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National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
November 2019
Happy Thanksgiving
The Congregationalist Library & Archives presents
We are now accepting nominations for the J.J. Russell Sermon Award.
This preaching award is given every other year for the best sermon submitted by an ordained, active pastor of a member Church of the NACCC, dealing with some aspect of the relationship of classical Congregationalism to contemporary American life and pointing out the continuing viability and relevance of the Congregational way.
Do not just tell us what we can learn from the past 400 years of Congregational history but what does that mean for the next 400 years of Congregationalism? The sermon should communicate how we, as Congregationalists can not only spread the good news of Jesus Christ but how to do that in a true Congregational Way. 
The sermon must have been preached from June 30, 2019 to April 26, 2021. The sermons are judged by the designated committee of the Vitality Ministry Council whose decisions are final. The Vitality Ministry Council shall have the right to publish the selected sermon.

For more information about all awards visit Awards on our website.
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National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1614