The Tail Attempting to Wag the Dog
For many years, parents and community members were busy with their lives and paid little attention to our schools. It was assumed that the district was run efficiently and that it had the best of intentions for our children.
Wake-Up Calls
The first wake-up call came when the union-backed school board approved bonds of $439.2 million in 2009 and 2011. They were approved by Carrie Buck (currently serving), Janice Wagner, Carol Downey, Karin Freeman, and Eric Padgett.
The final straw began with the lengthy closing of our schools during COVID. The damage done to our children during that time was far greater than any possible exposure to a disease that rarely has a serious impact on children.
Fed Up
Parents and taxpayers were fed up and felt that it was time to take our schools back. They knew what they were facing as the APLE teachers union, CTA and NEA, had become a fully-funded political machine who collects millions from members and uses it to control our schools.
Serious Concerns Emerged
As disgruntled parents and community members delved into what was happening at PYLUSD, they initially found concerns and many more emerged. Here are a few, in no particular order:
*It was discovered that the APLE Union President, Linda Manion, has been paid as a teacher, with full benefits, but has not been in the classroom since 2004. In other words, taxpayers have financed her position for 20 years as a teacher while instead she worked at the union office.
*Academic scores were down.
*Attendance was dropping by 400 students per year at a loss of $15,000 per student.
*There were lewd books in the library.
*Teachers had the freedom to advise students about very personal matters, including sexual transitioning, without parental notification.
*Boys and sex were found in the girls’ bathrooms, as reported by the PPD
SROs (Placentia Police Department School Resource Officers).
*Students were being bullied with no assistance from staff.
*Student behavior and dress codes were ignored.
*A school board meeting was immediately adjourned by then President Carrie Buck, without a motion, second or an opportunity for the public to speak.
*Some schools had very poor safety measures.
2020-2022 Elections
Three grassroots candidates were elected in 2020: Leandra Blades, Shawn Youngblood and Marilyn Anderson. However, shortly thereafter Marilyn Anderson crossed over to the union side, providing the union a 3-2 majority. In 2022, the election of grassroots candidate,Todd Frazier, provided a grassroots majority of 3-2 and positive changes began.
Superintendent Dr. Alex Cherniss
In 2023, rock star and Superintendent, Dr. Alex Cherniss, was hired and the personal attacks by union members began against him. Despite constant union opposition, many new programs and positive changes have been made. Attendance is up by over 800 students and academic scores are climbing.
The union has vowed to fire Dr. Cherniss, if their candidates win this November.
New Programs, Raises
New programs include the Universal Sports Institute (USI) and the School of Computer Science which were fully funded along with all other existing programs..
PYLUSD Teachers received a 12% raise and over 20% in raises in the last four years, the highest percentage of raises ever given by previous boards. One would think that this would make the union and all teachers happy, but one would be wrong.
In short, our district is fully-funded and rapidly growing. It is more advanced and innovative that it has ever been and all programs are available and free for students. Many would never have these opportunities, if not at PYLUSD.
Union, Now a Political Arm
In recent years, the leadership in the teachers unions has become a political machine that collects dues and uses the money to fund its personal goals. Misinformation, dishonesty and sign stealing/destruction is common. Thousands of dollars are used in elections to defeat grassroots candidates who do not have the funds to compete. Union-backed candidates do not attend public forums and answer to no one.
Current Election
In our current election, the grassroots candidates have had repeated personal attacks and sigh theft. Our school board President, Leandra Blades, who is running for re-election, has had her personal life dragged through the mud. A letter was sent recently to her supporters that greatly and negatively impacted her children and husband. Ryan James Miller and Maria Lupia Stubbs have been politically attacked. Stubbs has been repeatedly stalked when going door-to door.
The message is clear: Don't you dare run against the union because we will out-spend, humiliate, embarrass and harass you!
The Future is Yours to Decide
The future of PYLUSD is at a crossroads. Will our community allow the tail to again wag the dog, or will the community continue to make decisions for our kids?
The choices are simple:
Grassroots Candidates: Leandra Blades, Maria Lupita Stubbs, Ryan James Miller
Union Candidates: Misty Janssen, Marilyn Anderson, Tricia Quintero
One Final Note
When you see our grassroots candidates, be sure to thank them for their bravery and tenacity and consider making a donation to their campaign.
You can learn more about them at:
Nancy Rikel
Teachers Unions Are Bad for Teachers. Here’s Why
Problems in New Jersery