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3HO's Yogic Living Newsletter

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Sleep allows the body and the mind to rest, recuperate, regenerate, and heal. The deeper and more peaceful the sleep, the more rested we feel the next morning. There’s nothing like waking up feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to face the day.

While each person must adopt consistent sleep hygiene practices that work for them, there are effective kundalini kriyas, meditations, and guidelines that you can practice to sleep better.

Yogic Tips for a Good Night's Sleep

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Medical experts are increasingly advising those struggling with poor sleep to try more natural solutions like yoga. According to Yoga Can Help With Insomnia in Psychology Today, "Researchers at Harvard Medical School investigated how a daily yoga practice might affect sleep for people with insomnia and found broad improvements to measurements of sleep quality and quantity."

Signs your sleep could use improvement include taking too long to fall asleep, waking multiple times with difficulty falling back asleep, overall light and restless sleep, and drowsiness during the day. Sleep is an important component of health and wellness.


Shabad Kriya for Deep, Relaxing Sleep


The best time to practice this kriya is every night before bed, but it can be practiced any time of the day. It is said that if it is practiced regularly, sleep will be deep and relaxed, and the nerves will regenerate.

After a few months, the rhythm of your breath as you sleep will be subconsciously regulated in the rhythm of the mantra. You will think better, work better, share better, love better, and sleep better.

Posture: Sit in any comfortable posture with the spine straight. Place the hands in the lap, palms up with the right hand over the left. The thumbs are together and point forward.


Kriya for Achieving Comfortable, Happy Sleep

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This set is eleven exercises long and takes approximately 45-minutes to 1-hour to complete. It works to stimulate the navel point area so that we can experience Sukh Nidra, which is comfortable happy sleep. Ideally, if you do these exercises before bed and then go to sleep for the night, it will take away strange dreams and give you wonderful subconscious clearance.

Exercise 1 - Head Forward and Back

Lie on your back with your legs stretched out straight and your body relaxed. Raise the left arm up to 90 degrees and the right leg up to 90 degrees. Hold this position while you raise and lower your head as fast as you can.

Continue for 1 minute 30 seconds.


November Numerology: Lighten Your Load

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The month of November brings a season of time where we are contemplating our relationship to the evolving world around us and deciding what stays and what goes — decisions, decisions, along with the need to determine who or what elevates us, and what brings us down.

It is essential at this time to “lighten the load” of commitments and obligations that are unnecessary, and free up space for your own creative process. A very specific type of high-octane mental energy is required now, and developing this energy will allow you to successfully round the curve of 2021 into 2022.