Volume 2 No. 33 |August 21, 2020
Sharing our wealth of arts and culture. We're having an ARTS BLAST!

Promoting The Arts & Arts Councils Everywhere
In This Issue

Carl Hiaasen's Squeeze Me
A Local Photographer Needs a Hand
ELC's Free IRGT Entries - Extended Deadline
Gender Bender with Central Florida Vocal Arts
An Artist's Estate Sale in Brevard
News from Area Arts Councils
Calls for Art
Bits & Pieces from Around the Area & Around the Web


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Listen to Cultural Connection on the Air at a new time and place, Sundays at 8 a.m. on WQOL, 103.7 fm.

If you miss the show Sunday, you can listen to a replay for one week at willimiller.com.
Carl Hiaasen Does Palm Beach
It’s a little hazy, but one of my first recollections of life after moving to Florida 30 years ago is stumbling upon a hole-in-the-wall wine shop in South Miami. In my memory, the shop was attached to what might have been a book store where, as luck would have it, Dave Barry and Carl Hiaasen were seated at a table, presumably signing books. I recognized their names as columnists for the Miami Herald, so I hung around for the laughs, something I’m still doing three decades later. 

Both are still in the business of giving deserving people the business, thank goodness. Have you read Barry’s end of year review (2019) for the Herald yet? His head is surely a big bowl of scrambled brain by now if he’s working on 2020.

Hiaasen has been giving polluters, corrupt politicians, and other greedy jerks a dose of his satire in novel form since the 1980s. After he co-wrote several thrillers with Bill Montalbano, he handed his editor one of my personal favorites, Tourist Season, and has been on an award-winning career path ever since. 
Born in a Fort Lauderdale suburb, Hiaasen grew up in a Florida most of us can only imagine, where kids learned about nature first hand. His love and respect for the land is reflected in his novels, but not in a Rachel Carson kind of style. He creates the sleaziest, smarmiest characters possible and then brings in some of the most unlikely heroes to smack them down in ways we’d try if we weren’t afraid of riding out the rest of our lives in the slammer.

In his latest, Squeeze Me, Hiaasen takes on Florida’s galloping Burmese python problem, the society Potussies of Palm Beach, dimwitted wannabe criminals, and a vaguely familiar-sounding U.S. president and his gorgeous wife. The white knight in Squeeze Me is a petite lady critter capturer named Angie, a character readers just might see again. “Angie is one of my favorite new characters, but I'm not sure what the future holds for her, either,” the author said. Angie got to interact with Skink and Jim Tile in Squeeze Me, names that long-time Hiaasen readers will recognize. “I never know when, or if, Skink, the ex-governor, is going to reappear in another novel. He was a perfect fit for this one.”

And speaking of presidents, Hiaasen recalls encountering our current one a couple of times. He said, “I've met Trump twice and I don't remember either conversation. This was many years ago, before he got all jacked up on Diet Coke. I do recall that his hair seemed unusually large and lustrous.”

A lesser man than Hiaasen might worry about backlash but he said he’s used to it. “I get strong feedback all the time about my newspaper column. It's part of the job, if you're doing it right.”
Hiaasen said he’s finding time to read this summer, writing only his regular weekly column for the Miami Herald. The timeout will come to an end soon, as he gets started on a new novel for young readers. If I hear a Hiaasen fan say he doesn’t bother with the books intended for a younger audience, I point out that Hoot, Scat, Squirm, and the others are pure Hiaasen but with fewer cuss words.

Don’t rule out a movie or two down the road. “There are a couple of film projects in the works, but it's impossible to know if they'll turn into something real,” Hiaasen said. “Hollywood is Hollywood. You'd have to be a fool to get too wrapped up in it.”
Fans have long been accustomed to meeting and greeting favorite authors at book signings at independent book stores but that scenario has had to be rewritten. “All the book events will be virtual for the foreseeable future. Several are planned for SQUEEZE ME, and I feel lucky that writers like Jim Patterson want to be involved,” Hiaasen said. Patterson joins Hiaasen for a Zoom event for the Vero Beach Book Center at the end of the month. “The whole Zoom experience is still a bit surreal, though it's obviously safer than doing in-person events right now. Still, I miss talking with readers face-to-face in book stores. All authors do, I imagine.” 

A note from the Vero Beach Book Center: The authors will NOT be present at the store for the Zoom event Aug. 31 at 7 p.m. Register to receive the link at verobeachbookcenter.com.

Want more? Here’s a link to an NPR podcast and transcription interview with Dave Davies, and another link to a great feature by Neil Nyren on CrimeReads.com.

The Environmental Learning Center's Youth Division is accepting submissions for Indian River's Got Talent through Nov. 15, and a full-blown adult version is coming soon. Indian River’s Got Talent is FREE to enter. For more information - https://www.discoverelc.org/irgt.
The A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery’s annual juried art exhibition, “The Best of the Best,” is accepting artist applications by advance appointments on Wednesdays–Sundays until 3:00 pm, beginning on Wednesday, September 9 through Friday, October 2, 2020. The application is open to amateur and professional artists with a $30 entry fee per work. A full prospectus with guidelines and application is available to download from the Museum’s website at www.BackusMuseum.org or it can be picked up starting September 9 at the Museum located at 500 North Indian River Drive in Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida. Artists can access the online appointment schedule with all entry information at www.BackusMuseum.org/juried-shows.
The Miami Book Fair Goes Virtual

The Miami Book Fair is going virtual this year, Nov. 15-22, with the very popular street fair Nov. 20-22. Every year, the event draws thousands of visitors who will certainly miss the excitement of the physical interaction this gathering of authors, publishers, and readers brings to the campus of Miami Dade College. The events aren't limited to one week in November, however. See a full menu online.
The Martin Artisans Guild's New Exhibition

Eleven artists in Martin Artisans Guild will open a fall exhibition, Art in Isolation, with a safe opening reception Sept. 2, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Palm Room, Harbour BayPlaza, Sewall's Point. The show will be open Wed.-Sat, 12-6 p.m. through Oct. 31. Artists are Angela Krogen, Candy Walsh, Carol Kepp, Charlie Cote, Dot Galford, James J. DeMartis, Jane Baldridge, LauraKay Barvill, Lynn Morgan, Mallo Bisset, and Billie Jo Thompson. 
Treasure Coast events photographer Christina Tascom has been laid low with multiple major medical events and is unable to work. A friend, Kerry Firth, has started a GoFundMe.com fundraiser. If you know Christina and want to help with her growing medical bills, click on the link.
Aug. 28, 7 p.m. - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra with Central Florida Vocal Arts - Broadway Gender Bender - Drive-In concert at Pathway Church, 1105 58th ave., VB

Aug. 29, p.m. - Space Coast Symphony Orchestra with Central Florida Vocal Arts - Broadway Gender Bender - Drive-In concert at The Avenue Viera

Dr. Marcos Daniel Flores is a piano performance graduate from The Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico B.M., The Eastman School of Music M. M., and Arizona State University where he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree. Flores is an active performer as well as an experienced and inspirational piano teacher.
The Cultural Council of Indian River County is searching for the perfect person to fill the position of executive director. Applications/resumes may be emailed to director@cultural-council.org or mailed to 
Cultural Council of Indian River County, 
2041 14th Ave, Vero Beach, FL 32960.
Application deadline: October 15, 2020
From Vero Beach Theatre Guild:

Calling all Makeup and Theatre Lovers!
Our amazing and brilliant makeup artist at the Guild, Rob Volsky is offering an online version of the highly popular Character Makeup Workshop he presented last year.

To register and reserve your spot in the gallery, call the Guild box office at 772-562-8300 or email the guild at verobeachtheatreguild@gmail.com -- A $30.00 fee is required to be invited to ALL NINE Zoom meetings. Fees will help sustain the Guild through these challenging times.
Updates from the St. Lucie Cultural Alliance!

Support our mission to better position the arts and cultural sector as a significant contributor to St. Lucie County - become a memberdonate, or join our ART SOS volunteer program, and support local artists
Help with small gestures, such as liking and sharing our social media posts and leave us a 5-Star review on Google.
For updates on gallery openings and classes in Melbourne and surrounding Brevard County, check the Brevard Cultural Alliance website and individual gallery social media.
Aesop and Other Fables is the exhibit at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery through Aug. 29.
Also through the 29th, Eau Gallery features "Celebrating Abstracts."
Florida & Beyond, art by Kathie Benson, is set to open on August 31, 2020, at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery. There will be a First Friday Opening Reception to meet the artist and mingle with the gallery members on September 4, from 5:30-8:30 pm.
Animal Nature: Recent Works by Linda Mitchell is at the Foosaner Art Museum in Melbourne through Oct. 24. Hours Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Foosaner Art Museum, 1463 Highland Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935
Titusville Playhouse has Bright Star through Aug. 30. Strict COVID guidelines are in place..
The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse opens with 9 to 5 Aug. 28. Read audience guidelines here.
From The Henegar:

The Henegar opens with GREASE Oct. 23, running through Nov 8.
Schedule changes for the 2020-2021 season have been announced:. 
ELF: Nov 27 – Dec 20
Godspell: Jan 15 – Jan 31
La Cage: Feb 19 – Mar 7
The Irish Curse: Mar 12 – Mar 21
Mary Poppins: Apr 2 – Apr 18
Hedwig: Apr 23 – Apr 25
The Full Monty: May 7 – May 23
The planned production of ROCKY HORROR in November has been cancelled.


Call for Central Florida Artists from Polk Museum of Art:

Hindsight 2020: Art of This Moment

Hindsight 2020 will showcase art produced since March 2020 and that represents a diverse spectrum of perspectives, ideas, and reflections upon the past five months of our lives. Submissions should be related but not limited to the COVID-19 pandemic, experiences in isolation, social justice, the Black Lives Matter movement, and any other aspect of this novel 21st century moment.

The eligible counties are Hillsborough, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Pinellas, Polk, and Seminole. Deadline to apply is August 31 at 5 p.m.
From Central Florida Vocal Arts:

Join local favorites, Desiree Montes, Morgan Davis Peckels, Jacob Pence, David Bracamonte, Sarah Stead and Bryan Hayes along with Space Coast Symphony Orchestra as they perform your favorite selections from musical theater and opera. In being true to our fashion, all pieces will be performed by voices of the opposite gendered vocal range. Pro tip - you have to hear Un Bel Di performed by a tenor voice!

Tickets are ONLY $10; what a simple way to support the arts and enjoy an amazing date night from home! Interactive premieres will take place August 28th and 29th on YouTube Live but you can watch whenever you like after those dates. 

And see/hear Gender Bender with the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra in the same weekend's drive-in concerts.
Arts Council of Martin County updates from Executive Director Nancy Turrell:

"Our plans involve getting back in the Court House Cultural Center in late August, preparing for “Art Out of the Closet” for late September, and then hosting the 35th Annual All Florida Juried Show in October. We are excited to get the gallery space back open and available, with certain restrictions and attention to CDC recommendations, to the public."

Deadline to apply: October 1, 2020
The Arts Foundation for Martin County invites artists to apply to be an exhibitor at our 34th annual ArtsFest on February 20 & 21, 2021 in beautiful Memorial Park in Downtown Stuart. ArtsFest Stuart has been chosen annually as a Southeast Tourism Society "Top 20 Event" since 2016!
Congratulations to the three finalists in the Tiny Art Challenge 2020, a collaboration with The Gilt Complex and Crescent Cardboard: Jane Lawton Baldridge, Heather Ivins and Mallo Bisset!
It's now up to you to vote! Check out the tiny artwork, learn about each artist and "Like" your favorite! The artwork with the most "Likes" at 8 PM on Friday, August 28th will be our winner!
Please share this post and help our amazing finalists! Anyone can vote for their favorite, world wide!!
From the Cultural Council for PalmBeach County:
Although the Cultural Council's building remains closed to the public, the Council is now offering free Virtual Summer Programs, running through September on its Facebook & Instagram channels and website. To view the artwork up close, access artist interviews and more, please follow the Council (@palmbeachculture) or visit
palmbeachculture.com/exhibitions. Artwork is for sale, with proceeds directly benefiting local artists.
The Council’s first-ever Virtual Summer Performing Arts Series will feature several Palm Beach County performers in special live broadcasts streamed for free on YouTube and the Council’s website. All performances start at 7 p.m. 

Donations to the Council and directly to the creative professionals are encouraged. For more information about each upcoming performance, visit palmbeachculture.com/summer.

Aug. 29: One Love: A Tribute to Bob Marley
Featuring: Soda Pop and the Insiders

Sept. 5: Cheek to Cheek
Featuring: Jill & Rich Switzer and Friends

Sept. 12: Art Shift: An Evening of Dance
Featuring: Libby Faber, Arise Dance Collective; Demetrius Klein, Demetrius Klein Dance Company; Donna Goffredo Murray; Anna Nunes, AGWA Dance Company; and Ericka Squire, Natural Movers//Dance Project)
From the Flagler Museum in Palm Beach:

General admission tickets are now available for purchase for those who wish to visit the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum (1 Whitehall Way, Palm Beach) during the month of September. The Museum's Visitor Services team remains available, as always, to answer any questions regarding the Museum's New Visitor Experience — including its "contactless" point of entry — and its Public Safety Protocols. Tickets must be purchased in advance by calling (561) 655-2833 ext. 10 or by visiting www.flaglermuseum.us.

Walk This Way: Historic Footwear from the Stuart Weitzman Collection, has been extended until further notice at the Flagler Museum, Palm Beach. Sept. tickets are available online.
From Frost School of Music at University of Miami:

Friday Nights @Frost Aug. 21, 7:30 p.m. - Frost Percussion Group
Mozart Online Lecture Series 
on Zoom
This series continues in the tradition and style of Frank Cooper's popular Frost Lecture Series.

Join us online via Zoom for three lectures on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (September 3, 10, 17, 2020, 7.30–8.30 p.m. EDT). The talks will explore multiple facets of the composer and how he has been understood (and misunderstood) from his time to ours. We will discuss the tension between demonic darkness and angelic light in his music, his comical side, and how various myths and legends have contributed to his enduring iconic status. 

Presenter: Matteo Magarotto, Lecturer in Musicology, University of Miami Frost School of Music.

Use discount code ICON to receive $5 off per ticket when you buy more than one ticket for each lecture!
Tanglewood Learning Institute MasterPass
Soprano Dawn Upshaw 1 p.m. Aug. 19, then available for one week.
Hosted by perennial Tanglewood favorite James Taylor, The Best of Tanglewood on Parade—a video stream of highlights from past Tanglewood on Parade concerts—features the Boston Symphony, Boston Pops, and Tanglewood Music Center orchestras, as well as the Tanglewood Festival Chorus and Boston Symphony Children’s Choir, in selections led by conductors Andris Nelsons, Keith Lockhart, John Williams, James Burton, and Seiji Ozawa. The free program is available online on Tuesday, August 18 at 8 p.m. at www.tanglewood.org, and can be viewed through Tuesday, August 25.

Around the Web
Yoko Ono Is Hanging Banners With a Message of Hope for New Yorkers on the Facade of the Met for Its Reopening Later This Month
Met director Max Hollein says the banners "send a message to everyone who sees them of aspiration, resilience, and hope."
Caroline Goldstein, August 19, 2020

The Metropolitan Opera site has free streaming of full operas, ticketed streams, and many short performance videos.

Friday, August 21
Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra
... an unfailingly dramatic, enveloping score that only Verdi could have created.

Saturday, August 22
Rossini’s Il Barbiere di Siviglia
... an ideal viewing experience for audiences of all ages.

Sunday, August 23
Humperdinck’s Hansel and Gretel
... one of the most successful fairy-tale operas ever created.
From the Royal Albert Hall:

Guitar legend Joe Bonamassa will deliver an exclusive set from his home Aug. 22 as part of the Royal Albert Home sessions.
It's at 7:30 p.m. BST, which translates to 2:30 p.m. EDT. Check this website to verify time zone differences for events.
Sandy Point St. Croix... a volunteer monitoring a female laying her eggs under a full moon - Steve Simonsen Photography
Stream "In the Heights: Chasing Broadway's Dream" through Sept. 4. The documentary, streaming on ALL ARTS, charts the months leading up to the Lin-Manuel Miranda production’s opening night at the Richard Rodgers Theater in 2008.
The New York Public Library released the “Essential Reads on Feminism” book list on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. It includes lists for adults, teens, and kids. The site includes downloadable lists in all categories.

The Philadelphia Orchestra is getting back on stage this fall, but it will return as a smaller version of its pre-COVID-19 self and completely online.
The orchestra, known as a big-boned ensemble and often praised for its rich, powerful sound, has plotted out the first four months of the season in repertoire for between just 25 and 50 players. Concerts will be filmed at the Mann Center in September and October, and in Verizon Hall in November and December.

No live audiences will be present. Each program will be streamed online. Opening night is Sept. 30.

Sarasota County’s Betty J. Johnson North Sarasota Public Library is the first of four Florida Humanities sponsored partners to host the traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibit Voices and Votes: Democracy in America. The exhibit will be on view for the public at the library, located at 2801 Newtown Blvd., Sarasota from Aug. 15 to Oct. 10, 2020.Sarasota County’s Betty J. Johnson North Sarasota Public Library is the first of four Florida Humanities sponsored partners to host the traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibit Voices and Votes: Democracy in America. The exhibit will be on view for the public at the library, located at 2801 Newtown Blvd., Sarasota through Oct. 10.
Event schedules can change, often at almost the last minute. Verify, double check, and then do it again before you head out the door. And when you do go out, take a mask. Without one, you risk being turned away.
Classical Guitar
Live via Skype or archived on YouTube
For more information and to register: veroclassicalguitar@gmail.com
Trumpet Lessons
Call or text: (772) 532-2083 or email annora.daige@gmail.com
Piano Instruction
For more information and to register: Email drmdflores@comcast.net
Piano Instruction

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As always, For Helen Miller 
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If you are a member of the Cultural Council of Indian River County, you need this information:

IMPORTANT: In order to promote your events as a member of the Cultural Council, you must enter your event on the CCIRC calendar via this link: https://www.calendarwiz.com/culturalcouncil and click on "Submit your event"
The deadline is MONDAY - 10 days prior to the Wednesday publication.
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