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You snow the drill. We want to see your best photos of the wintry mix. Tell us all the froze and cons. Did you grab a cute shot of your pup playing in the powder? Maybe your kids built a snowman. We want to see! Remember... don't flurry. Be happy!

Send us Your Best Snow Snaps!

🦺Safety First🔌

🥳We Love Having You Here🎈

🎂Happy Birthday to You🎁

💸Energy Efficiency🔋

Shockingly Funny Joke😂

🤔Penny for your thoughts?💭

We asked. You answered.

Here are the top movies that we are excited to see in 2024!🎞️

If you could go anywhere on vacation tomorrow, where would you go?
Anywhere there is a beach!
Oui, Oui, Paris, please!
Give me some more snow & a mountain!
It's 71 in Syndey. Sign me up, mate!
I would hop on the next cruise!
I just want to stay under my covers.

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