General Newsletter Header 2021

Please update your records with our new mailing address:

Yampa Valley Community Foundation

348 Oak Street

Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

Casey's Pond Saved!

On August 30, the Yampa Valley Community Foundation signed an agreement with the receiver of Casey's Pond to purchase the senior living facility to enable the full spectrum of its current operations to continue. This effort would not have been possible without an incredible number of community partners and donors. We particularly want to recognize Northwest Colorado Health who will assume ownership, Steamboat City Council whose allocation of $2.5M of short-term rental tax springboarded the effort, the current operator CLC-Capella for continuing operations until new ownership steps in, Routt County Commissioners for their support, and the MANY donors of amounts large and small who enabled the purchase and are helping bridge initial operating expenses as Casey’s Pond restabilizes.

To our cherished community, we want to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU!!!

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2024 Community Grant Cycle

The Yampa Valley Community Foundation has awarded a record $661,068 in grant awards to 80 nonprofits serving the Yampa Valley in its 2024 Community Grant Cycle. This was an increase of 22% over the amount awarded in 2023.

  • $340,325 General Operating Grants
  • $270,743 Program Grants
  • $50,000 Impact Grants

For more statistics, details and to see the full list of grantees:

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We could not do this work without the help of the community.

The annual grant cycle is funded by generous donations from community members and Donor Advised Fund advisors, the Foundation’s granting endowments, and a longstanding partnership with the Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation

In addition, our volunteer grant committee dedicates significant hours reviewing each application, ensuring a fair and objective allocation of funding and helping the Foundation engage deeply with and understand the needs of local nonprofits.

Spring & Summer Grant Highlights

In addition to the above, we've also kept busy this spring and summer overseeing grant and scholarship cycles. Here's a brief roundup:

Out & Proud Yampa Valley Fund

Three grants totaling $28,542 awarded to:

Trail Maintenance Endowment Fund

$38,000 awarded to:

  • Routt National Forest and Bureau of Land Management: trail crew member to upkeep multi-use trails
  • Routt County Riders: maintenance of Spring Roll downhill bike trail

Yampa River Fund

Four recipients for five projects, totaling $204,125:

  • Colorado Water Trust
  • Friends of the Yampa
  • Trout Unlimited
  • Community Agriculture Alliance

North Routt Community Fund

  • North Routt Community Charter School: $5,040 for curriculum and supports for struggling students
  • Routt County Search & Rescue: $1,000 toward a replacement sled for transport of injured patients during the winter months

Catamount Ranch & Club Scholarship Fund

  • $91,000 awarded to 25 employees

Nonprofit Housing Survey Results

This summer, thirty-one members of the Yampa Valley Executive Directors Roundtable responded to a Nonprofit Housing Survey to assess housing needs of nonprofit employees in our community. Notable findings include:

  • 81% of respondents consider housing to be a significant issue for their organizations.
  • In the past three years, 105 people have either turned down jobs or left employment at these organizations because of housing unaffordability.
  • About 96 employees own their homes and 128 rent their homes.
  • Directors estimate that 110 employees live in unaffordable circumstances (defined as paying more than 30% of income on housing). That number represents about 1/3 of all nonprofit employees.

YVCF continues to focus efforts on the regional housing crisis. We anticipate funding additional affordable housing projects through our Impact Investment Program and we accept donations to our Routt County Workforce Housing Development Fund for various needs such as the purchase, preservation or emergency capital improvements of mobile home parks and low-income housing.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 25

Women's Giving Circle Fall "Plus One" Social

4:30-6:30pm @location to be shared with attendees

Bring a small dish or drink to share, and also a guest interested in learning about how the Women's Giving Circle helps our community. The Circle has granted almost $84,000 so far in 2024 and we would love to welcome new members to join the effort to help our neighbors in need. Learn More and RSVP here.

Wednesday, October 9

IMPACT100 Final Voting Event

5-7pm STARS Ranch

Join us for dinner & drinks as the three organizations selected as finalists present how their organizations would benefit from funding.

YVCF in the News

Steamboat Pilot (Jul 18, 2024): Craig Housing Authority and Yampa Valley Community Foundation Win National Award

Steamboat Radio (July 25, 2024): Housekeepers at Casey’s Pond Offer to Help

Steamboat Radio (Jul 29, 2024): South Routt Education Endowment Fund Receives $50K Anonymous Donation After Recent Fundraiser

Steamboat Pilot (Aug 22, 2024): Yampa Valley Community Foundation honors 2024 Philanthropist of the Year

Yampa Valley Bugle (Aug 23, 2024): Steamboat has a deal to save Casey's Pond

Steamboat Pilot (Aug 23, 2024): Residents relieved after hearing deal could save Casey’s Pond Senior Living community

Denver 9 News video (Aug 26, 2024): Residents living at Casey's Pond in Steamboat Springs will be able to stay

Residents relieved after hearing deal could save Casey’s Pond Senior Living community

Steamboat Pilot (Aug 30, 2024): Deal finalized to save Casey’s Pond Senior Living community from closure

Steamboat Radio (Aug 30, 2024): Purchase Agreement for Casey’s Pond Has Been Signed

Steamboat Pilot (Sept 4, 2024): Routt First Responders Foundation created to support those that serve communities

McKnight’s Senior Living (Sept 16, 2024): Could this ‘beautiful story’ be the story of the year?

Craig Press (Sept 23, 2024): 8th Street Townhomes in Craig ready to hit the market

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