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 April 2016

Comparison is the thief of joy.
Has something like this ever happened to you: You're in yoga class and are feeling pretty darn happy because you've been able to get your hips higher in Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge) than ever before. After a month of classes, your once-stiff body is beginning to loosen up.
Then you hear the oohs and ahs and look over at the student next to you. She's in Urdva Dhanurasana (Wheel) and the teacher is beaming with pleasure at seeing her beautifully executed asana.
You feel deflated, maybe even ashamed of what you now see as your "puny" Bridge. But you give a faint smile and join in the praise. How can you possibly compete with "the yogi girl?"
In Yoga Sutra 1.33, Patanjali advises us to cultivate attitudes of friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard toward the wicked.

When we can do that, we develop a serene mind. When we can keep our serenity, then it won't matter if we can do an advanced yoga posture or not. Because we've learned to keep our focus where it should be - on ourselves and the path we're on, not on what our neighbor is doing.
Charlotte Bell has an excellent article on what it means to be an advanced yogi, which we've linked to below.
World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is Saturday, April 30. Our tai chi master, Jerry Whitten, is making plans to host a demonstration of gigong and different tai chi styles at a local park. Watch for details on Facebook and plan to join Jerry and other instructors to learn more about this ancient practice.
Think using props during your yoga practice is cheating and marks you as most-definitely-not an advanced yogi? Di Rulo and Kelly Masinelli will change your mind with their workshop on props.

We had so much fun with belly dancing last month, we're bringing it back! Join us Saturday, April 23, 6:30-8 pm.
  • Yoga classes are canceled April 1-3 for Yoga Teacher Training 
Check out our calendar as we offer a wide variety of classes and times as well as services to give you a pick-me-up.  

Theresa Franklin, NCTMB, LMT, RYT, CMT
Olivia Kelly, NCTMB, LMT

Feature Article

      workshop You might see these as advanced postures but what if someone told you she thought Natarajasana was an advanced pose?

Advanced yoga postures are relative. What may come naturally to you may be a struggle for someone else. And let's face it - not many of us will be able to get our foot behind our head.

Being able to get ourselves into convoluted postures isn't the point of practicing yoga anyway. Practicing yoga is the path that leads us to discovering ourselves.

Charlotte Bell has been practicing and teaching yoga more than 30 years. In a recent Yoga U Online blog post, she challenges the notion of advanced yoga postures and redefines it as learning to partner with your body, rather than trying to conquer it.

"Advanced asana has nothing to do with what your body is capable or incapable of performing. It has everything to do with developing the awareness and sensitivity to be able to practice asana from a place of ease, presence and contentment with what is."

You can read the full article here.
  shimmy    Get Your Shimmy On!
Grab your gal pals for another fun night of shimmying and shaking!
Belly dancing is a workout that involves a lot of isolated core and hip movements.

And who doesn't want to get in shape, especially with bikini weather around the corner.
Katie Belakhoua is an accomplished belly dancer and passionate about using dance to connect the body, mind, and soul.

She's lost 20 pounds of postpartum weight through dancing. That's because many movements focus on strengthening and toning the back, shoulders, arms, glutes, legs, and abs.

Wear comfortable clothing and plan to be in bare feet. Hip scarfs will be available to borrow or purchase.   
Drop by the studio or call 462-3900 to register. 

  workshop3 Enhance Your Practice with Props
Sunday, April 17th, 1:00 - 3:00 pm ($20)

Does your favorite yoga teacher pass out or recommend straps and blocks? Did you get a block and strap with your yoga mat or as a gift and just never used them? Or have you ever wanted to feel or experience more within your favorite pose(s)?
Whether you want to deepen your home practice or just get more comfortable with studio classes, this is the workshop for you!

We want to help you navigate those blocks, straps, blankets and bolsters. Di Rulo and Kelly Massinelli will explain why using props is not in any way "cheating." In fact, they'll help you discover how props can open and lengthen your body in new ways, giving you a whole new sensation and experience.
Register today! Stop by the studio or call 618-462-3900. 

The Be Well Now newsletter is edited by Danette Watt. For suggestions, comments or concerns about the newsletter content, contact her at 
In This Issue
Quick Links

Our schedule of classes

Our services

changes Celebrate World Tai Chi Day April 30      
Join Tai Chi Master Jerry Whitten for an afternoon of tai chi and qigong demonstrations.  
Jerry teaches Chen style tai chi; a Yang-style instructor will be present as well.  
Saturday, April 30, time to be determined. Watch Facebook for details. 
ourclasses Our staff 

Angie Becker
Theresa Franklin
Kelly Masinelli
Di Rulo
Danette Watt

Theresa Franklin
Olivia Kelly
Holly Pruiett
Daniel Sheets

Jenna Dalllman
Lety Murphy
Conchita Russo


Jerry Whitten

Matt Hawkin

  ourclasses Our classes
Please check the website calendar to confirm class times. Friend us on Facebook for updates and cancellations.

1:00-2:00 pm - Restorative/Yin  
9:00-10:00 am - Hatha

6:00-7:00 pm - Hatha

9:00-10:00 am - Hatha
3:30-4:30 pm - Hatha
6:00-7:00 pm - Hatha 
6:00-7:00 pm -Slow Flow/Yin


6:30-7:30 pm - Heart Opening Yoga

9:00-10:00 am - Hatha

5:30-6:30 pm - Intro to Chen Tai Chi
6:30-7:30 pm - Int. Chen Tai Chi
7:30-8:30 pm - Adv. Chen Tai Chi

Intro. to Chen Tai Chi
10:15-11:15 am 
8:00-9:30 pm