Land Use Development
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Upcoming Meetings
YCPC Meeting
The next Planning Commission meeting is being held on June 26th at 7:00 p.m. If you are interested in a specific topic, please visit the  Boards and Committees page for more information.

YAMPO Meeting

The next meeting of the York Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (YAMPO) will be held on August 6, at 9:00 a.m. located at the York County 911 Center. For more information, please visits the  Boards and Committees page on our website.

June, 2015



To keep you updated on activities and current events, the York County Planning Commission has created E-Alerts.  These E-Alerts are just another way to keep you connected with what is taking place in and around your community.  Please explore the articles below or visit the links to the left for other helpful information.

2014 Annual Report

The 2014 Annual Report is now available.  Please click here to view. 



Growth Trends


Annually the US Census Bureau releases population estimates.  This is the most reliable source of municipal population data for the years between the decennial census.  The most current edition of "Growth Trends"(click here) takes a look at the 2014 Municipal Population Estimates for the municipalities in York County. 




Transportation Grant for Municipalities 



In the May 23, 2015 edition of The Pennsylvania Bulletin PennDOT announced the opening and closing dates for the 2015 round of Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancement (ARLE) Grants. The application period will be open until June 30, 2015 and notification of award or denial will be sent September 1st. Since the program's first funding year in 2011, 9 York County municipalities received over $996,000 to complete projects. The program has no matching requirement, however points are awarded for other funds.


The program provides transportation grants to local, regional and state agencies for projects that improve highway safety and mobility. The application and more information, including a list of eligible projects and frequently asked questions, can be found at


Please feel free to contact Beth Artman at the York County Planning Commission if you need advice on the type of projects that would be the most competitive for this program.



Multimodal Transportation Fund 


The Multimodal Transportation Fund provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of the commonwealth. There are two different application processes (PennDOT and DCED), this one is coordinated by DCED and the Commonwealth Funding Authority. The application deadline in July 31, 2015.

Funds may be used for the development, rehabilitation and enhancement of transportation assets to existing communities, streetscape, lighting, sidewalk enhancement, pedestrian safety, connectivity of transportation assets and transit-oriented development.


 Grants are available for projects with a total cost of $100,000 or more with a maximum of $3,000,000, there is a non-federal match of 30% required.


For more information visit DCED's website.



Get Outdoors (GO) York! - Promoting Physical Activity in York County



Since 2008, the Healthy York County Coalition, in partnership with York County Libraries, has implemented its Get Outdoors (GO) York! annual summer physical activity program.  GO York! encourages children and parents to get outdoors and be physically active by engaging in an adaptation of letterboxing, a hobby in which participants must follow written clues to locate hidden items.  Each summer, thirty (30) wooden posts with an etched Plexiglass plate attached to them are hidden in various parks and along trails in York County.   Clues to locate each post are provided in a free program guide.


In 2015, GO York! participants are encouraged to GO and Find Your Hero! by locating 30 autographs - the posts - by using clues in their Autograph Book (program guide).  Once located, participants use a pencil or crayon to rub an impression of the unique etching on the post onto their official program rubbing sheets.  These sheets are submitted to any York County Library at program completion and are used for program evaluation.


A program website - - provides additional program information, minus the post clues, to interested participants.  Social media - Facebook and Twitter - are also used to encourage participation and to serve as a "real time" means of communicating with and among participants.  Approximately 1000 GO York! participants are members of the Facebook group.


Here are some quick statistics from the 2014 GO and Experiment! program:

  •   9,023 Lab Notebooks (program guides) were distributed
  •   1,255 (13.9%) rubbing sheets were submitted at the end of the program
  •   363 participants located all thirty scientific terms (posts)
  •   33.56 miles were walked if participants located all thirty scientific terms
  •   23,361 miles were walked by the 1,255 participants who submitted their rubbing pages


The 2015 GO and Find Your Hero! teaches children about the local heroes that live in and serve our community.  Through this exciting and educational initiative, we hope that today's children will be inspired to be the next generation of community heroes! 





Deborah H. Gogniat, Coordinator

Healthy York County Coalition

605 South George Street, Suite 160

York, PA  17401

(717) 851-2333



We will continue to send out periodic updates to keep you updated and connected with what is happening in and around York County.  Please continue to visit our website for the latest news.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Felicia S. Dell
York County Planning Commission

York County Planning Commission | (717) 771-9870 | |
28 East Market Street
York, PA 17401-1580