YUMC God Squad,

Youth & Young Adult

Summer 2023 Update



[email protected]

Hi all!

I hope you are well and enjoying your summer!

Below are a few updates and reminders.

Also, check out a highlight video from our summer together!

I pray your summer continues to be a time of rest, fun and growth.

Stay cool, have a WONDERFUL August, friends!




Sunday August 20th 1:30pm Back Pack Blessing

Sunday October 8th 1:30pm Blessing of the Animals

Wednesday October 11th 5:30-7:30pm God Squad and Youth Group begin!

Wednesday October 14th 9am Pumpkin Unloading

Sunday October 22nd 6pm-7:30pm Parents VS Kids/Teens BIG GAME COMPETITION!


Sunday August 20th 1:30pm

A new school year can be an exciting time!

It can also be a time of nerves and anxiety.

Let's start this new year in prayer.

All Students, Families,

Teachers, Administrators, Support Staff

and anyone with a calendar:

YOU are invited to Yardley UMC for prayer and water ice!

Calling all Kids, Youth, Young Adults!

We want YOU to help us come up with a logo for new shirts and other fun things!

Here’s how it will work. . .

You read the description and verse below.

Then, draw or create whatever comes to your mind. You can use one color or several, create it digitally or draw it, use all words or all pictures… this is your space to be creative!

Send your creation to [email protected] or reply to this email.

When we are together in October, we will take all the submissions and vote on our logo for the year! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Theme Verse: Psalm 139: 16-17 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.

Theme Explanation: We all have a story. God is working in all of our lives as individuals, as a family, as a community and as humankind.

We are spending the year learning to share our stories and listen to other's stories.

We will spend the year learning God’s Stories in the Bible and paralleling them to our own story and the stories of others.

Blessing of the Animals

Sunday October 9th 2pm

Do you have a best friend or family member that happens to be an animal?

Come for a Blessing of the Animals!


Proverbs 12:10 says, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals"

If your beloved animal friend cannot attend, bring a picture of them with you.

We are gathering donations of dry animal food for a local shelter.

Spread the word! Share this with fellow animal lovers! 

I will be on ministry leave August 15- October 10th.

In that time, I will not be able to check email or respond to texts.

For more information on my leave, see previous note or let's chat! https://neesie576.wixsite.com/denisethoughts/post/renewal-leave

I am so sad to be missing the end of summer and beginning of fall with you! Please know I am praying for you and all you will experience in the weeks ahead. I can't wait to see everyone in October!

As of August 13th, If you need anything, please reach out to Pastor Lee!

He is excited to listen, pray or help in any way! (Picture Below)

[email protected] 

As always, if you need someone to talk to, you can reach out to any of our leaders.

Christine (God Squad)[email protected]

Laura (God Squad) [email protected]

Nancy (Youth Group) [email protected]

Lexi (Youth Group) [email protected]

Pam (Knows all)[email protected]

Kim (Kitchen Master) [email protected]

Erica (Logistics and Food) [email protected] 

Linda (Logistics & Food!) [email protected]