Dear Christian Warriors:
“You Kill Me with Silence.” ~ Lyrics from Duran Duran song
In a recent YouTube Video, Reverend Calvin Robinson displayed an unusual amount of courage as he addressed The General Synod, in February 2023, raising the question across the Anglican Communion and Christendom, in general: "should Christianity extend the sacraments to same same-sex marriages?"
This is part of Rev. Calvin Robinson’s response on the issue of homosexual "marriage."
When will we learn that the devil is not "inclusive" unless he is planning on including you into HELL?
So, just what is the definition of Love? It seems today that modern day Churchianity has muddied this to the point where most people cannot adequately explain it.
We know what the Bible says. Most everyone is familiar with 1 Corinthians 13. However, CHRIST is the physical embodiment of LOVE in the flesh.
So, it’s extremely important to get this right. If we follow Christ, we will be like Him:
Yet today it seems, Love has been redefined as the absence of opposition or silence in calling out sin. That is actually the definition of “indifference,” which is the utter antithesis of Love.
I think this disparity is most clearly shown in the way many Christian denominations are attempting to reach out to homosexuals. Somewhere on this pathway, we have lost the plot. Love’s ultimate goal is to desire the HIGHEST GOOD for the other person. If you are truly Christ’s disciple, you know, down to your inner core, that continuing on in the homosexual lifestyle cannot possibly be the highest good for anyone.
During a time of Bible study, I came across this verse in
1 John 4:8.
He who does not LOVE (Strong’s Concordance #G25 in Greek) does NOT KNOW GOD, for God is LOVE (Strong’s Concordance #G26 in Greek).
The Word “Love” in this scripture, was captured in a Greek word with two nuances:
In the Bible, these numbers are very symbolic:
Thus, to restate this more clearly: Those who do NOT Love people, do NOT know God. Those who TRULY Love both God AND people---boldly proclaim the Repentance Gospel!
The Repentance Gospel fulfills the TWO COMMANDMENTS that Jesus said were the only two necessary to cover EVERYTHING!
LOVE the Lord thy God with all your
heart, soul, mind and strength.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
This has always been the hallmark of the True Church. We must, ourselves, remain in a daily REPENTANT state and we must PREACH REPENTANCE…a simple, straight-forward gospel message.
Thus, the summary of this message should be:
REPENT! (personally)
REPENT! (proclaim this message to others)
REPENT! (Lather, rinse, repeat!!!)
START loving people to Life—tell them they must turn away from their sinful lifestyles and REPENT. Otherwise, we are actually…
In meekness [meaning BOLDNESS under control] instructing those that oppose them; if God perhaps will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.
~ 2 Timothy 2:25
Heavenly Father: Please teach us to shed “Churchianity” which seeks to bring honor, glory, and growth into OUR ministries and OUR coffers. For the majority of those who are supposed to represent You, it is not, first and foremost, about advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. We remind ourselves that Judas betrayed the Lord with a KISS. Let us not repeat his grievous error and confuse the meaning of the word Love with physical acts that bring about no eternal change. Let us not sell out our fellow humanity for 30 pieces of silver. We REPENT of placing the idol of Mammon before you God Almighty, in our hearts. We repent for our cowardice in not lovingly calling out the spirit of perversion. Tear down our idols, Lord. Teach us to have an eternal perspective which builds up treasures in heaven where the moths cannot eat it, nor rust corrode it. We pray this prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Name above all names. Amen.