LSC Pesach 5783

This year, we have to say Passover night was an amazing success. Our wonderful friends Alon and Elle, donated together with their amazing volunteers a Passover Seder for 140 active lone soldiers in Herzliya! Our soldiers celebrated the Passover Seder in an atmosphere of joy, family, and warmth. They received gifts and holiday treats as well as delicious food and amazing company, signing songs and spending time together.
We want to thank everyone who took part in making the evening so special for our soldiers.
Zikaron b'Salon
On Yom HaShoa, we remembered and mourned the 6 million Jews brutally and senselessly murdered during the Holocaust. The Lone Soldier Center had the incredible honour to hear from Chava Shoval, an inspiring child of a Holocaust survivor. Ms Shoval shared her father's inspiring story of survival. The night of remembrance, both harrowing and uplifting, left us with the ever most significant message of never forgetting the horrors of the Shoah and to never give up hope.
We Remember
On Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s memorial day, we united to remember and mourn the Israeli soldiers and victims of terror who have fallen in the name of the State of Israel. On this day especially, the Lone Soldier family commemorates Sgt. Michael Levin z"l. Michael dreamt that one day there would be a center for lone soldiers to go to, where they could receive meals, support, and advice throughout their army service. Michael was killed in action, during the first round of fighting in the Second Lebanon War. Michael Levin was 22 years old when he fell fighting for the country he loved. Our center was established in his name, carrying out his dream.
His memory and courage lives on through the lone soldier center and thousands of lone soldiers today.

Yom HaAtzmaut at the LSC

75 years of independence! Happy birthday to the country that we are lucky to call home!
We held our annual Yom Haatzmaut barbecue at our Center in Beit Hakerem. Hundreds of lone soldiers came to kick back, eat great food, drink a beer or two, and enjoy the day with their friends! We were also incredibly honoured to have Michael Levin's parents join us on this significant day, celebrate with soldiers and watch Michael's inspiring legacy live on.

Drafts and Ceremonies
We continue to support our Lone Solider all over the country. We are so grateful to be able to support them throughout every point of their meaningful service!!
Soldier Spotlight YNET
Eli Yosef
Eli was born in Modi'in Ilit to an ultra-Orthodox family. At the age of 15, Eli ultimately chose to leave the ultra orthodox community in which he was brought up. His family did not accept his decision to lead a different lifestyle causing an unpleasant home environment, so Eli opted to stay at work late or wander the streets. He worked hard to save money in order to leave his parents' house as soon as possible, and finally succeeded. Eli moved to Ramat Gan and started working, but his skills did not fit the new environment. "I didn't know how to connect to the secular world," he says, "it mostly stood out in the culture, and I also had nowhere to go out and nowhere to go," he says. When he reached the age of 18, he sought help and guidance at the Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin - since then, everything changed.

To learn more about Eli's inspiring story, click below to watch Eli on YNET
Your support is needed to provide programs before, during and after their IDF service.