
Yogic Living Newsletter

March 2023 - Volume 2

Do I focus on the positive aspects in life? How I can focus on the light, even in the dark and challenging times?

The Positive Mind, the third of the ten bodies, is also known as the expansive and projective mind. It sees life through the “glass half-full.” It is hopeful, optimistic, creative, and playful. It seeks the bright side of things and is open to new opportunities.

People with a balanced Positive Mind have a well-developed sense of humor. Their infectious joy and optimism can elevate and inspire those around them. They can see the positive in any situation along with positive solutions. They are caring and nurturing. You can usually sense those with a strong Positive Mind by their magnetic energy, attracting life like a candle in the darkness.

When the Positive Mind is out of balance, weak, or underdeveloped, you may become unable to consider risks or overly positive to the point of delusion. You can become reckless, unprepared, gullible, or easily influenced. You may make foolish choices or become overwhelmed with negative thoughts which can lead to depression, anger, or intolerance. A person with a strong, balanced Positive Mind is charismatic, humble, optimistic, and wise.

Ways to Master the Positive Mind

Positive Affirmations

The Positive Mind can be strengthened with the use of positive affirmations. To create your personal positive affirmations, calm your mind with meditation and let your inner wisdom guide you so that your affirmations are directly related to things you want to work on. You may find that journaling will help you write clear, powerful affirmations. Listening to a recording of your affirmations in your own voice is also effective.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations that may help you strengthen your Positive Mind:

1.    I step into my strength and power.

2.    I confidently welcome new experiences.

3.    I am motivated, persistent, and successful.

4.    I am pure, positive energy.

5.    I hold the key to my own happiness.

Read More Here

Divine Shield Meditation for Protection and Positivity

This meditation expands the aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life.

Find the Full Practice Here

Get Rid of Your “Couldn’t”

Sometimes when we intend to do something, our ego gets the best of us and we are unable to see it through. This meditation is a tool to strengthen the clarity and positivity of our will so that the highest good of our intentions is not waylaid by circumstance. It takes away the ‘couldn’t’ and gives us our excellence.

Find the Full Practice Here

Kitcheree Recipe

We can reset the nervous system and digestion with a cleansing diet for several days of Kitcheree, an ayurvedic recipe. We practice this diet at Summer Solstice, so consider joining us! Kitcheree offers an opportunity for cells to detoxify and for the internal digestive fire, or “agni,” to be kindled.

Find the Recipe Here

Sunrise Chanting at Summer Solstice by Snatam Kaur

Every year yogis gather in the foothills of the Jemez Mountains in Northern New Mexico for an event called Summer Solstice. I have been attending this gathering since about the age of two. Although it wasn't until I was about six that it was held in today's location. 

It was at this early age that my spirit began to dance in the wind through the high desert trees; that I fell in love with the smell of the earth after a rain; that my understanding of beauty expanded beyond anything I could ever imagine as the sunsets painted pictures of grandeur and wonder across the sky; and then as I dared to dream when the night sky allowed the stars to shine so bright I would forget all of my worries. Then it was only in the morning as we sat chanting with over a thousand yogis with the sun rising above us that I did not want anything anymore...I was totally and completely satisfied.

Read the Blog Here

Upcoming 3HO International Events

Join us for Summer Solstice: A Festival of Renewal!

Early Bird Tickets available!

Journey Two - The 21 Stages of Meditation - April 15-16, 2023

Journey Three - The 21 Stages of Meditation - May 20-21, 2023

Summer Solstice in New Mexico: A Festival of Renewal - June 15-21, 2023

White Tantric Yoga in New Mexico - June 22nd, 2023.

Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia and needs to hear about Seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

Kundalini Yoga has been clinically proven to support sleep, reduction of anxiety and to unravel the complex stresses of these times. Join us in this movement of consciousness today. Take our free classes, or donate if you wish to support Kundalini Yoga helping more people.

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