Update: September 10, 2019
Yebba Appeals Town's Safe Harbor Declaration to DHCD
NY Ventures, the developer for the 20 Elm project whose principal is Nick Yebba, has appealed the North Reading Zoning Board of Appeals Safe Harbor declaration to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). As expected, the developer's appeal takes issue with the town's calculation of eligible units and general land area minimum (GLAM) toward the Safe Harbor thresholds of 10 percent and 1.5 percent , respectively. A redacted version of the lengthy appeal can be found here . The DHCD must make a determination after reviewing the materials provided by the applicant and the ZBA.

Following the DHCD decision in early October, either party (the developer or town) has 20 days to appeal that decision to the commonwealth's Housing Appeals Committee (HAC). DIRC fully expects this process to present many challenges, but remains hard at work with legal and other experts to assure that Safe Harbor has a strong chance of holding up at the end of this prolonged timeline.

The next ZBA public hearing to review the 20 Elm project is scheduled for Nov. 14. However, in the likely event the DHCD decision is appealed to the HAC, the hearing is likely to be continued to a later date.
DIRC Attorney Dan Hill got the Safe Harbor ball rolling on Aug. 8 when he suggested that the town delve further into additional affordable units to be counted toward the town's Safe Harbor limit.
Save the Date: Town Meeting, October 7 at 7 p.m.
At Oct. 7 Town Meeting, there is expected to be a warrant article that will include additional funding for Town Counsel and other consultants needed to guide the town through the Safe Harbor appeal process. This funding was not included in the current town budget, but it is now clear that additional funding is absolutely necessary to present a credible defense during the appeal process. More information will come soon, but please mark your calendar to attend. Your vote will be crucial to fighting this project!