Yom Kippur Basics
Our Shul is open.......

With gratitude and humility to Hashem we are thankful that we were able to safely remain open. 

In light of the pandemic, it has not been an easy task for us to keep the Shul open for Yom Tov. Considering the difficulties, the tremendous time, effort and energy needed it would have been less complicated and simpler to have closed the Shul for the Yomim Noraim. 

Our Rosh Hashanah service, led by our renowned and esteemed Chazzan Benzion Miller along with our respected Morah D’asra Rabbi Moshe Snow, was truly beautiful and inspiring. The upheaval of the pandemic did not disturb the dignity and devotion in our Shul.

It is during these difficult times that our Shul plays an even greater role in sustaining our community and identity. Promoting and ensuring social distancing and mask wearing allowed us to remain open and show our dedication to our mispallelim. 

The outdoor shofar blowing was a shining example of our dedication to our community.
At this special time as we approach Yom Kippur, we are asking you to contribute to our Kol Nidre appeal campaign. Please show your support for our Mikdash Me'at. 

In the merit of your generosity may 5781 be a year of good health and many brochos for you and your loved ones.

On behalf of the entire congregation, we wish to thank you for your kind past and continued support. Your contributions ensure that we maintain the financial stability that is vital for the continuation of services that our Shul provides to our entire community.

Please click here (https://www.yibethel.org/form/kolnidre.html) to contribute to our Kol Nidre Appeal.

A Gmar Chasimah Tovah
A Gut Gbentched Yuhr
Shana Tovah
Yizkor Appeal 5781

In the merit of your generosity may 5781 be a year of good health and many brochos for you and your loved ones.

The Shul will be open from 1:30 to 3:30PM for you to drop off your machzor.

Erev Yom Kippur Sunday September 27th

2:30pm Mincha

6:22pm Candle Lighting

6:23pm Fast Begins

6:25pm Kol Nidre followed by Maariv - upstairs

6:35pm Kol Nidre followed by Maariv - downstairs

Yom Kippur Monday September 28th

8:00am Shacharis Upstairs / 11:00am Yizkor (Approx)

9:00am Shacharis downstairs / 10:30am Yizkor (Approx)

2:30pm Community Yizkor downstairs - all are welcome

6:20pm Ne’ilah (Approx)

7:31pm Maariv / Fast Ends

Weekday Schedule

7:00am Daf Yomi

8:00am Shacharis

6:25pm Mincha

6:55pm Maariv

Tuesdays After Maariv Yitzchok Dov Rottenstein Gemorah Shiur