This week's parsha, Parshat Vayetzei, tells us about how Leah gives birth to six sons while Rachel remains barren. Finally, Rachel’s prayers are answered and she gives birth to Yosef.
This past week Stormania broke out and the teams were Yom Tov, blue, and Shabbat, orange. It was an amazing couple of days filled with ruach and camaraderie. The final day of Stormania, in particular, is known for its intensity since the biggest events like the amazing race, dance competitions, team songs, and banners are the determining factors of who will win. Things were looking bleak for Yom Tov after losing both the boys and girls amazing races. But, they rallied together and won. In the end, both teams had fun creating artistic content, making new friends, and uniting through beautiful songs together.
In the parsha, it seems that life is better for Leah. She has six sons and Rachel only has two. In the end, though, both of them ended up being the mothers of the shevatim that began the Jewish people. Both Leah and Rachel’s children ultimately inherit land in Israel and are the founding fathers of the Jewish nation.
Not everything is a competition. Leah and Rachel were never really in competition. Even though one may have had more than the other, they all worked together to build a family that would be a lasting legacy.
So too in Stormania, in the end there were no winners or losers. Everyone had an incredible time and left with amazing memories that they will last forever. This reminds us to focus on what we have, and not what we’re missing or what we’ve lost. If we can do that, we all win!
Lastly, a huge thank you to the KOSL for their days and weeks of planning, and also to this year's Stormania captains who made this year's color war unbelievable:
Blue Team
Zachary Mamrout (‘25)
Ruchama Koenig (‘25)
Ronen Ben-Aharon (‘26)
Tikva Pickholtz (‘26)
Zachary Loberfeld (‘27)
Aviva Sered (‘27)
Jed Pardau (‘28)
Hadas Lasry (‘28)
Orange Team
Elisha Horowitz (‘25)
Kira Kornbluth (‘25)
Eliav Bar ('26)
Josh Haik (‘26)
Lauren Schebovitz (‘26)
Tomer Scandarion (‘27)
Rachel Groisman (‘27)
Aiden Olsen (‘28)
Hadas Lasry (‘28)
Shabbat Shalom,
Adel Nyer ('25)