It does not feel like Fall, yet, but soon the days will be a bit cooler and shorter and we will start preparing our homes for upcoming holidays and celebrations.
Elections are also upon us and it is important to know the candidates and make informed choices from the national to the local levels.
In Yorba Linda, the School Board and Water District seats are uncontested and will not be on the November ballot.
The City Council has three seats available with seven candidates seeking your vote. There will be opportunities to read about the various candidates or speak/ listen to them at various meet and greets, the Chamber of Commerce Candidate forum and some neighborhood HOA's. A few years back, during a review of the ballots cast in the 2008 election, 1/3 of registered Yorba Linda voters did not vote for a City Council representative. The local level is where it all starts and I encourage everyone to make an informed choice this year. Voting is a right and a privilege! Don't squander the opportunity!

Jan Horton, Editor
Article Headline YL Country Riders Obstacle Challenge | |
St Martins Oktoberfest!!
|  Join in the fun at the St Martin de Porres Oktoberfest September 28-30th! Great food! Rides! Games! Bingo! Hours: Friday 5pm -11 pm, Saturday 2 pm-11pm, Sunday 1pm-8pm Festival located on the corner of Yorba Linda Blvd and Fairmont.
Pat Nixon Republican Womens Group Dinner Meeting |
Pat Nixon Republican Womens Group is hosting Eric Golub at their dinner meeting on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012. Eric is a political blogster, author & humorist. Location: Yorba Linda Country Club Cost: $25 6:30 p.m. Social time, 7:00 p.m. Call to Order To Attend please call or email: Susan Bell - (714) 292-7817 |
Java with Jan: Meet Three Candidates for Yorba Linda City Council
|  You are invited to meet three candidates running for the City Council in a close, personal setting. Craig Young Gene Hernandez Lou Knappenberger will be at Java Joes, Friday, October 12 from 8:30-10:00 am. Please come and share your thoughts, your concerns and all you love about Yorba Linda. Come and get to learn more about your City Council candidates.
Formal Gowns for Marine Ball Needed
Correction!!! Chamber of Commerce hosts
Yorba Linda City Council Candidate Forum
Candidate's Night hosted by the Chamber of Commerce will be held on Thursday, October 4th, 2012 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm at City Hall - Council Chambers. This is one of two debates in the community for the City Council Race. There are 7 candidates running for 3 Council seats. They are Lou Knappenberger, Gene Hernandez, Craig Young, Todd Cooper, Mark Schwing, Nancy Rikel and Kennith Peterson.
Free SAT Practice Test
|  Get ready for college admission exam! On Saturday, October27, from 9 am- 1pm the YL Library and KAPLAN will sponsor an opportunity to take a practice SAT test. This is a full length test under realistic conditions for grades 7-12 only. Pre-registration is required. Score back night is Tuesday, November 6 at 6:30- 7:30pm |
1st Annual Main St. Talent Competition
Fiesta Days Festival!
41st Annual Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Celebration
Esperanza Gourmet Food Truck Fundraiser | 
Esperanza High School Lacrosse team is hosting an on-going fundraiser at the Esperanza H.S. West Campus! Come out to support our kids and their sports programs.
EVERY Wednesday 5:30 - 9:00 pm
5 + food trucks to choose from per week-
SEE listed websites weekly for truck line-up
Starting September 19, 2012
EHS Women's Lacrosse Website:
EHS Men's Lacrosse Website:
Chamber of Commerce 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off & Car Show!
For more information, please call the Chamber Offices at (714) 993-9537
Canning Hunger
People helping people in our own community...and you have a chance to help!
Have you ever thought, "I'd really like to help other people, less fortunate than myself, around the holidays but I am not sure how?" Canning Hunger, a local non-profit organization that helps to feed hungry kids and their families in our local cities, will be giving every member of Yorba Linda and the surrounding areas an opportunity to help our community through "Box of Love", a Thanksgiving and holiday feeding project that is a complete holiday meal wrapped up in a cardboard box that feeds 6-8 people with lots of leftovers -and it's so simple! If you are involved in a school, church, business, scout troop, sports team, women's or men's club, etc., and would like to participate, Canning Hunger will deliver menu cards, materials, and empty "Box of Love" boxes to your group for free. Your team will fill the boxes with the food designated on the menu, and return it when you ask them to, and Canning Hunger will pick it up and distribute the "Boxes of Love" to hungry families during the holidays. All of the food will be kept in our local communities. It's a great opportunity to share with the kids or grandkids, or just a terrific new family holiday tradition. You can fill as many boxes as you want. Get involved in "Box of Love" and enjoy a simple and rewarding way of helping someone this holiday season.
You can visit for more information about "Box of Love" and Canning Hunger.
For questions: contact Victoria Himes, National Director of Food Programs, Canning Hunger, Inc. @ 714-785-5070 or
CHOC 35th Annual Home Tour and Gift Faire

The Littlest Angel Guild of CHOC invites you to its 35th Home Tour and Gift Faire: Gift Faire - 10/04 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Opening Nite - 10/04 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Gift Faire - 10/05 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Home Tour - 10/5 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tickets: $40 pre-sale; $45 - day of event; Free Admission to Gift Faire. Proceeds to benefit the children of CHOC Children's Hospital. The Home Tour is a self-guided tour of a collection of three homes in Yorba Linda. Each home reflects a lifestyle only found in The Land of Gracious Living. Backyard volcanoes, an impressive "man cave" and a gift wrapping area that Martha Stewart would approve of are only a few unique design features that are in store for our guests. This year's Gift Faire at the Yorba Linda Community Center, (4501 Casa Loma, Yorba Linda, CA) offers a "boutique shopping" experience under one roof. For tickets and information call (714) 970-2003 or visit
To View Pictures of the Homes, go to:
Yorba Linda Basketball League
Yorba Linda City Trail Map
|  Yorba Linda has a citywide system of coordinated trails for use by hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Click the link below to open a PDF copy of a map showing the location of the trails along with a variety of other facilities and services. Come out and enjoy one of more beautiful resources! |
Yorba Linda Connects
|  You have the opportunity to get information on what's new and happening in Yorba Linda. You also will have a variety of ways to share with the City your ideas, concerns and input on topics. We have many interesting and exciting projects coming up in Yorba Linda and we want to hear from you. While we will be hosting meetings throughout the City and throughout each of the specific processes, YorbaLindaConnects allows you to stay in touch even when you cannot make a meeting. You can hear what other community members are thinking, ask questions and help shape the future of your community. We hope you will visit the site often as new information will be added regularly. Thank you for your interest in seeing Yorba Linda continue on a path to be a wonderful place to live, visit and play. We look forward to hearing from you.
To sign up for this informational site @:
Update: United Citizens For Yorba Linda Recall of Councilman John Anderson
Tuesday, September 13, 2012, marked a milestone in the history of Yorba Linda when United Citizens for Yorba Linda turned 7,856 signatures into the City Clerk's Office---just 812 short of the amount needed to Recall John Anderson from the City Council. For more information, go to: |
Yorba Linda News You Can Use on Facebook!
|  |
Jan Horton,
Yorba Linda News You Can Use
How to contact your elected officials!
| Bill Campbell Supervisor, 3rd District
Chris Norby Assemblyman, 72nd District (West End Yorba Linda)
Curt Hagman Assemblyman, 60th District (East End Yorba Linda)
Bob Huff Senator, City of Yorba Linda
Congressman, Yorba Linda
Helpful Telephone Numbers for Seniors |
Senior Club /Travel
(714 ) 961-7187
Senior Services (714 ) 961-7181
Meals on Wheels (714 ) 524-5056
Older Adults Program ( 714 ) 808-4909
Eldercare Locater (800) 677-1116
Office on Aging ( 800 ) 510-2020
HICAP (714) 560-0424
Social Security (800) 772-1213 2012 Orange County Senior Guide Click here
T.R.A.I.L.S. (714)528-RIDE (7433)
OCTA Access (877) 628-2232
St. Jude Transportation (714) 446-5473