Have Jobs? Connect with YES
YES we are on social media with JOB ALERTS like the one pictured above.

YES is ready to support your business and connect job seekers to employment opportunities during the holiday season and beyond. For more information posting your job call (714) 866-8788 or email YES yesinfo@ywcanoc.org.

For information regarding volunteering with YES and/or YWCA contact rgomezamaro@ymail.com.

Follow us on Instagram @yes_ywcaoc
The Heart That Gives, Gathers!
You can make a difference in the lives of over 1,000 women and their children by making a contribution to the YWCA of Orange County. Your support will help:

  • Women without health insurance from high poverty neighborhood gain access to early breast cancer screenings and if cancer is found, navigation to follow up care.
  • Lead at-risk, low income youth employment or career training programs.
  • Help adult reentry women receive college scholarships that will lead them to achieving their academic dreams.

The heart that gives, gathers! So help us help others to stay healthy, gain employment, get enrolled in career training programs or provide needed support to adult reentry women, many single mothers, going back to college to make a better life for herself and her family. Opportunities to give are invitations to engage in acts of kindness that change lives.
*Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Future: Election 2020 Updates
The 2020 election is historic in many respects. Facing a global pandemic, an economic "shecession," and a national reckoning around racial justice, we've seen record-breaking voter participation and an unpresented number of women running for office. When the 117th Congress convenes in January, women will hold more seats in Congress than ever before--- including 50 women of color.

Perhaps most importantly, women, communities of color, and young voters participated in the 2020 election in historic numbers. This would not have been possible without the tremendous civic engagement efforts or organizations like YWCA. We are proud of the achievements we've made as well as energized for continued civic engagement and advocacy to create a more equitable country.

Results of key races are still not yet final. YWCA USA continues to track election outcomes and will provide updated details on races, ballot initiatives, and historical firsts next week.
YWConnect: 2020 Election Analysis Summary
Yesterday, YWCA USA hosted YWConnect: 2020 Election Analysis and State of Our Nation, in which we discussed the state of affairs post election, outline our priorities following the election, and provided local associations with information, resources, and updates on how YWCA USA will continue to support associations during this year of tremendous and seismic changes.

If you were unable to join the meeting, you can watch the recording and review the presentation here.

We hope that you will join us we we discuss our legislative priorities at the next YWConnect on December 9, 2020, at 3 PM ET.
November - December 2020: Holiday Giving Campaign
November 17: YWCA OC Board of Directors Meeting (Zoom)
November 21-24: Tamale Sale
November 17: YWCA OC Board of Directors Meeting (Zoom)
December 15: Holiday Cookie Decoration Kit Order Deadline
December 15: YWCA OC Board of Directors Meeting (Zoom)


Email | datamanager@ywcanoc.org
Phone Number | (714) 871-4488

215 E. Commonwealth Ave. Suite D
Fullerton, CA 92832

Learn more about your YWCA-OC visit

Facebook: YWCA of Orange County

With gratitude,
YWCA of Orange County, Board of Directors