Emotions Matter:

Yale RULER Hudson Valley

RULER Institute: Creating Emotionally

Intelligent Schools Cohort 6

This highly interactive Institute led by trainers from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence kicks off with a 6-week virtual training which provides school leaders and educators with the foundational skills and tools to bring RULER to their school and district. RULER is a CASEL SELect, evidence-based approach for social and emotional learning developed by Marc Brackett Ph.D. and colleagues at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER helps students, educators, and families develop the emotional intelligence skills needed to make sound decisions, foster healthy relationships, enhance well-being, and achieve desired outcomes at school, home, and in the workplace.

In the first year of the RULER Institute, teams develop the skills and tools of emotional intelligence to begin implementation in their schools. Year 2 and Beyond offers support for implementation in the classroom. With district-level support and development opportunities provided for school leaders, this partnership aims to see large-scale positive shifts in the culture of the district, schools, and broader community.


  • Improved leader and teacher effectiveness and overall retention
  • Increased attendance, engagement, academic performance, and graduation rates
  • Better-quality relationships; reduced bullying and discipline referrals
  • Enhanced decision-making; reduced drug and alcohol problems
  • Less stress and anxiety; greater health and well-being
Click Here to View the Full Yale RULER  Brochure
Contact Tasha Wright for additional information.
Marc Brackett, Ph.D., is the founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a professor in the Child Study Center at Yale University. His research focuses on the role of emotional intelligence in learning, decision making, creativity, relationships, health, and performance. He has published over 150 scholarly articles, received numerous awards, and serves on a number of boards, including CASEL. Marc is the lead developer of RULER, an evidence-based approach to SEL that has been adopted by nearly 3,000 schools across the United States and in other countries. Marc is the author of Permission to Feel, which has been translated into 20 languages.

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Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
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