Nancy Rikel, Editor

Former Mayor and Councilwoman

Established in 2010  

 July 29, 2022


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Lynn Ruocco Passes

Longtime Owner, Main Street Restaurant

June 2007

Photo, June 7, 2007- Lynn Ruocco, and son, Mike, with Paul Weddell


Lynn Ruocco, owner of Main Street Restaurant passed away on Friday, July 22. Lynn was loved by many and was known for her big heart and generous nature in helping and serving others.

Lynn and her son, Mike, were instrumental in the beginnings of revitalizing our downtown which had almost become a ghost town by the 1980's. Many feared that it would be completely demolished in years to come. 

The family has requested privacy during this difficult time.


Main Street Restaurant History

from a post on Facebook

Main Street Restaurant dates back to the 1920’s and was originally owned by a widow. It was swapped for a house owned by Raymond Fay Young in the early 1930’s and it became known as Young’s Café which proudly boasted a soda and ice cream fountain. When the building burned down in the 30’s, Raymond rebuilt it in its present location next to the gas station. 

During World War II, the café was closed while Raymond went to work for Hughes Aircraft building B-17’s. After the war, the restaurant changed owners twice and was known as “Nayarettes” and then “Joaquin's”. The building sold again in 1985 and remained closed for a period of two years. Lynn Ruocco purchased this historic restaurant and it was re-opened as Main Street Restaurant in 1989.

Dirty Laundry

Inside Yorba Linda Politics

An up-close look at what goes on behind closed doors by

those who seek to control elections. One seat on the Yorba Linda City Council may have already been decided by backroom politics.

Dirty Laundry-Opinion

Inside Yorba Linda Politics

The information in this post is a public record, has been verified and can be found on various social media sites including:


Background: Recently hometown “boy”, Jess Battaglia, decided to run for City Council. He was excited about giving back to our community and felt that he could help keep Yorba Linda special and unique. Unfortunately, behind the scenes shenanigans worked against him and quickly ended his aspirations. So much for the little guy and grassroots leadership. It now appears that Yorba Linda is stuck with a political establishment candidate, Janice Lim, that was chosen by insiders.

Those tagged in the demise of Jess Battaglia’s short political “career", in favor of Parks and Rec Commissioner, Janice Lim, include:

*Peggy Huang, Candidate for OC Superior Court Judge #13 and current Council Woman 

*Young Kim, Incumbent for US Representative, 40th District

*Philip Chen, Incumbent for State Assembly

*Craig Young, Defeated Yorba Linda City Councilman

*Tara Campbell, Yorba Linda City Councilwoman

*Janice Lim, Yorba Linda Parks and Rec Commissioner

*Sara Catalan, Janice Lim's campaign manager


Below is an unedited post of how a grassroots candidate,

Jess Battaglia, was defeated even before the race began.

Very sad to announce that despite Jess Battaglia carrying majority support from Yorba Linda City Council (Carlos Rodriguez, Gene Hernandez, and Beth Haney) the OC GOP voted to endorse Janice Lim. We would like to say it was a fair vote, but sadly it was not.

Peggy Huang, Tara Campbell, Janice Lim and Sara Catalan (Janice Lim’s campaign manager) ensured the vote would not be fair. Peggy Huang, who stated Carlos Rodriguez told her she could choose her successor, chose Anthony Johnson in March of 2022. After a backroom deal between Lim and Johnson, it was determined Janice Lim would run in 2022 and Anthony Johnson in 2024. This was decided in March of 2022.

When Jess Battaglia entered the race and obtained the signatures to move ahead to the OCGOP endorsement committee along with a ton of community support, Peggy Huang called OCGOP Chairman Fred Whitaker and complained, placing her support behind Janice.

Peggy Huang, Chose Her Successor, Janice Lim

A zoom call a couple days before the endorsement committee meeting revealed the Janice Lim team in distress and essentially lamenting that Jess would even think of entering the race because Peggy and Janice had decided in March of 2022 Janice was “the” candidate and Peggy Huang’s successor. During the zoom call, both Battaglia and Lim agreed whoever did not receive the endorsement from the OCGOP would back out to ensure votes were not split.

One Member Missed the Vote - Lim's Reported Falsified Endorsements

On July 18, the OCGOP endorsement committee had one person sick, or else Jess would have received a positive endorsement of 4-3 moving ahead with a positive endorsement. The committee couldn’t decide and was deadlocked at 3-3. It was decided to send it to the entire central committee for a vote. During this endorsement committee meeting, Lim falsified several endorsements and made false statements.

Council Members Hernandez, Haney and Rodriguez Supported Battagalia

The weekend leading up to the July 25 central committee vote, Carlos Rodriguez notified the OCGOP Chairman and gave his support for Jess, along with Beth Haney and Gene Hernandez. He stated the majority of the YL City Council supported Jess Battaglia. That weekend, Peggy Huang called members of the central committee and asked that they change their votes from Jess and to vote for Janice. Sara Catalan and Peggy Huang called speakers who were speaking in support of Jess Battaglia and asked them not to speak and to change their votes.

Young Kim and Craig Young, YL Defeated Councilman, Save Lim

Tara Campbell was removed as Gene Hernandez’ alternate on central committee for refusing to cast a vote for Jess as were Gene Hernandez’ instructions. Never fear, a call was placed to Young Kim and Young Kim made Tara Campbell her alternate so she could cast a vote for Janice. Sara Catalan asked Craig Young to allow her to be his alternate so she could vote for Janice. Yes, her campaign manager was allowed to sneak in at the last moment and cast a vote.

Huang, Campbell, Lim, Johnson, Catalan, Utilize Ties

The OCGOP Chairman refused to allow a candidate forum so the committee couldn’t hear from Jess and Janice could not be asked hard questions. Peggy Huang, Tara Campell, Janice Lim, Anthony Johnson and Sara Catalan utilized their ties to staffers from Young Kim and Philip Chen’s office to garner votes for Janice. Many committee members said Peggy Huang was on the phone all day utilizing her past relationships to gain support for Janice.

Janice Lim reportedly “Writes Checks”?

Janice Lim Writes Checks

So you can thank the above people for taking away the voice of the majority of Yorba Linda City Council and the PEOPLE OF YORBA LINDA. It was more important for Peggy Huang and Tara Campbell to get their friend elected to City Council then to have the people of Yorba Linda choose who they wanted to represent them. It doesn’t matter to them who the best candidate is, their friend vote is more important. Thank Young Kim and Phillip Chen for telling their staffers to make phone calls and cast votes because Janice Lim “writes checks”.

Peggy Huang, Tara Campbell, Janice Lim, Anthony Johnson and Sara Catalan, Lim’s Campaign Manager, Succeeded.

Battaglia Stopped 

Because Jess Battaglia is a man of integrity, he has kept his promise and is backing out of the race. It’s time that we stop allowing politicians like Tara Campbell, Peggy Huang, Young Kim and Phillip Chen decide what’s best for our city. A big thank you to Carlos Rodriguez, Gene Hernandez and Beth Haney for supporting Jess and standing back. We are truly sorry the manipulations of Peggy Huang, Tara Campbell, Janice Lim, Anthony Johnson and Sara Catalan took away the voice of the majority of council and the people of Yorba Linda.


Candidate Peggy Huang, Election Laws

Angry residents are asking if Peggy Huang, a candidate this November for Orange County Superior Judge, 40th District, has violated election laws by reportedly choosing, campaigning for and endorsing her replacement to the Yorba Linda City Council, Janice Lim.

Nancy Rikel- Opinion


Winning at Any Cost- 2014

Misleading voter guides and how to bury a candidate(s)

A matter of public record, most would agree that the most egregious hit piece in Yorba Linda history occurred in 2014, in a mailer called The Yorba Linda Women’s Voter Guide. The return address gave no name, with an address at 18032 Lemon Drive, #C-179, Yorba Linda. CA 92886. That is the address of the postal annex across from our post office. Who paid for it? Who sent it?

The mailer endorsed Peggy Huang for City Council (elected 2014) and Tom Lindsey (elected 2014 and currently a director for the Yorba Linda Water District).

Yorba Linda e-News, May 12, 2022, Voters Beware!

Don't Be Spoofed-Opinion

Yorba Linda Taxpayers Association 

Seeks Yorba Linda Water District Candidates


Three seats are available. The closing date to file is August 12

and should one or any of the three incumbents fail to file on that date,

the filing period will be extended to August 17.


Yorba Linda Taxpayers Association (YLTA) is conducting interviews for candidates to run for Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) Board of Directors to be held on November 8, 2022. Three seats are available. The closing date to file is August 12 and should one or any of the three incumbents fail to file on that date, the filing period will be extended to August 17.

In 2016, YLTA was instrumental in replacing board members who continued to rubber stamp rate increases, stopping a massive five-year planned 270% rate & meter fee increase. 

Following the placement of four new directors, ratepayers received a sizable refund in 2017. During this short period of time there have been staff changes and the YLWD is now about to hire its third General Manager since 2016. 

In recent years, the board has new members who have blamed rate increases on the need for infrastructure improvements and outside forces and again are rubber stamping all proposed rate increases. Some of the increase has been quietly transferred to your property tax bill. In total, since 2016 there have been four meter fee, sewer, and water usage price increases. 

Sadly, the district’s governing board is again not watching out for the ratepayers. Recently, the board approved an employment separation agreement with a general manager who held the position for only eight months, and he was allowed to leave the district with a lump sum severance payment of over $190,000. 

If you have a strong financial background, are concerned about the overall management of the YLWD and would consider running for the board, please contact me by email at your earliest convenience.  Please reach out to me at (copy and paste this)

Thank you, Jon Hansen – YLTA President


Keep Yorba Linda Beautiful and Clean

Remove dog waste, place in trash


Election Deadlines

for Local Candidates


Yorba Linda City Council

Council Members

Carlos Rodriquez- Elected in 2018, Rodriquez is an Executive Officer Building Industry Association Southern California (BIA) Baldy View Chapter.

Peggy Huang- Not running for re-election


Yorba Linda Water District

Board of Directors

Brooke Jones- Grassroots candidate elected in 2016

Phil Hawkins- Appointed in 2010

Tom Lindsey- Appointed in 2021


Placenita-Yorba Linda Unified School District

School Board Members

Karin Freeman, elected in 1989

Carrie Buck, elected in 2010


Filing Deadlines

Filing to run for City Council, Yorba Linda Water District, and PYLUSC School Board ends on August 12. If an incumbent fails to file, the filing period is extended to August 17.

Past Yorba Linda e-News Issues

Measure B and Development- Opinion

The Overburdened Colorado River- Opinion

Manmade Drought- No Solutions

Council Seeks High Density Freedom

Affordable Housing History

City Council Members

Carlos Rodriguezseeking re-election, 2022

Peggy Huang, not seeking re-election, 2022

Gene Hernandez, elected 2012

Tara Campbell, elected 2016

Beth Haney, elected 2016

Faded Memories

Introduction- Part 1

How the Pacific Electric Began- Part 2
The Rise and Fall of the Pacific Electric- Part 3
The Pacific Electric and Nixon Connection- Part 4
The Yorba Linda Depot- Part 5
Unlocking the Past- Part 6
Pacific Electric Depot Repurposed- Part 7
A New Community Spirit: How it Began- Part 8

Enjoy the sounds of the Pacific Electric Train

(c. 1914) "Pacific Electric's Training Film"

Please share your photos and remembrances
of our community’s history @

Visit Our Website:

Contact Dani at


Dogs Killed Due to Covid Restrictions

Karen Vaughn,

Need everyones help to open our OC Animal Shelter. It has been closed since the beginning of Covid and still remains closed to the public. People wishing to adopt must schedule an appt to see 1 pet. If it doesn’t work, you then you need to schedule another appt. In the past several weeks more than a dozen dogs have been euthanized. We need our shelter open. Please help. 

Sign the Petition

Citizen of the Year

Nominations Being Accepted

The City of Yorba Linda is currently accepting nominations for the 2022 Citizen of the Year recognition. Please help us honor local heroes whose inspirational service has elevated the Yorba Linda community. Nomination forms and detailed information are available on the City's website at Please submit completed nomination forms by Monday, September 6, 2022.

*Protect Your Pets 
*Never Leave Food or Water Outside 
(A fed coyote is a dead coyote)
*Report Sightings 

To report a coyote sighting or incident, please email the City your name, phone number, location of the coyote (cross streets or address) and any other information you wish to provide at
Please be advised that the County of Orange Animal Control does not handle coyote issues; however, the City does contract with a professional urban wildlife company on an as needed basis.
Tattered Retirement of American Flags

Tim Heckerman has rescued, collected and retired well over 1500 tattered American Flags since October 2017 from Yorba Linda, Anaheim, Placentia, Brea, Fullerton and Orange and has arranged for a proper retirement ceremony with the help of friends, family and Anaheim Fire & Rescue. 

Contact me for pick-up: Tim at 
"I have had the privilege to meet some very interesting and awesome
people while picking up these Beauties." Tim

How to Remove Skunk Smells-Opinion

From a post on Facebook


The best way we’ve found to remove the smell of skunk is:

1 bottle hydrogen peroxide,

1 tablespoon dish soap

1/4 cup baking soda


Put first two in bowl, have the stinky one ready in sink and just before you sponge the mixture on add baking soda. Be VERY careful not to get it in nose or eyes. Massage through hair. Let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing. Use your regular soap, rinse, dry. You literally can let them sleep on your bed after with no issues.

 I am anxious for a safe, loving, forever home.


Pet ID: A1774600

Sex: M   Age: 2 Years

Weight: 54.00 lbs   Color: White

Breed: Siberian Husky Mix

Intake Date: 07/16/2022

Intake Jurisdiction: Anaheim


Thank you to those who help provide forever homes for pets! 

Adoption- OC Animal Care:
Search and receive updates from Adopt a Pet.Com:

Vacation Check Service
 Yorba Linda Police Services deputies will periodically check your home while you are away on vacation. It's easy to arrange and your information will remain private. Submit the form: 
Yorba Linda Police Services, 714 779-7098.
Get Form
Yorba Linda Time Lapse

The videos below are listed in order from newest to oldest. Should you choose to watch them you will see that the content, presentation, and duration has grown with time. Along the way much was learned and new techniques employed. As new videos are created, it is my goal to continue this trend.

The availability of old photographs of our city is what makes these videos possible. I have pretty much "borrowed" everything currently on the internet, but will continue the search. Should anyone have old, interesting, family snapshots, home video, or photographs of Yorba Linda (and surrounding areas) and are willing to share them, please contact me at: Larry

1) Downtown II - Postcards from the Past
2) The Search for Santa Ana Canyon Miniature Railroad
3) Downtown I - A Medley of Apparitions
5) The Search for Lake Matilda
6) Susanna Bixby Bryant - Land Use at Rancho Santa Ana
7) Susanna Bixby Bryant - Adobe Castle in the Sky
8) Following the Cajon Canal
9) Oak Grove at SAVI (Santa Ana Valley Irrigation)
10) Disneyland Remastered
11) Yorba Hacienda
12) Giant Neighborhood Oak
14) Southeast Yorba Linda
16) Travis Ranch

Important Contacts

Sheriff Blotter

Subscribe to a Daily Crime Report

 Crime Mapping

Orange County's Most Wanted

Family Watchdog- Offenders in Your Neighborhood

Learn More About Skimmers

Counterfeit Money Detector


OC Alert

Warning- Graphic Video!- Surviving Active Shooter

Citizen Request Tracker- Make suggestions to the City 


Non-Emergency Freeway Assistance

Dial 511 for non-emergency freeway assistance.


Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record

Enroll for quick access and proof on your phone


City of Yorba Linda:

Yorba Linda Water District

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District

Nixon Library- Calendar of Events:

Sheriff's Blotter:

Yorba Linda Parks and Recreation:

Yorba Linda Public Library:


Your voter information including tracking your ballot:

Yorba Linda e-News is a community newsletter and does not endorse activities or products listed therein. Editorials written by residents are those opinions of the reader and not those of Yorba Linda e-News. Newsletters are also published on Nancy Rikel's Facebook, Yorba Linda Taxpayers Association Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Gab, Gettr, Parler and MeWe. News, photos and community activities for publication should be sent to:
Yorba Linda e-News
4666 Yorba Lane
Yorba Linda, CA 92886
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