Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly Lubricant
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Fertile Cervical Fluids or Pre-Seed?
Why is Pre-Seed Lubricant Applied Inside?
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We not only answer FAQs about Pre-Seed on our site, but also FAQs about Trying To Conceive!  


Here are some of the questions we tackle:  

Where Is Pre-Seed At My Store?

Pre-Seed is available at CVS, Walgreens, Duane Reade and Target stores across the country.


Based on the store, Pre-Seed is either next to other lubricants or next to the pregnancy tests.


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August 22, 2012
This month we started featuring in-depth posts about some of the most popular questions we receive from Pre-Seed users. Included below are answers to questions about why Pre-Seed is applied internally and how to tell the difference between Pre-Seed and your own fertile fluids. Coming up over the next 2 weeks, you can look for answers to questions about when to use Pre-Seed and what makes Pre-Seed different.

We are always happy to answer your questions that aren't covered here too, send them to [email protected]!
Fertile Cervical Fluids or Pre-Seed?
How to tell if it's fertile cervical fluid or Pre-Seed; Waterfall photo by Dr. E's son Rayne Changes in cervical fluids ("cervical mucus") are one of the best indicators of when a woman is fertile. Tracking the quality of cervical fluids can help identify peak fertile days.

TTC gals are often using Pre-Seed Personal Lubricant when they are ovulating and producing "egg white cervical mucus" or EWCM. Pre-Seed looks and feels very similar to fertile cervical fluids (including having the same pH and salt concentration). We often get asked how women can tell if the secretions "down under" are their own EWCM or Pre-Seed. Read More...
Top Reasons TTC Women use Pre-Seed
Why is Pre-Seed lubricant applied inside?
How to use Pre-Seed sperm-friendly lubricant applicators
I designed Pre-Seed to be applied inside the vagina by use of an applicator so that the fertility-friendly moisture can coat the whole internal vagina and cervical opening.

Placing Pre-Seed inside the vagina enhances the comfort of intimacy and supplements inadequate fertile secretions. Using Pre-Seed this way better mimics the fluids a woman's body naturally makes. In fact, in a 2010 survey over 50% of women used Pre-Seed to supplement their fertile secretions and 80% of these women felt that Pre-Seed improved the quality of their secretions. Read More...
Chronic stress can be bad for your overall health. For couples trying to get pregnant this can mean the stress of infertility can actually make it harder to conceive by adding more complications. Last month Dr. E shared some tips on how to put the love-making back in baby-making.


We also have inspirational boards at Pinterest where we share insight about TTC, from good things to eat and read to ideas for healthy living and relaxing. Check out the information we share at and our social media sites, and let us know what else you are interested in!


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