
Yogic Living Newsletter

April 2023 - Volume 2

Do I make decisions with clarity and ease? Am I listening to my inner guidance and following intuition?

The Neutral Mind is the 4th of the ten bodies.

The Neutral Mind opens the gate to that deep remembrance of the self and soul. Important qualities of the Neutral Mind are service, compassion, steadiness, trust, loyalty, balance, and wisdom. The Neutral Mind exemplifies the ability to offer counsel and support to others. Supporting the Neutral Mind through your yoga practice can help you manage your energy and quietly respond to events in your life with greater calm, self-reflection, and intuition.

Meditation for the Neutral Mind

The Neutral Mind lives for the touch of vastness. It lets all other thoughts be without disturbance to your constant inner light. The Neutral Mind opens the gate to that deep remembrance of the self and soul.

Read More Here

Kriya to Relax and Release Fear

This kriya helps you relax. When you are relaxed, you can access the Neutral Mind, and assess your situation without fear or other reactive emotions. It is cleansing and uplifting.

Find the Full Practice Here

All About the 3 Mental Bodies

Yogis believe you have a thousand-petalled lotus that’s partly etheric and partly philosophical at the top center of your head. For every petal, a complete thought is produced every second. So that’s a thousand thoughts per second, which is serious computing power.

Read the Full Blog Here

Enjoy a 2-hour playlist while you wait for Solstice!

Listen to the Playlist Here

Upcoming 3HO International Events

Join us for Summer Solstice: A New Solstice For Us

Summer Solstice in New Mexico - June 15-21, 2023

White Tantric Yoga in New Mexico - June 22, 2023

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needi to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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3HO International | (505) 629-0267 | [email protected] | 3ho.org