticide residues. Learn more on why choosing organic is best for the health of your family and the environment.



'Advanced' or 'chemical' recycling? - Just greenwashing for incinerating plastic. The industry has been pushing 'advanced' recycling since China quite rightfully shut its borders to used plastic in 2018.The highly questionable process of converting plastic to create a new low-grade fuel does not qualify as recyling under international definitions. It creates harmful air pollution, hazardous waste & releases GHGE when burned. Yet how will this speculative technology be properly monitored when the Ford government has repealed (among many other environmental reversals) toxics use reduction law & the regulatory framework for controlling industrial water pollution? Because the world has failed to reduce plastics use, governments are being hoodwinked into embracing this dubious path. Concerns were raised 14 years ago regarding toxic emissions from incineration. This will make things even worse. See submission from 18 groups, including YREA, regarding this in ERO #019-4867 EA.

Feds look to label chemicals in consumer products

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Although this is a step in the right direction, YREA feels a total ban on toxic substances in cosmetics & household products would be of much more benefit to our health. Of course, there will be pushback from the industry (just like big plastic’s trashy lawsuit) because who will buy a product containing toluene, formaldehyde or benzene (found in many personal care products) once it is listed? Luckily, the harmful ingredients found in fabric softeners, dryer sheets, most laundry detergents & cleaners can be eliminated by switching to Canadian made Eco Max or Nature Clean.  Keep safe by keeping informed through research.

Stop the Spray gains momentum


Quebec banned the aerial spraying of glyphosate to kill off hard woods on public land in 2001 (thus supporting a thriving furniture industry that uses these local resources).

Saskatchewan & Cape Breton have recently also stopped.

Weyerhaeuser, Alberta claims to not have any spraying planned for 2022.

StopSprayingNB submitted a petition with 35,543 signatures, the most in NB's history, asking their legislative assembly to support a ban.

Governments that need to act and the timber corporations are well aware that Canadians do not sanction this ecocide. Support is also starting via MLAs. Signage is going up to raise further public awareness of this abominable practice.

The white spirit moose gained protection from MNRF in 2006 due to its cultural and spiritual importance to First Nations communities and to enhance wildlife viewing & tourism in northern Ontario. Yet their chances to flourish & survive will suffer if their food, habitat & ecosystem are poisoned. It's time that all provinces end the spraying of chemical herbicides in forestry to protect human and environmental health.

Plant berry bushes & trees for birds & bees

Experience Indigenous culture this summer

If you have yet to enjoy the excitement of immersing yourself in Indigenous cultural experiences, this summer would be a perfect time. Learn about our country's First Nations and their rich history by engaging in attractions, events and adventures, found in every province, from coast to coast.

Summer is Pow Wow season. Check out one that you could attend during your travels. If you are staying closer to home, there are 16 Pow Wows scheduled throughout Ontario. You will enjoy drumming, dancing, be impressed by regalia, buy wild rice from Indigenous vendors & taste Indian tacos & cedar tea. You will learn about the sacredness of Turtle Island.

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