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                                                                                                               November, 2016                                                                                     
"Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and gratitude."
~  Nigel Hamilton

In This Issue
2016 Angel Award recipients
Donor Recognition
Christmas Fundraiser
Miss Penny Pockets
We would Love your support!
Walk for a Dog
Growing older and wiser together by Hannelie Vermeulen
In Loving Memory
Happy Endings
Supermodel Athena Maria
Messages from our Happy readers
Neeko's Joke
Thank You LifeLine4paws
Join Our Mailing List!
Quick Links
Our Annual Family and Friends Gathering 
photo album

Annual Family and Friends Weekend of Fun
Annual Family and Friends Weekend of Fun

It was an honor to present Linda Connor the YTNR Distinguished Service Award.  Linda has served as a Board Member for all 20 years of our existence. She also served as Treasurer and implemented ways to grow and expand our reach.  She continues to serve on our Board and we Thank her for dedicating so much of her life to helping us save and help Yorkies in need.   

2016 Angel Award recipients
Angels don't fall out of the Sky, they emerge from within, 
Angels are never too distant to hear you,  
Angels Bless You, they don't try to impress you,  
Angels light the way and are always there to help..... 

These are YTNR's 2016 Angels.  With Gratitude ♥

Jackie Wolfe ~ State Director for Illinois

Jackie  works hard all year not only rescuing Yorkies but also manages to hold fund raisers with her fellow Ambassadors spreading our message and raising funds for medical expenses.

Eva Ortiz 

This lovely lady, who works for an airline, has been so helpful in transporting some our most serious medical issues from LA to Nashville or wherever we need to take them.  

Jane Fero

Jane has been sending out and recording our microchips for over ten years, this was her first time joining us for our Friends and Family weekends

Special Thanks to this month's Donors 

 Thank You to the Many Wonderful and Generous 
October Contributors
 General Fund  

Karen E. Roff
Kingkan Rueanon
Sharie LaKind
Blake & Julie Leverett
MaryElizabeth Dugmore
 Yi Qing Zhang (Sandy)
Mary Jane Sanders

Yorkie Angel Donors 

Karin & Alan Nakashima*
Kathryn Schuller*
Pieter Vermeulen*
MaryElizabeth Dugmore*
Carla Pucket* 
Betty Jo Williams* 
Ron & Amalia Spaulding*
Lisa Ellison*
Lindsay Hardin*
Bette Gae Dart*
Hannelie Vermeulen*

* monthly donor 
We couldn't do it without you...  

The Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue Inc. is run solely on private donations and fund raising efforts made by people like you who love this Breed. We appreciate your support

We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Christmas Fundraiser
We are having a Christmas Fundraiser.
This is a great way to send a really nice gift and not worry about the hassle of shipping something to someone far away. 
I hope each of you will further the reach of this fundraiser by forwarding the link, along with a personal note from you, to your own contacts such as meet- up groups, your veterinarian and staff, local shelters, friends, family, co-workers, etc.  These beautiful wreaths and decorations can be ordered by anyone and will benefit so many needy little Yorkies. 

For every beautiful wreath and table setting, we receive $5 to $10 a wreath.  How wonderful is that???  This is our opportunity to raise some
money for our little rescues and be able to rescue more.  
Our goal is to raise $1,000.  

Please take a look and see for yourself how lovely they are. 
Just click on the beautiful picture to be directed to the website or the link below the picture. They are shipped directly to your home.


Miss Penny Pockets

Mary-Margaret O'Brien has passed the proverbial torch to me and although I'm pretty new at this stuff I hope you will enjoy watching me grow up.   On September 25, 2016 I became 16 weeks old.   I'm loving my life and I want to share it with you. I hope to meet you all in Nashville next year.

Wow, time sure flies.  I'm almost six months old and I'm settling into my life here in Temecula, CA.  I had my rabies shot last week and I weighed in at 3.8 pounds.  I'm not allowed to eat people food except for a fingertip full of cream cheese in the morning and after dinner.  It's a mommy-and-me bonding time.
Every day I go to work and help my mom out at the office.  I have my own "desk space", so to speak, which consists of a three sided playpen with my bed, toys, kibble and water.  I can see just about everything that goes on in the office.  Most importantly I am the first employee to greet our clients.  If Mom is busy finishing up a job it's my responsibility to visit with our client and give them some loving.  I also help keep Mom and Sonia smiling as you can see in the picture.

We all work really well together as a team.

I'm an indoor puppy.  I use piddle pads.  I've never yet had my little puppy feet on grass.  Soon, though.  We wanted to wait until I had all my shots before I got exposed to all those germs.  It was a struggle, I tell you.  To pee or not to pee, that was the question.  Well, I am happy to report that I've pretty much got it figured out.   For the past week I've been walking over to my piddle pads and doing what I'm supposed to do without being asked.  Mom is very proud of me, she says.  There are still a few more things to work out but I've almost got her trained.  

Teething is one big hurdle.  I really like Mom's toes.  Also when she's walking  I like to nip at her heels.  I think maybe I'm part Border Collie with a herder instinct.  Mostly she just yells "Ow, stop that!!" and sometimes she even barks at me.  That's scary.  She has lots of tiny little holes in her heels. Next month Dr. Amy will see if I'm ready for my "big girl" surgery by looking at my teeth.  Not sure how that works, but she's the expert.  I trust her.

Enough for now.  Back to what's left of my chicken stick.  Also it's almost time for my morning fingerful of cream cheese.

We remember our brave Veterans on November 11th, and give thanks for all we have because we are Americans on November 24th.  God bless you all and God bless America.

Love, Penelope Dawn Pockets (but you can call me Penny)

We would Love your support!

Walk for a Dog ~  A simple, year-round fundraising app!

Don't just take your dog for a walk... Take your Walk for a Dog! 
Go to, download the app, and support our rescue organization every time you walk your dog. We are listed under Yorkshire Terrier Rescue.

Using the "Walk for a Dog" app, you can help funnel funds into the right paws by doing nothing more than walking a dog -- yours or a virtual one.
Thank you so much for your support!

Growing older and wiser together by Hannelie Vermeulen 

This article is in memory of little Neffie, who became my newest little angel after writing it. My you rest in peace mommy's little love.
$19-75 later, you walked free into the hands of two YTNR volunteers.  Your little legs were stiff, your mouth was aching, your eyes darted around, and you peed right where you were, at the time the urge hit you.  You had no idea it was not OK.  You had no idea about living in the house either, or what house broken meant.  You still don't, but Neff, you are the sweetest little boy a mommy can dream to have.
You love soft beds.  You tried them one by one at Marge's house while she fostered you.  You walked in and out, and enjoyed her sweet smelling garden.  Then Patti got you your own bed for a soft send off to your own forever home.
Once home, you continued trying out all the beds, changing ever so often.  Now, a few years later, at 17 years of age, you need a little help up onto the higher ones.  And you still pee - but thanks to Corinne's Yorkie Angel Boutique, and Doodlebug Duds' clothing line - you have fun belly bands that keeps the house dry and you in fashion. (And of course there are panties for girl doggies, just ask Eloise and Caroline.)
You teach me so much about old doggies, building on what my little angels before you started, and what your other older siblings in our home, Eloise (~15) and Nico (~17), help with.  You inspire me to share what we've learned together, with other dog lover parents.

Like us humans, our furry babies grow older and grayer as the years advance.  They experience diminished function in every system of the body.  Their bones become brittle, their joints become stiff, their muscles atrophy, and as their strength diminish.  In the process, their mobility decrease.
We start noticing the silver around their muzzles and eyes, which spreads to their faces, and sometimes we notice their whole little bodies turn lighter, as their eyes get cloudier.  In the process, as arthritis stiffens their bodies, they start walking slower, and become wobbly.  Make sure to shorten their walks, but still help them get some exercise.  Take them to the vet for geriatric check-ups, and ask about medication or supplements that can ease the joint pain.  Allow them to sleep and rest more, but also check with your veterinarian that the sleeping is not a symptom of pain that could easily be relieved.
Our household has ramps by the doors, even for small steps, so it's easy to walk in and out.  We have doggie stairs by the beds and the sofas - and especially find the scalloped stairs helpful when the heights of furniture increase and their short little legs have longer to travel. Solid stairs work much better in our household than the flimsy ones- since the hollow sounds combined with their lack of depth perception - get scary.
Sometimes it gets even harder, and their back legs get so weak, they cannot support themselves well, or at all.  There are options - small harnesses to help keep the back supported while they can still walk, or when in crisis, a folded towel or t-shirt under the belly for support.  Then of course, when the going gets really tough, there are doggie wheelchairs.  Just check out our recently adopted CA foster, Franklin, who sports a pretty cool set of wheels.  For long walks, we use a doggie stroller, so the older doggies can keep up with the feistier ones, and get the same stimulation. 
As joints stiffen up and the years increase, and their little eyes cloud up with cataracts, it gets harder to see. It can be scary walking out into the bright sunlight, and just as scary when new plants are planted or furniture gets moved - and they run into it. Consider doggie sunglasses in bright light, or adjusting the times of day or areas they go out to.  Introduce changes carefully, and confine them to familiar areas when you are not home.  Once they become blind, make sure to still provide them with stimulation, and keep them to the day/night cycle.  Blindness can be very confusing and scary. Consider marking their water bowl areas with a scent, so they can easily find it.  As our fur-babies age, have your vet also check for dry eye.  Dry eyes are scratchy and hurts.  Eloise gets daily prescription drops, and some over the counter drops at times, which helps her be comfortable.   
Confusion also sets in, and a form of doggie dementia can be next.  Little Neff just stands and stares into space at times, or gets stuck in a corner, or under furniture. Nico barks forever if someone enters the house, and bites (toothless) at anyone entering his personal space. He also has a hard time finding the back door at times, when he wandered too far to go potty.   They both sleep more, and sometimes they do not wake up when I come home.  Nico doesn't hear when you call him, and neither does Eloise.  Neffie hears, but at times becomes too confused to find you.  They don't ask for much anymore, but cuddle to no end once you hold them, or find them during their aimless wandering through the house or yard. Nico often paces at bed time, and needs redirection such as petting and holding to calm down and to fall asleep. Some doggies can start medication that could help them with their cognitive functioning - others, like Neffie, may be so sensitive to medication, that it may be too difficult to introduce one more pill.  In that case, just keep good track of them, keep them in a safe confined area, with soft spots to sleep, and water close by, when you are not with them.  We have little X-pen corrals that work well.
Then the BITE! Yorkies are prone to dental disease, even our doggies we've had for extended periods, and who's had good dental care.  When YTNR take in surrendered Yorkies, they often have serious dental disease, including infected teeth, exposed gums, and infected little bodies because of their struggle with their mouths. Neffie lost his only two teeth within a week of arrival.  Nico lost all of his, as soon as he was stable enough for surgery, and the rest of the crew lost several, and still occasionally loose some during dentals.  Check for discoloration, for tartar build up, receding gums, and a smelly mouth.  Brush if you can, and talk to your vet about the different oral care options.  Every little bit helps.  And remember, they can still live healthy lives without teeth, can still eat small kibble, and of course, soft food.  And some can still bite, or shall I say gum (just ask Nico)! They will just need their little mouths washed or wiped when the food leaks through their gums, or their dexterity goes and they can no longer clean their mouths themselves, like Neffie.
Over the years I've found my older doggies to first start losing their teeth, then their eyesight, then their hearing - all the time adjusting to change, mostly in stride, despite losing their independence increasingly.  When we are aware of the challenges they face, we can assist them - e.g. stamp your feet or clap your hands when you call them - whichever works best to help them track sound. You can also try to lower or higher the pitch of your voice - until they cannot hear anything anymore.  Reach down slowly as their sight goes, and wake them carefully as to not scare them.  When they get scared, hold them close, and breathe in deep, hold it for a second, then breathe out slowly, to help them calm down.  You can also sing to them, it calms down your breathing, and in turn calms them down.  They take so many cues from us.  I even sing to them when I'm very worried about them, or drive them to the vet in crisis, because it keeps my breathing even, and us both calm!
As they age, work with your vet on healthy diets, and healthy weights. They may need fewer calories, but may find their regular food difficult to eat, or lacking in the nutrients their bodies now require.  Nico is struggling with collapsing trachea, and although medication helps to keep him comfortable and breathing, his weight needs to be maintained to help with that too.
Continue age appropriate exercise, stimulate their little brains with fun activities - and love them.  Tell them how much you love them, tell them their adoption stories, and give them massages to make their achy little bodies feel good, and their aging minds happy. They do so much for us - and are so happy for what they get in return.  And when they are very old, and show little emotion, remember they still love you as always, they just have diminished capacity to show you now. Help them feel safe, by keeping their routine, and yours, and by continuing to love them.  For example, little Neff gets his medication, eats his food part of the way, then it has to be stirred, before he can gum away and finish the rest.  After he's done, he has his mouth cleaned and drinks his water, then gets taken out to go potty, and to wander a bit.  The routine ends by him coming back in, drinking some more water, getting his diaper on, and going off to dream land. Nico and Eloise scarf their food down, then wait around to finish the little bits Neff spilled, before they head out to start their post meal routine. They all have their own mannerisms, their own routines, and we all adjust and fit into each other's, like a richly colored tapestry.
My life would not be the same, without all my doggie children, past and present.  They taught me so much, about love and about life, and continue to do so daily.  Most of my adoptees had more yesterdays than tomorrows, have lived and loved, and still live every day fully, knowing they are safe and loved; all the time giving back so much more. 
Thank you my little angels! You make me a better person with your unconditional love and acceptance, and your cuteness to boot. Mommy loves you - yesterday, today, all the tomorrows - and over the rainbow bridge!

In Loving Memory


Marilyn painted this from a photo of Lewy in his last days.  Brooks and Marilyn Wright adopted him.
"I just finished this painting of our precious Lewy, who went to Rainbow bridge, last week. He would've been 18 in February, we believe, because he was a rescue and details are a little fuzzy. He was one good dog, but don't tell him that ....he thought he was a people. Thank you to Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue, through Corrine Ellison in Indiana, who placed him with us."

Here is Lewy's Story

From time to time we receive a letter from a family that adopted from YTNR telling us how our little rescue is doing. This little guy was adopted in 2001. Thought everyone would like to hear from him and how his life became great.

Sept, 2001 , we traveled from Kentucky to Indiana to meet Corrine Ellison, who was bringing our little rescued Yorkie to be ours forever. We had rescued a silky terrier, Hally, a few months earlier. She tried her best to corrupt Lewy, and succeeded in some ways. Hally died in 2006, with cancer. Suddenly, Lewy figured out that he was Top Dog now, and has lived up to that roll to this day. What Lewy wants, Lewy gets! However, Lewy is such a nice little boy, he deserves everything he gets. He is about 17 years old now, blind, and deaf.... to everything except the rattle of a snack bag. His internal clock still works, and he still lets us know when it's time to eat, or time to go to bed. He still likes to snuggle between us every night. We cherish every day that he is with us, and cannot put a value on what he means to us. We are forever grateful to Corrine, and the YTNR for the work they do, and for letting sweet Lewy come to our family.
Brooks and Marilyn Wright


"It is eerily terrifying that there is no sound when a heart breaks. Car accidents end with a bang, falling ends with a thud, even writing makes the scratching sound of pencil against paper. But the sound of a heart breaking is completely silent. Almost as though no one, not even the universe itself could create a sound for such devastation. Almost as though silence is the only way the universe could pay its respect to the sound of a heart falling apart."-  Nikita Gill, The Sound of Heartbreak

Happy Endings


I would like to share with you a story one of our adopters just sent to our California State Director, Paula.
It is about Coco Chanel who was surrendered with 6 other yorkies. They had been used for breeding. We took her and her siblings, spayed/neutered, vaccinated, microchiped, gave them all dentals plus heartworm/fecal testing and made sure they had all the necessary medical they needed. It was one volunteer who took all 6 of  them and I thank that volunteer for all her help.
We will continue to work diligently to save and re-home these babies but it does cost money. In my opinion it is money well spent but we CANNOT do it without your help. Would you consider helping us continue our work by donating any amount. It is so appreciated, it does save a life, one at a time.
Here is what her mommy wrote:
It will be three years this Saturday that this sad little creature came to live here, and life has been so good for both of us! Her coat is now thick, shiny, and she is the picture of health. She flies around the garden and is in and out the doggie door many times a day, disputing ownership with an arrogant and confused squirrel. She confidently walks up to my friends and offers her tum for belly rubs. We enjoy each other immensely!


Harmony has been adopted to a wonderful lady on the East Coast. It was love at first sight! She is living the good life, even goes to a farm on weekends and loves it.  Harmony is a girl that loves the outside.


Rocky went to his new home in MI. Rocky and family are all very happy.


Little Ellie, who was adopted in Oregon earlier this summer, was a ghost for her first Halloween with her new mommy. She's a very happy girl, who loves her daily walks. And her mom adores her!


Here's Sammy in his new home.  He's already settling in with his human sister  
These two adore one another.

Thank You for opening your hearts and homes for these
precious rescues and making their dreams come true!

Supermodel Athena Maria  Aphrodite  
The Goddess of Wisdom and Love..... 


8 Home Remedies for Minor Dog Emergencies by Dr. Becker

1. Problem: Constipation, Diarrhea and Other Minor Digestive Issues
Solution: Canned pumpkin. It's a good idea to keep a can of 100 percent pumpkin in your kitchen cabinet for occasional mild tummy upsets.
Give a teaspoon of pumpkin for every 10 pounds of body weight, one to two times a day, either in food or as a treat.  Pumpkin is rich in soluble fiber that can ease both diarrhea and  constipation.

2 .Problem: Minor Skin Abrasions, Cuts, Infections or Hot Spots
Solution: Povidone iodine. Povidone iodine (Betadine) is a gentle disinfectant that can take care of staph, yeast and almost any common bacteria. It doesn't sting or irritate the skin, and it's safe if your pet licks it.
Dilute the povidone iodine until it's the color of iced tea, soak a clean cloth in it and gently wipe the soaked cloth over the infected areas of your pet's skin. Rinse the cloth and wipe it over the skin, then pat dry.
I recommend you do this disinfecting process twice a day if your dog has a minor skin infection or other problem.

3. Problem: Itchy, Irritated Paws
Solution: Footbaths. Did you know about 50 percent of your dog's foot licking and chewing can be alleviated by mechanically removing allergens and other irritants collected on a dog's paws? "Mechanically removing" simply means rinsing them off.
For big dogs you can use a bucket and soak one foot at a time. Little dogs can stand in a kitchen or bathroom sink. Dilute povidone iodine with water to the color of iced tea and add it to the footbath. Swish it around while your dog stands in it for from two to five minutes.
If your dog is antsy about being in water, talk to him in soothing tones, and of course, offer him treats. Also try dunking one paw at a time in a container of solution versus putting him in the tub.

4. Problem: Fleas
Solution: Apple cider vinegar.  Apple cider vinegar (ACV) doesn't kill fleas, but it can help to keep them off your dog. One of the simplest approaches is to make a solution of equal parts ACV and water.
I recommend using raw, organic ACV. Add the mixture to a spray bottle and spritz it on your pet before he heads outdoors. You can also spray his bedding. Consider adding ACV to your dog's food as well, in the amount of 1 teaspoon for every 20 pounds of dog. And during baths, you can pour diluted ACV over your dog as a flea-preventive rinse at 1 cup of vinegar to 1 gallon of water.
Pour it over your freshly bathed dog (avoid his head), massage into his coat and towel dry. Don't rinse. Alternatively, you can add about two cups of apple cider vinegar to his bath water.

5. Problem: Upset Tummy
Solution: Ginger. Mix either fresh ground ginger or the dry herb into a tasty meatball or other yummy treat. Use 1/8th teaspoon for dogs under 10 pounds; ¼ teaspoon for medium-sized dogs; ½ teaspoon for large dogs and ¾ to 1 teaspoon for giant breeds.
Give the ginger infused snacks one to three times a day as needed. And if your dog's problem is motion sickness, be sure to give it to her at least an hour prior to travel. Alternatively, you can add ¼ cup ginger tea per 20 pounds to food daily as needed.

6. Problem: Crusty Skin and Nails
Solution: Coconut oil.  Coconut oil (I recommend 100 percent organic, cold-pressed and human grade) skin treatments can be very beneficial, especially for seniors with crusty patches of skin and funky nails. The treatments help reduce flaking and improve the integrity of the skin.
They also support the lipid barrier, which makes skin healthier and more resistant to pathogens like yeast and opportunistic bacteria.
First, bathe your dog, and then rub the oil into the skin all over his body, paying special attention to dry areas. Let it absorb into the skin for about five minutes. Follow with another bath (not too much lather) and a very light rinse. You can also dab it directly on hotspots, eruptions and rashes after disinfecting.

7. Problem: Skunk Encounter
Solution: Skunk rinse. Tomato juice isn't nearly as effective as this recipe, and it's easy to follow. In a pail, mix 1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (the drugstore variety), ¼ cup baking soda and 2 teaspoons dishwashing liquid. If you have a large breed dog, you may need to double, triple or even quadruple the mixture.
Apply the mixture to your dog's dry coat, taking care to avoid the eyes. Massage the mixture into the coat and skin for about five minutes or until the skunk smell starts to dissipate. Use a sponge to apply the solution to the chin, cheeks, forehead and ears, if necessary, being very careful not to go near the eyes.
Rinse thoroughly once the smell starts to decrease. When you rinse the head area tilt your dog's chin upward so the solution does not run into the eyes. You may need to repeat the lather and rinse process up to three times. Make sure to completely rinse the solution off your dog.

8. Problem: Toxin Ingestion
Solution: Hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Use 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and give 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters or ccs) for every 10 pounds of dog weight. You can mix it with a little vanilla ice cream to encourage your dog to get it down, or try using a little bit of honey, or simply syringe it down her throat if necessary.
Walk your dog around for a few minutes to get her moving, which will help the hydrogen peroxide do its work, which typically occurs within about 15 minutes. If your dog doesn't vomit in 15, give her a second dose. If after another 15 minutes she still hasn't vomited, call your veterinarian.
Do NOT induce vomiting if your dog is throwing up already; has lost consciousness or can't stand; it has been over two hours since she ingested the toxin or if she has swallowed bleach, drain cleaner or a petroleum distillate. These chemicals can cause burning as they are swallowed, and secondary additional burns as they come back up. Seek veterinary care immediately.



Messages from our Happy readers
"Thank you so much for the work that you do!! 
Much love to all your beautiful Yorkie pups, from Canada! xxoo
Stephanie L Ridlington"


"Loved all the pictures and reading the newsletter. Thanks to all taking part in all of it.!!!!! Helen"


"What a great newsletter!  I know a lot of hard work goes into putting one of these together . I so enjoyed reading about the rescues and meeting Miss Pockets.  She is so cute and it will be so nice to watch her grow up into a special young lady.  Toni"


Neeko Red
Neeko's Joke  :o)

The checkout clerk at the supermarket was unusually cheerful even though it was near closing time. 
"You must have picked up a ton of groceries today," a customer said to the checker. "How can you stay so pleasant?"
"We can all count our blessings," the clerk replied. "The hardest part of this job is the turkeys and the watermelons. I just thank God that Thanksgiving doesn't come in July."  ~

Wising you All a Pawsome month of November ♥


Love to all,
Neeko ♥

Thank you to the ASPCA for your support   
In reference to Grant Project:

Treatment for Special Needs Dogs, 
Made Possible by Lil BUB's Big Fund for the ASPCA
Thank You LifeLine4Paws

Every time we remember to say "thank you", 
we experience nothing less than heaven on earth. 
-- Sarah Ban Breathnach

Chris Hogan, 
Executive Vice President 
of the Hogan Family Foundation Inc, 
is the Program Director of Lifeline-4-Paws. 
She is a YTNR member and has generously supported
 our rescue efforts, contributing tens of thousands of dollars 
to over 120 of our dogs since 2007.