Upcoming Events

YWeTalk Community Conversations

Join the YWCA Central MA in a community conversation series. Everyone’s voice is valued and respected in this space.

This series is an opportunity to listen, share, discuss, and reflect while beginning to lay the groundwork for understanding and collective action. Learn more and register below!


International Women's Day

Mark your calendars for an exciting evening celebrating women on March 6, 2024. More details to come!

Free vendor space.The YWCA will showcase local women-owned businesses during the event. To register, contact Levi Ekstrom at lekstrom@ywcacm.org.


Domestic Violence Bills

Victims of a Crime Act, also known as VOCA: We encourage our community to act today. Together, we can close the funding gap for victim service organizations across the state of Massachusetts.

Learn more about Victims of Crime Act

LGBTQ+ Worcester Youth

The YWCA Central Massachusetts joins Love Your Labels and MassEquality to urge our community to continue the fight for the LGBTQ+ youth in Worcester. Take a moment to read the statement and sign the petition. Learn more.

Women Empowerment Bills

ERA: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Fight and get the Equal Rights Amendment into the Constitution. Take Action.

It's Time for Equal Pay for Equal Work! It’s time Congress made a critical course correction for working women and families. Tell your Members of Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act! Take Action.

#ReproductiveJustice Abortion Justice Act (AJA): The bill would protect patients, including providers, from criminalization; address systemic barriers to care; ensure abortion care is covered by insurance; and call for necessary federal investments in abortion care, including training, research, outreach, doula care, innovation, and access. Learn more and take action.

Child Care

Massachusetts needs access to affordable, high-quality early education and care.

Take Action.

In Her Words

When Amy was initially accepted into the Transitional Housing program in March 2022, she struggled with self-confidence issues as she was beginning her road to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction and was also newly retired. At that time, she says, "I truly hated myself and blamed myself for so much." 

"During my time of residing in the program, the YWCA allowed me to let go of my self-hatred and begin to think, 'Maybe I'm not so bad after all. If felt like a member of society again. I felt accountable to something."

Amy's diligence in her housing search and all of the housing referrals she received from THP enabled her to secure a permanent housing unit within eleven months of residing in the program. Amy has continued to thrive and maintain her recovery and has remained stably housed.

Learn more about the Transitional Housing Program

What's Happening at the YW

Racial Equity Trainings

This FREE informative and transformative racial equity training will give participants the necessary tools to create a more inclusive tomorrow. 

Sessions available January through April. Reserve your spot now!


DV101 Training

YWCA Central Massachusetts is pleased to share that we will be facilitating a new hybrid Domestic Violence 101 workshop series beginning Friday, March 1, 2024, through Friday, March 22, 2024. 

The workshop series is specifically designed to help community members and professionals recognize domestic violence, understand the complex impact of domestic violence on individuals, families, and the community. They are also given information and tools to learn how and when to take steps toward intervention. 


New Staff Spotlight:

Meet our new Chief Program Officer,

Patti Ovalles!

Read More

Mark Your Calendar

February: Black History Month

February: Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

February 21: YWeTalk: Community Conversations

Looking Ahead

March: Women's History Month

March 6: International Women's Day

March 12: Equal Pay Day

March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility


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For more than 135 years, the YWCA Central Massachusetts has served as a life-long positive force for women and girls, their families and communities. By leveraging the reach, power and passion of our supporters and community, we have created lasting change.