National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
April 2019
Missionaries in Cleveland and Around the World!
Julie Robie, Missions Administrator for the NACCC

The Mission and Outreach Ministry Council (MOMC) would love to get to know delegates! They are looking forward to the Annual Meeting and Conference in Cleveland where face to face gatherings help them to better connect with missionaries and others from the NACCC as we work together “To nurture fellowship among Congregational Christian Churches and to support ministries of the local church in its community and to the world, all in the name of Christ”.

Each year, MOMC invites one international and one national missionary to be the guest speakers for the missionary dinner and reception. This year the invited international missionary is Rev. Dr. Harding Stricker from Asociacion Civil Christiana Congregational in Honduras who will share about their ministries of church planting, evangelism, child sponsorships and medical/dental clinics. The invited national missionary is Rev. Julio Santa from Bread of Life Christian Mission in Florida who will share about their ministries of an after-school program, community development and food distribution. At least 9 other missionaries will be attending who will also share their work. Please pray for the missionaries as they prepare to travel, look for their display tables at the AMC and ask lots of questions!  
2019 Awards Information
Charles Rush Award
Marion Bradshaw Award
Harry R. Butman Award
Jeanette R. Butman Award
Joseph Jones Russel Award  

As our YRD, have you visited the NACCC website ? If so, we need to hear from you!

A short survey has been designed in order to gain important information about its use and effectiveness for our member churches. We are looking to you for help.

Thank you for your participation.
Please share the following information with your Pastor & Church.
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Your input is very important and we appreciate those who respond to our questions each month.

This month Julie Robie, Missions Administrator for the NACCC wants to know:
  1. What is the best way for the Mission and Outreach Ministry Council to get information to you?
  2. How will you share this with your church?
  3. What questions can we answer about the mission work of the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches?
You can reply to this email newsletter and let us know your thoughts or you can share your opinion on the YRD Facebook Page. If there are any topics you would like to see featured in the YRD Line, please let us know.
National Association of Congregational Christian Churches
8473 S. Howell Avenue, P.O. Box 288
Oak Creek, WI 53154
800-262-1620 ext. 1614