Yizkor Appeal 
On Shabbat, April 23rd at 11:15 am, we will be reciting Yizkor in remembrance of our deceased loved ones. The pledging of tzedaka, charity, in their memory, is a zechut, a merit, for the neshamot of our dearly departed.

Please click here to contribute to the Beit Chaverim Pesach Yizkor Appeal. 

Thank you for your continued support of our shul and we wish you a continued Chag Kasher V'Sameach.

Yizkor Candle
It is customary for those who will be reciting Yizkor to have a Yizkor candle, representing the soul of their departed loved one, lit in their home for Yom Tov.

If one is able to procure one, it is best to acquire a 48-hour Yizkor candle, and to light it on Erev Yom Tov, today, Thursday, April 21, before one kindles the Yom Tov candles, both of which should be lit by 7:21 pm. 
If one only has access to a 24-hour candle, one should be sure to light their Yizkor candle before their Shabbat candles, both of which must be lit before 7:22 pm on Friday evening.
Eruv Tavshilin Reminder and Procedure
When the second day of Yom Tov falls on Shabbat it is rabbinically prohibited to cook or prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat. Setting aside an Eruv Tavshilin allows one to prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat

Here is the procedure for making an Eruv Tavshilin
Before one lights their candles for Yom Tov, one should take one whole matzah and either a piece of cooked fish, cooked meat, or a hard-boiled egg, place them together on a plate and recite the following blessing (Hebrew text can be found below):

Then recite: "By virtue of this Eruv, we shall be permitted to cook, bake, keep food warm, carry, light candles and do all preparations on Yom Tov for Shabbat."
Put the foods you used for the Eruv away, and eat them on Shabbat. 
NOTE: It is permissible to cook only from a pre-existent flame, one that was lit before the onset of Yom Tov on Thursday before sunset.

Shacharit 9:30 am
Candle lighting 7:22 pm

Shacharit 9:30 am
Yizkor 11:15 am

Shabbat ends 8:25 pm
Please wait until 9:15 to eat chametz sold before Pesach

Shacharit 8:30 am
Please follow our guidelines below:

Masks must be worn by any unvaccinated people in the shul at all times.
Anyone who feels ill or has fever must not come. Those who have other health issues or who may be at risk, we ask that you consult with your physician before attending services.

If you or anyone in your household or workplace has any symptoms possibly associated with COVID 19, or if you have travelled to a high-risk area, please inform Rabbi Wall.

If you have been to any shul service or event -- indoors or outside -- and test positive for COVID 19, please inform Rabbi Wall ASAP.
Shabbat Shalom!