Womens History Month • March 2023

Impacting Lives & Improving Homes

In your community

Impact Cares Presents...

Chicks with Tools. March is Women in History Month and the 2023 theme is "Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories." This month we celebrate the women in our history and the women of our future, those women who step out of their comfort zones and into our story; those women who are helping us write our story and those women who will tell our story for decades to come.


Glascow Trails MHC: Tyler Texas

Highlights from the Field Team


  • 53 Volunteers
  • 205 Meals Served
  • 35 Improvements
  • 72 Homes Helped
  • 5 Decks Built
  • 5 Handicap Ramp Built
  • 1 Decks Repaired

To all those we were able to help:

"You deserve this. It was our pleasure." DF

Our Stories...

Being a 55 year old woman who can use power tools has made me feel so strong and empowered! When I started with Impact Cares, I had helped my husband with many home improvement projects, but I didn't know an impact driver from a drill, or a jig saw from a Sawzall. Shoot! I was scared of those saws!! But now I can use most of our tools with skill and precision...even those saws! Plus, it's pretty fun to help other women also learn how to be a "chick with tools"! 

Laurie (Impact Cares Field Team)


Hero Spotlight

Sue is a lovely resident at one of our communities, Sue and her adopted son, Loren. Sue met Loren when he was four days old, fell in love instantly and took him home forever. Loren was a special needs infant and needed 24 hour care. Today at age 22, Loren is disabled, cannot walk, or talk, and is given to seizures, but he is happy and loved – and Sue loves him as much today as the first moment she laid eyes on him. She has given her life to caring for him. Impact Cares poured a sidewalk through the gravel in front of their home so they could access to go outside. Sue worked right along side of the team through the entire process. Sue is our HERO. Not because of her volunteer efforts - but because of what she does for her son, and what she did for us!

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