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The global elite are scheming. These same megalomaniacs have plans with their Covid agenda to also produce a whole new race of people that they proudly call Human 2.0. A better, upgraded human they say--a genetically modified one that’s created in their own image. This is likely a part of the Tribulation experience and if left alone, would destroy humanity. But Jesus Christ returns in His Second Coming!
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Are You Ready For the Rapture is not only designed to equip and encourage you in the truth concerning the purpose and proof of the Biblical Rapture, but to also motivate you in sharing the wonderful truth that people don’t have to be left behind at the Rapture. If there is one thing you don't want to be deceived about, it is the Rapture of the Church.
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Can We Live Forever?
Salvation or A.I.
by Jan Markell
October 3, 2022
It says in Luke 21 that there is coming a time when nations will have “distress with perplexity.” That ultimately manifests in the Tribulation, or Daniel’s 70th Week, but the stage is being set now:
- Thanks to the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, Europe has no energy source, particularly for the forthcoming winter! Who did this and why?
A new digitized money system has been promised for late 2022 or early in 2023. Everyone’s life is about to change!
Some now think they will live forever thanks to technology, transhumanism, and artificial intelligence. They do not need God. Mankind will become as gods!
There is talk of a nuclear strike by Putin in Ukraine. These are the predicted perilous times. (II Timothy 3)
- The world lacks a leader, but global conflicts and problems have the world longing for such a Mr. Fix-It.
These issues, and so much more, have caused many to now wonder if the bride, the church, is about to be called home by the Bridegroom. Are the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse just over a ridge?
Understanding the Times
October 6, 2022
Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Mark Henry, and Jan Markell
7 pm – 9 p.m. (CDT) – Doors open at 6 p.m.
or live stream at
You can also watch live on Mark Henry Ministries app, on Apple TV or on Roku.
No tickets needed: First-come, first-served—no registration needed
If you have any questions, please contact:
Host venue: Revive Church
7849 West Broadway
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (CST)
(formerly Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church)
You can also watch post- conference at your convenience. Just go to:
A DVD of the event will be available for purchase the following week.
You can find it in our store here when available.
"The Original Lie: You Will Be Like God"
Jan Markell hosts Pastors Billy Crone and Mark Henry. The world is telling us we can live forever with the help of technology and A.I. A Biden executive order suggests the same. They also consider the end-time importance of King Charles III. Though this is ultimately fulfilled in the Tribulation, all nations are now having “distress with perplexity” prophesied in Luke 21.
Awaiting His Return,
Jan Markell
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